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Attackpoint - performance and training tools for orienteering athletes

R Knee, Iliotibial Band Syndrome

2011-07-25 – 2011-08-10

Grade: 1

due to uneven sidewalk surface. tried running in the middle of the road where its flat, felt better.
Stretching, icing hip strengthening and massage with rolling pin
trying to run 70 km with this --
see what happens

August 3 - doing a lot more training didn't help. But at least I can run with it and put up a huge running volume the past week. Did some deep tissue massage and icing. Will try to rest for 2 to 3 days or so. Better healed than going into race day injured.

August 5 - slight pain compared to previous 2 days after massaging. No apparent pain during a 5k test run and bike back home.

pain in itb is caused by tight glute and tensor fascia muscles pulling the itb causing it to rub against the bone when the knees are bent. Resting during a flu helped in full recovery.

rest due to a flu has really helped healing ITB completely.

Find the tight muscle spots and massage it 2 x a day until you feel some relief.