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Attackpoint - performance and training tools for orienteering athletes

Cold (Sick)

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Average recovery time: 12 days

Recorded Instances

Gar-357 daysdetails
Ecmo-234 daysdetails
jemmerson-24 daysdetails
Jubby-13 daysdetails
RGI-11 daysdetails
Jwchter-7 daysdetails
skoeld-5 daysdetails
LC-2 daystook Sat. and Sunday off. over training and didn't flush out the sinuses from the pool. details
johannesh-2 daysdetails
Georgia-2 daysdetails
ultrajen-1 daysdetails
lillFigge-1 daysdetails
ultrajen-1 daysdetails
Mal-1 daysdetails
jmnipen0 daysdetails
rangermike0 daysdetails
Swisscheese0 daysdetails
pcbrent0 daysKilled the cold by doing lots of training.details
Strand0 daysdetails
HillRunner0 daysdetails
Aksu0 daysdetails
runrodrun0 daysdetails
Rich0 daysdetails
JonasB0 daysdetails
timbercomp0 daysday off work, sleep during the day, jog the day after, all seems to be back on track.details
gclover0 daysdetails
richf0 daysdetails
jrock0 daysdetails
richf0 daysdetails
richf0 daysdetails
ms treegarden0 daysdetails
Strand0 daysdetails
mpage0 daysNothing accept a small stomach pain, probably from sister she is very sick.details
schnitzer0 daysdetails
schnitzer0 daysdetails
Hedis0 daysdetails
JL0 daysGick över framåt dagen, men lite smak av förkylning fortsatt.details
olebaath0 daysdetails
yougogirl0 daysdetails
yougogirl0 daysVilade en dag för att inte bryta ut någotdetails
eliskasie0 daysdetails
alan1 daysProbably not cold but withdrawl from nasal steroid.details
slauenstein1 dayslots and lots of sleep, and a hot pad on my chest!details
michaeladams1 daysdetails
dcady1 daysIt just went away.details
Tundra/Desert1 daysCured with 2×(5 g C + 4× cimetidine).details
Mini Turbo1 daysdetails
Flea1 daysdetails
c30443701 daysdetails
GM1 daysdetails
forsbergskan1 daysVitlök och vila är bästa medicinen!details
OLofsson1 daysdetails
dawob1 daysdetails
dcady1 daysBoth A and B had had a bug so I think it was something going around. Really minor but I didn't want to ignore it.details
pjw211 daysdetails
mindsweeper1 daysdetails
AJ1 daysdetails
olle711 daysdetails
davtheflav1 daysdetails
Macca1 daysdetails
Ezy1 daysdetails
Sanni1 daysdetails
JonasB1 daysdetails
cmorse1 daysrecognized onset quickly, went home from work had soup, vitamin I, rest - symptoms dissipated quickly... whew...details
Philipp1 daysdetails
dariusz1 daysWahrscheinlich etwas wenig Früchte gegessen. Aber es war nie schlimm.details
Fabi1 daysRien...details
jpeters1 daysdetails
mrs.nosnhoj1 daysdetails
that_gun_kid1 daysdetails
Philipp1 daysdetails
jesse16121 daysdetails
kwruck1 daysdetails
Terkelsen1 daysdetails
mindsweeper1 daysdetails
Ged1 daysdetails
JonasB1 daysdetails
Strand1 daysAntagligen en förkylning från den jävla 16-bussen till Lindholmen där hela världens förkylningar antagligen huserar.details
Elvis1 daysdetails
nmulder1 daysdetails
Gooder1 daysRest and drink lotsdetails
andzs1 daysdetails
thekrinkle1 daysshort little nothing colddetails
lpyle1 daysdetails
ikd1 daysdetails
Santi1 daysdetails
HenrikGj1 daysdetails
forsbergskan1 daysdetails
HenrikGj1 daysdetails
mrs.nosnhoj1 daysdetails
HenrikGj1 daysdetails
putte1 daysdetails
kokos1 daysdetails
JL1 daysdetails
putte1 dayskan ha berott på att jag blev kall efter höstcupavslutningendetails
JL1 daysdetails
putte1 daysdetails
runner_pucci1 daysdetails
Becks1 daysSlept an enormous amount.details
Tingis1 daysgissningsvis till följd av för lite vila i förhållande till träning och annan aktivitet så som skola.details
runrodrun1 daysdetails
Tingis1 dayssamma "wisdom" som för en dryg månad sedan men vad gör man träningarna ligger på kvällen och skolan tidigt på morgonen:)details
Månsen1 daysdetails
forsbergskan1 daysdetails
LuT1 daysdetails
AidanMcC1 daysdetails
Hedis1 daysdetails
HenrikGj1 daysdetails
Tingis1 daysförkylningen försvann men några tre/fyra dagar senare blev jag ganska snorig och trött i huvudet (någon slags eftersläng)details
JonasB1 daysdetails
Luca D.1 daysdetails
hagi1 daysdetails
darryn1 daysdetails
noken1 daysdetails
Rckymtnbiker1 daysdetails
joni1 daysdetails
Pajėda1 daysdetails
Steffen1 daysdetails
olmarkus1 daysdetails
Tingis1 daysDålig sömn under veckan förmodligen.details
Nathan1 daysA lot of rest and sleep today paracetamol and lemsips details
Run_Bosco1 daysdetails
Jagge1 daysdetails
dariusz1 daysdetails
ol.micke1 daysTog det lungtdetails
gaffelman1 daysdetails
gclover1 daysdetails
gclover1 daysdetails
ol.micke1 daysVila direkt och fint med honungsvatten.details
igorun1 daysMore sleep, took a rest day.details
Cath1 daysdetails
simenru1 daysdetails
jonny crickmore1 daysdetails
ol.micke1 daysdetails
dariusz1 daysdetails
JuhaM1 daysdetails
Brooner1 daysdetails
annawallin1 daysdetails
Marius1 daysdetails
balcius1 daysdetails
Strand1 daysdetails
StephHurry1 daysdetails
nealont11 daysdetails
coach1 daysWent awaydetails
helehan1 daysdetails
annawallin1 daysdetails
annawallin1 daysdetails
annawallin1 daysdetails
annawallin1 daysdetails
jys1 daysGick över relativt fort. Vilade från skidor den 2:e och den 3:e åkte jag relativt lugnt. Sen kändes det ok.details
ms treegarden1 daysdetails
Strand1 daysdetails
Chris1 daysdetails
flanbg1 daysdetails
Thompass1 daysdetails
JonasB1 daysdetails
Strand1 daysdetails
shabar1 daysdetails
Tobben1 daysdetails
MichelleVR1 daysVitB injection. details
igor_1 daysdetails
Jonas Detterfelt1 daysdetails
MCrone1 daysdetails
bealaw1 daysHot Lemon againdetails
jys1 daysdetails
Aippa1 daysdetails
Aippa1 daysdetails
Aippa1 daysdetails
Aippa1 daysdetails
Aippa1 daysdetails
Josse1 daysdetails
PoMa14451 daysHát ez nem tartott sokáig... Egy reggeli gyömbéres tea, és egy kiadós futás segített rajta. Azért még holnap is megnézem, hogy marad-e ígydetails
Up2date1 daysdetails
joni1 daysdetails
ChristianeT1 daysdetails
nmulder1 daysdetails
annanisi1 daysdetails
sämi_k1 daysdetails
JoeHudd1 daysdetails
JoeHudd1 daysdetails
Shingo1 daysA one day wonder!details
Hadron Collider 1 daysdetails
susiethebear1 daysdetails
lilicob1 daysdetails
Thompass1 daysdetails
AliS1 daysdetails
RHF1 daysdetails
HA_Training1 daysdetails
LOST_Richard1 daysMostly good 24 hours details
Chris981 daysWhen working in strong cold rain and wind wear waterproof gloves and jacket. Staying warm and dry needs to become a priority. details
jys1 daysdetails
RHF1 daysdetails
susiethebear1 daysdetails
nmulder1 daysdetails
olebaath1 daysdetails
Isak Lundholm1 daysdetails
pepa.1 daysschlafen.details
yougogirl1 daysTog två vilodagar, käkade en halstablett, drack mycket vatten, sov mer o sen släppte detdetails
yougogirl1 daysvilade från träning i 2 dagardetails
Pia W2 days details
IF only2 daysdetails
robw2 daysclassic case of having a lot of other things as well as hard training, caught it just in time probably otherwise might have been a lot more time off.details
Mick2 daysdetails
jfredrickson2 daysIt just went away.details
dcady2 daysImmune system must have fought it off. Didn't really amount to anything significant. Only took 500 mg of vit C and two ibuprofen on day one.details
div2 daysdetails
bedders2 daysdetails
bigbluemarble2 daysdetails
div2 daysdetails
YouRNotHere2 daysI'm recovered from slight cold and feeling really good, actually. I think the rest day on Tuesday helped a lot.details
Jerritt2 daysdetails
Qbranch2 daysTook the day completely off and resisted the urge to train to spend the day taking as much sleep and fluids as possible. Took vitamin C and neocitrin to make it all bearable.details
Pia W2 daysdetails
wetware2 daysdosed vit C, tried to rest. Seems mostly gone now.details
olle712 daysdetails
Flatfoot2 dayslots of sleepdetails
IndyBass2 daysdetails
DanielaL2 daysdetails
matt_parton2 daysTake a day off when you need todetails
swat2 daysdetails
slauenstein2 daysdetails
candyman2 daysStaying away from Tom Q didn't help.details
mrs.nosnhoj2 daysdetails
Hilary2 daysdetails
Tundra/Desert2 daysWent away by itself quickly (took lots of Vitamin C when Belle was sick).details
Ryan the Lion2 daysdetails
olle712 daysdetails
pdonars2 dayslots of rest and fluids details
Mick2 daysdetails
nmulder2 daysdetails
dcady2 daysdetails
candyman2 daysgod knows, didn't think I should be sick again...details
candyman2 daysdetails
rossmnfg2 daysdetails
ink_212 daysdetails
forsbergskan2 daysdetails
kokos2 daysWhiskey!details
manne2 daysHad lots of hot tea and lots of water. Tried to sleep and rest as much as possible.details
Fly'n2 daysdetails
RLShadow2 daysdetails
HansE2 daysdetails
andrius2 daysdetails
Sarah2 daysdetails
AliC2 daysSo easy to get over! Healthy within 3 days, awesome!details
camel2 daysdetails
fletch2 daysDon't let kids go to day care??? Or kiss you when they are slobbery and snotty...details
Swisscheese2 daysRest at the beginning. If I don't have a fever I can pretty early start to do some easy movement... helps the immune system.details
Jagge2 daysdetails
Bommy T2 daysdetails
olle712 daysdetails
theshadow2 daysI took my day off on Mon because I felt tired and then got sick on Tues anyway. Maybe should have taken that day off a day sooner. ginger, garlic and a couple of days off training and I feel good againdetails
mindsweeper2 daysdetails
loefaas2 daysdetails
Ptr2 daysdetails
Katelyn2 daysdetails
Morten2 daysdetails
Macca2 daysdetails
nomiii2 daysnice and quick.details
OJ2 daysThat was better than expected, it just sort of went away.details
loefaas2 daysdetails
Keith2 daysdetails
uge2 daysHandled very nicely, I increased my Vit C intake through oranges, tried for more sleep and rest and dealt with it in about 2 days. I don't think I lost any fitness and in fact the rest was probably very neccessary!details
mood2 daysI really just felt sick for one day (friday) but I decided to rest on saturday as well just to be safe. Weird...details
candyman2 daysYes, I know, I know I was being stupid and overdid things... still it was a good kick-start back in to training I promise to be more sensible now....details
mm-ha2 daysdetails
Tooms2 daysdetails
Nadim2 daysI mostly stayed inside, got sleep and didn't go to the planned o-meet. details
Skinorge062 daysdetails
Dehydrated2 daysno cyclingdetails
jeepzon2 daysdetails
Philipp2 daysdetails
pixie2 daysDefinately old age...details
richard_b2 daysdetails
JonasB2 daysdetails
mattrooke2 daystook a day off and feeling ok easy run just to get some fresh air todaydetails
Steffen2 daysdetails
mantutiss2 daysdetails
Steffen2 daysdetails
jendmurphy2 daysDid 3 days in a row of orienteering cause this? Only thing that helped me get better was being horizontal and doing absolutely nothing for a good two days. Not much fun.details
ken2 daysdetails
Swisscheese2 daysdetails
Aksu2 daysdetails
Keith2 daysdetails
game.boy2 daysdetails
JoS2 daysdetails
JanO2 daysdetails
c.underwood2 daysdetails
loefaas2 daysdetails
Fabi2 daysRepos.details
forsbergskan2 daysdetails
schnitzer2 daysdetails
feike2 daysdetails
Oxoman2 daysdetails
Fabi2 daysRepos... details
Mini Turbo2 daysdetails
balcius2 daysdetails
kokos2 daysdetails
Andrew Feucht2 daysdetails
conör2 daysdetails
kwruck2 daysdetails
Marius2 daysdetails
Jagge2 daysdetails
Mini Turbo2 daysdetails
bdunn2 daysdetails
Juuso2 daysdetails
vzabalza2 daysdetails
Durendal2 daysDo not train when having mild stress-cold.details
driesvdk2 days- not enough sleep - alcohol (chimay) - 2 days of 25-30km running - not enough food - victory and feeling of reliefdetails
bestes2 daysSleep!details
KPittman2 dayshydrogen peroxide inhalerdetails
swat2 daysdetails
Ryan the Lion2 daysdetails
loudmansam2 daysRest and drugsdetails
Craney2 daysdetails
ken2 daysdetails
loudmansam2 daysdetails
andersbo2 daysLugnt.details
Mona2 daysfocused on how actually I'm feeling pretty good!details
andyd2 daysdetails
putte2 daysklä på sig..details
putte2 daysdetails
JoS2 daysdetails
putte2 daysdetails
Ollie2 daysdetails
A.Child2 daysdetails
dlking2 daysdetails
ktshoe22 daysdetails
Daniels2 daysdetails
JL2 daysKan bara berott på kylan och inte något virus eller nån bakterie.details
Oestlin2 daysdetails
rexmundi2 daysdetails
HenrikGj2 daysdetails
Rosco2 dayslots of sleep!details
TaylorP2 daysdetails
Thoto2 daysViel Zitrone + Zwiebelteedetails
shanel2 daysdetails
loefaas2 daysdetails
Clone2 daysdetails
tarmoq2 daysdetails
Tooms2 daysdetails
dabond2 daysdetails
Keith2 daysGood rest.details
coach2 daysdetails
Whitesheep2 daysdetails
Tingis2 dayssäkert på grund av att jag tog ut mig hårt under flera dagar på JVM.details
undy2 daysdetails
CHARLIE-B2 daysdetails
cousteau2 daysdetails
Tooms2 daysdetails
kh2 daystime off immediately prevented onsetdetails
mmace2 daysdetails
Ajda2 daysdetails
Hedis2 daysdetails
tommi2 daysdetails
Ptr2 daysVaccinproblemdetails
KingTim2 daysdetails
ChristianeT2 daysdetails
Charles.2 daysdetails
Ali2 daysdetails
bendover2 daysdetails
Tingis2 daysdetails
cissi2 daysdetails
schoebi872 daysdetails
Swisscheese2 daysdetails
Bambi on ice2 daysdetails
Bambi on ice2 daysdetails
christiaang2 daysdetails
Hedis2 daysdetails
GZs2 daysdetails
xctimo2 daysdetails
gaffelman2 daysdetails
jonny crickmore2 daysdetails
Tingis2 daysdetails
ChristianeT2 daysdetails
schnitzer2 daysdetails
Desmond2 daysdetails
Keith2 daysdetails
mm-ha2 daysdetails
jsjöberg2 daysBlev lite hostig och snuvig men kände mig pigg på tävlingen och även dagen efter!details
db2 daysdetails
CleverSky2 daysOr maybe it was just a pretty serious hay fever attack, don't know, but in any case I'm thankful that it didn't hang around.details
sberg2 daysdetails
Roger T2 daysdetails
duxma2 daysdetails
Adde2 daysdetails
OJ2 daysdetails
DrKeith2 daysRest!details
ol.micke2 daysvila direktdetails
skoeld2 daysdetails
Päkä2 daysdetails
silkychrome2 daysdrank loads of tea and slept a lot!details
Thoto2 daysdetails
obewan2 daysdetails
mcqueen2 daysdetails
dariusz2 daysdetails
Siggi2 daysdetails
D2 daysdetails
carbon2 daysdetails
JonasB2 daysdetails
fn2 daysVerkade bara vara en 2 dagars förkylning.details
szbotond2 daysdetails
Roger G2 daysdetails
LisaC2 daysdetails
seswarbreck2 daysdetails
yolomolo2 daysdetails
piero2 daysBe patient.details
ToddO2 daysDidn't actually bother me on the recce on Sunday. Maybe the salt-water gargling killed the bugs.details
Badger2 daysCaught from Matthewdetails
JustMe2 daysdetails
Steffen2 daysdetails
Tooms2 daysdetails
Pellervo2 daysdetails
JoS2 daysdetails
LisaC2 daysdetails
helehan2 daysdetails
Ansgar2 daysdetails
dariusz2 daysdetails
annawallin2 daysdetails
marcusm2 daysdetails
Poogy2 daysdetails
bestes2 daysSleep and fresh air.details
gwilliams2 daysdetails
PVA2 daysdetails
Sarah2 daysdetails
Meli2 daysdetails
Andrew2 daysdetails
iansmith2 daysdetails
MCrone2 daysdetails
Oestlin2 daysdetails
balcius2 daysdetails
mvuk2 daysdetails
Jonas Detterfelt2 daysdetails
salal2 daysdetails
Tingis2 daysdetails
Keith2 daysdetails
TimM2 daysdetails
BigAl2 daysdetails
MichelleVR2 daysdetails
Strand2 daysEn hel del sjuka på samlingen i lördags som troligen smittade hela gänget.details
carladams2 daysdetails
JL2 daysdetails
sajmoen2 daysFör lite vila dagarna inpå. Såg till att vila mycket, dricka te och ta Ipren. details
MichelleVR2 daysdetails
ViktoriaE2 daysdetails
Hämis2 daysdetails
havarti2 daysdetails
Tooms2 daysdetails
TomiKä2 daysdetails
Kurt2 daysdetails
TomiKä2 daysChilling out helped to recovery before the cold really got baddetails
Tooms2 daysdetails
Brentman2 daysdetails
Flakey2 daysdetails
Davidm08112 daysdetails
axelhalvar2 daysKänns som den är borta, körde saltlösning och Kan Jang. Känns som förkylningen var på gång i Bruksvallarna.details
Jonas Detterfelt2 daysdetails
Boje2 daysdetails
jys2 daysViladetails
shabar2 daysdetails
monika982 daysdetails
PoMa14452 daysdetails
Hedis2 daysdetails
DrKeith2 daysdetails
Slar2 daysdetails
guerfondler2 daysdetails
duncanarcher2 daysdetails
balcius2 daysdetails
DrKeith2 daysRest and paracetamoldetails
Kurt2 daysdetails
torbensfunk2 daysdetails
Eki2 daysdetails
axelhalvar2 daysdetails
pius2 daysdetails
Clone2 daysdetails
pinyata2 daysdetails
jys2 daysdetails
Leves2 daysdetails
Limpan892 daysdetails
T - runner2 daysdetails
hughmac42 daysdetails
tbl2 daysdetails
Clone2 daysdetails
FralezOLer2 daysdetails
susiethebear2 daysdetails
Miha2 daysdetails
Guisborough12 daysdetails
gaffelman2 daysdetails
tbl2 daysdetails
tbl2 daysdetails
BenSquire2 daysdetails
susiethebear2 daysnasonex!?!details
Gar2 daysdetails
Kalgman2 daysdetails
andrew_elwood2 daysdetails
Bomb2 daysdetails
Ptr2 daysdetails
axelhalvar2 daysVet ej vad det var men gick över åtminstone details
Mr Wonderful2 daysdetails
jys2 daysdetails
BP2 daysdetails
joni2 daysdetails
Ptr2 daysdetails
BP2 daysdetails
Shingo2 daysdetails
Thompass2 daysdetails
jys2 daysVila!details
BenSquire2 daysdetails
jys2 daysdetails
balcius2 daysdetails
pepa.2 daysdetails
Otto2 daysdetails
salal2 daysdetails
Chari2 daysdetails
Ptr2 daysdetails
Bruce2 daysdetails
pepa.2 daysdetails
Dooby2 daysdetails
PVA2 daysdetails
Otto2 daysdetails
Dalton2 daysdetails
schnitzer2 daysdetails
BGozza2 dayscaused by a cold cross country race and my parents thinking it is coviddetails
Hugginator2 daysdetails
Hugginator2 daysdetails
TadasK2 daysdetails
Eric Johansson2 daysFort gick det vilket var skönt. Testade mig både idag och igår och det var negativt. Skönt med två vilodagr men nu r det bak to bussniesdetails
aronhellgren2 daysdetails
sofiawigle2 daysFör lite återhämtningdetails
Faceplant2 daysSleep.details
Faceplant2 daysSleep.details
annanisi2 daysdetails
tbl2 daysViladetails
Erik 2 daysdetails
Hugginator2 daysdetails
olebaath2 daysdetails
TH2 daysdetails
nosnhoj2 daysdetails
adventuretom2 daysdetails
piero2 daysdetails
Frozen Fries2 daysdetails
Raz2 daysdetails
Geiler OLer2 daysdetails
JamieG2 daysdetails
susiethebear2 daysdetails
JamieG2 daysdetails
Geiler OLer2 daysdetails
Josse2 daysdetails
Rowan2 daysdetails
slauenstein3 daysIf Marc gets sick, I should put myself into quarantine for a week, take lots of vitamin C, and drink lots of tea, not have a busy week with different social events and try to train 2 hours a day... stupid!details
Benjamin G3 daysdetails
tdgood3 daysPretty much took the week off trying to get over it as quick as possible.details
Rachel3 daysdetails
Runodk3 daysdetails
RJM3 daysrest and fluids. no idea why this came up now, after a previous bout through the family only a month ago... and noone else has caught it yet (oct 4).details
nmulder3 daysDon't orienteer with a cold.details
bishop223 daysdetails
mrs.nosnhoj3 daysdetails
Slice3 daysdetails
Reef3 daysdetails
Wonkey Donkey3 daysdetails
Slice3 daysdetails
Yukon King3 daysdetails
Neil K3 daysdetails
MikeS3 daysdetails
Wonkey Donkey3 daysdetails
kerie3 daysdetails
Nick3 daysdetails
Dalen3 daysdetails
justwah3 daysdetails
PhilW3 daysProbably allergies, though I did clean out my nostrils more frequently with the rhinohorn details
jwolff3 daysdetails
jjcote3 daysdetails
ADTongue3 daysDont normally get colds, so it was probably due to spending hours in the rain and cold. Just eating right and sleeping lots corrected itdetails
easy-rider3 daysNeed to balance workouts and rest taking in account weather changes. Hey, cold/flu season isn't over yet in NY.details
Runodk3 daysdetails
eddys3 daysdetails
Arlaharen3 daysdetails
candyman3 daysstay away from people from Finland.details
olle713 daysdetails
BanjoLasse3 daysdetails
Ryan the Lion3 daysEased off the training and avoided getting too colddetails
eddys3 daysdetails
marieke3 daysdetails
rocky3 daysrest, echinace and neo citron at night helped recoverydetails
kokos3 dayssömn!details
zimmi3 daystake it a bit easier for some days. maybe party after a hard day was not the best! but soical live is also impotant:-)details
Bender3 daysdetails
..3 daysgalva vis dar plysta, bet liga lyg dingo..details
Alibongo3 daysdetails
Haze3 daysdetails
LittleBit3 daysdetails
jlf3 daysSo glad I spent 2 days inside on sofa eating well and actually taking care of myself. Recovered really quickly for me! Obviously pays to stop IMMEDIATELY I feel the cold starting...details
KingTim3 days8.5 hours' sleep seemed to do the trick.details
Bruce3 daysearly to bed a couple of nights in a row, and a rest day from running.details
Stolle3 daysdetails
vandy66163 daysGot lots of sleepdetails
AndyB3 daysDrink Orange Juice!details
Keith3 daysdetails
camel3 daysdetails
grroes3 daysFully recovered by Monday morning after first feeling sick Friday afternoon.details
Craig3 daysdetails
POSTee3 daysdetails
Rachel3 daysdetails
MTBjen3 daysdetails
Andy Hyslop3 daysdetails
Tooms3 daysdetails
forsbergskan3 daysdetails
forsbergskan3 daysdetails
forsbergskan3 daysdetails
Hobitas3 daysdetails
nomiii3 daysjust slept for ages and it got better...details
mood3 daysAntar att det är nollningens fel.... Men man lär ju vara med för att lära känna klassen.details
forsbergskan3 daysdetails
K'lea3 daysmayb the flu jab earlier in the year helped? Only lasted 3 days!!!details
camel3 daysdetails
ba-ba3 daysdetails
nomiii3 daysdetails
mattrooke3 daysProbably picked up something last week, also had a heavy night out which couldn't do my immune system any good. Felt more tired than I should have been over the weekend which was probably a sign the something wasn't right but I wasn't going to miss the CSC Final. No training for 3 days and I feel a lot betterdetails
Grafaz3 daysReikejo siulciau apsirengti begant LT paskutine diena.details
Pooleta3 daysdetails
mantutiss3 daysdetails
Poolio3 daysCaught from Raquel. Vit C supplements.details
Grafaz3 daysdetails
Trekker3 daysdetails
Honkie3 daysdetails
KingTim3 daysdetails
Pooleta3 daysCaused by rushing around so much in the few days after getting back from Portugal. Rested a couple of days, then just carried on training once I could actually breathe through my nose again!details
Bomb3 daysdetails
zimmi3 daysdetails
zimmi3 daysdetails
cortelmcm3 daysdetails
Nookie Junkie3 daysdetails
salal3 daysdetails
ken3 daysdetails
Craney3 daysdetails
Swisscheese3 daysTook it really easy at the first symptoms.details
DarrenFG3 daysdetails
Honkie3 daysdetails
ycartwhelen3 daysdetails
kokos3 daysdetails
Philipp3 daysdetails
LL3 daysdetails
RobP3 daysdetails
Keith3 daysrecovery helped by inhaltion of heliumdetails
bestes3 daysZicam & Nyquil!details
jed3 daysdetails
schnitzer3 daysdetails
oystein3 daysdetails
tlongley3 daysRunning in the cold plus house mate.details
Shrek3 daysPikku nuhaa vielä. Aika nopeasti meni ohi. Kuumaa mehua ja Itävallasta tuotuja flunssalääkkeitä. Yksi lepopäivä poissa töistä.details
JoS3 daysdetails
Mini Turbo3 daysdetails
Sarah3 daysdetails
Aksu3 daysdetails
cpn3 daysdetails
Spongey3 daysdetails
salal3 daysdetails
Ally3 daysdetails
Boltboi3 daysdetails
swat3 daysdetails
Hedis3 daysdetails
vosvos3 daysdetails
Keith3 daysdetails
dabond3 daysdetails
Strand3 daysdåligt med återhämtning efter högintensivt läger.details
spilka3 daysdetails
theshadow3 daysno training and a couple of chill days. details
Rosco3 daysdetails
KaleeRicks3 daysdetails
mcqueen3 daysMore wool!details
forsbergskan3 daysdetails
Steffen3 daysdetails
thegingerninja3 daysRest and healthy eating.details
0073 daysdetails
Karhunpentu 3 daysdetails
andyd3 daysdetails
theshadow3 daysdetails
tlongley3 daysdetails
putte3 daysdetails
Pia W3 daysdetails
msmum3 daysdetails
mm-ha3 daysdetails
OJ3 daysdetails
Marius3 daysdetails
bendover3 daysjust a swift cold bug really. working hard, probably a bit tired, a race and a long day of driving left me a bit drained and susceptible to this. dealt with it quickly and sensibly though. details
leper3 daysonly bad for ~24 hrs, reduced to minor sniffle nowdetails
salal3 daysdetails
Delaney3 daysCause: Sleep Deprivationdetails
joshblatch3 daysdetails
Nick Mead3 daysdetails
RobP3 daysdetails
Rosco3 daysNipped in bud - vitamins, strepsils and rest.details
Strand3 daysFör lite sömn under 25-mannahelgen och inte tillräckligt med återhämtning efter det. Kände att något var "fel" redan under torsdag-fredag men bröt ut först lördag kväll.details
HansE3 daysdetails
jendmurphy3 daysdetails
mood3 daysdetails
Pia W3 daysdetails
karen3 daysdetails
nikospetros3 daysdetails
KingTim3 daysdetails
hoboGO3 daysrestdetails
tlongley3 daysdetails
andyd3 daysdetails
noken3 daysdetails
Will.Tucker3 daysdetails
JonasB3 daysdetails
bradc3 daysdetails
Jamie Stevenson3 daysJust a few days restdetails
andyd3 daysdetails
Try Athlete3 daysCause: dipping into very cold water. Resolution: Nothing really: just getting trough it. details
JL3 daysSover för lite.details
Ernie_wise3 daysdetails
Bruce3 daysdetails
shanel3 daysdetails
Terkelsen3 daysLepo. Burana C. Sarvikuono. Skate 3. Angry Birds.details
mvuk3 daysdetails
JL3 daysSova kanske, men vet inte. Fan!details
Ptr3 daysdetails
balcius3 daysdetails
JonasB3 daysdetails
Ali3 daysdetails
Marius3 daysdetails
jake3 daysLack of recovery last week.details
mushy_pea3 daysdetails
Thraws3 daysdetails
Jimmy Larsson3 daysdetails
noken3 daysdetails
kurthu3 daysdetails
michaeladams3 daysdetails
Stijn3 daysdetails
Jules3 daysdetails
Thraws3 daysdetails
Pete3 daysdetails
ChristianeT3 daysdetails
Swisscheese3 daysdetails
Nick Mead3 daysdetails
OJ3 daysdetails
Stryder3 daysdetails
Ptr3 daysSova å ta det lugnt..details
Saz3 daysDay off work and riding definitely helped. details
Dansk3 daysdetails
Hedis3 daysdetails
Cruachan3 daysdetails
Miller Time3 daysdetails
Skid1853 daysdetails
Laurita3 daysdetails
Fabi3 daysRepos et patiencedetails
AngrySeagull3 daysdetails
KathaRue3 daysdetails
Möhkis3 daysdetails
Boltboi3 daysdetails
JoS3 daysdetails
MegaJoule3 daysdetails
mm-ha3 daysdetails
H.Becker3 daysJust a common cold but just a few days off was enough to get over it. details
Roger T3 daysdetails
Spartacus3 daysdetails
db3 daysdetails
HansE3 daysdetails
candyman3 daysdetails
silkychrome3 daysprobably caused by big training and not enough sleep. took naps over the weekend and a rest day on monday.details
Tooms3 daysdetails
xcsnowskier143 daysShort cold, recovered in a couple days ready for the next training camp!details
Keith3 daysdetails
ms treegarden3 daysdetails
Brooner3 daysdetails
christiaang3 daysdetails
karen3 daysdetails
salal3 daysdetails
nivrac683 daysdetails
Rosco3 daysdetails
Purko3 daysdetails
kookoo3 daysdetails
nivrac683 daysdetails
PoJo3 daysdetails
0073 daysdetails
CrunchingNumbers3 daysdetails
Mitch783 daysdetails
Ptr3 daysdetails
PoJo3 daysdetails
Charles.3 daysdetails
Charles.3 daysdetails
Jay-T3 daysdetails
JonasB3 daysdetails
gaffelman3 daysdetails
Sanni3 daysdetails
Pieter3 daysdetails
lostrunner243 daysdetails
Rosstopher3 daysLikely a cold or flu virus, but a really severe case for me.details
runninghils3 daysdetails
awilkinson3 daysdetails
Strand3 daysdetails
Tingis3 daysDåligt med sömn var nog orsaken.details
JoS3 daysdetails
simenru3 daysdetails
bendover3 daysdetails
Sarah3 daysdetails
PoJo3 daysdetails
johannesh3 daysdetails
Meli3 daysdetails
mpytt3 daysdetails
Pieter3 daysdetails
Arlaharen3 daysdetails
KingTim3 daysdetails
PoJo3 daysdetails
hughmac43 daysQuit kissing babies. Yeah, good luck.details
TortoiseTam3 daysdetails
Macca3 daysdetails
nmulder3 daysdetails
pepa.3 daysdetails
All-in3 daysdetails
mmace3 daysdetails
Ivano3 daysdetails
skyhigh3 daysdetails
Päkä3 daysdetails
gerardhiggins3 daysdetails
Dalton3 daysdetails
annawallin3 daysdetails
TDK3 daysdetails
Hedis3 daysdetails
ms treegarden3 daysdetails
SShaheen3 daysAirborne!!details
RJM3 daysdetails
Steve R3 daysdetails
duncanarcher3 daysdetails
salal3 daysdetails
hansolo3 daysdetails
LR3 daysdetails
Hedis3 daysdetails
GZs3 daysdetails
Gytė3 daysdetails
PatrickGarcia3 daysdetails
Steffen3 daysdetails
Knutern973 daysdetails
chelsealuttrall3 daysAmazing! I tried the zinc in the early stages like the doc said, and was only sick for 2 days! That never happens! Usually it's like 2 weeks!details
salal3 daysdetails
gwilliams3 daysdetails
runforest3 daysdetails
MSoutham3 daysdetails
Tajda3 daysdetails
chelsealuttrall3 daysCold was result of overexertion last week after recovering from Mono (headache causing issues). Gotta ramp it up slowly again. I still have the sniffles, but the bulk of the cold is behind me I think. details
Meli3 daysdetails
KingTim3 daysdetails
Misha3 daysdetails
Lavigaattori3 daysdetails
Hapardi3 daysdetails
annawallin3 daysdetails
coach3 daysdetails
leper3 daysdetails
annawallin3 daysMartin eller Clara smittade mig tror jag. Åt maaassa C-vitamin, mycket vatten, enchinagard osv. Jag e bäst på att bli frisk yeaadetails
Florence3 daysDidn't stress too much details
ebuckley3 daysdetails
Milia3 daysDrack på måndaskvällen och tisdagsmorgonen en juice innehållandes ingefära, apelsin, citron, päron, nektarin, honungsmelon, morötter och selleri. Tror hårt på att det hjälpte!!details
StefanJ3 daysdetails
Ebeitz3 daysCaused by lack of proper sleep, not enough water, and dust allergies. details
Marius3 daysdetails
Keith3 daysdetails
fn3 daysGick över snabbt med vila.details
Markus3 daysdetails
Ellie:)3 daysdetails
helehan3 daysdetails
annawallin3 daysdetails
Hunsie3 daysdetails
richf3 daysdetails
trevorb3 daysdetails
Sofiaa3 daysdetails
Lavigaattori3 daysdetails
Steffen3 daysdetails
ol.micke3 daysdetails
NM3 daysI think it's gone... Touch wood.details
Tooms3 daysdetails
kirillapeti3 daysdetails
Pajėda3 daysdetails
annawallin3 daysdetails
Poogy3 daysdetails
TortoiseTam3 daysdetails
reg3 daysdetails
Poogy3 daysdetails
ami3 daysdetails
O-ing3 daysHuh - one night of sore throat?? Throat - nose dodgy since I got the flu shot on May 5th - any connection?details
jys3 daysdetails
Craney3 daysdetails
Hedis3 daysdetails
Nadim3 daysI did nothing other than getting more sleep than usual. Some small symptoms remain. details
Hedis3 daysdetails
elgar3 daysdetails
JonasB3 daysdetails
abiperk3 daysdetails
Swisscheese3 daysdetails
shabar3 daysdetails
K'lea3 daysdetails
Hedis3 daysdetails
Veijo3 daysdetails
dg3 daysdetails
sajmoen3 daysEfter lite whiskey på kvällarna, vila och allmänna huskurer så har det mattats av tillräckligt för att kunna köra igång med lugn träning igen. Fortfarande snorig dock. details
shabar3 daysIn retrospect ploughing through the mile session wasn't ideal, and I could maybe have thrown it off with some easier runs instead?details
trailchampion3 dayshead cold; never took hold in chestdetails
Rhino333 daysdetails
jwolff3 daysdetails
ba-ba3 daysdetails
Belurd3 daysdetails
Slar3 daysdetails
Up2date3 daysdetails
Craig Nolan3 daysjust got better. details
Jagge3 daysdetails
Clara3 daysdetails
Boje3 daysdetails
BigAl3 daysdetails
Bender3 daysdetails
Hedis3 daysdetails
TGIF3 daysdetails
mood3 daysdetails
ShojiNext3 daysdetails
lowees3 daysdetails
stucrutchfield3 daysdetails
andriusj113 daysdetails
sajmoen3 daysFörmodligen ett resultat av många veckors brännande av veken i båda ändar. Lite sömn eller annan aktivitet under sömnfönstret och mycket rörelse i livet. Allmänt jobbiga veckor på jobbet. Låg motivation till träning överlag som gjort att jag slarvat med mycket, även återhämtningen. details
Barnus3 daysdetails
Josse3 daysdetails
derflixx3 daysdetails
3x33 daysNie mam pojęcia - staram się o siebie naprawdę dbać, a i tak chuj.details
Jagge3 daysdetails
Flakey3 daysdetails
Saz3 daysdetails
Tooms3 daysdetails
Jagge3 daysdetails
mood3 daysdetails
silje3 daysdetails
annanisi3 daysdetails
pinyata3 daysdetails
vosvos3 daysdetails
silje3 daysdetails
Rosco3 daysdetails
lowees3 daysdetails
Kalgman3 daysdetails
jys3 daysdetails
Clone3 daysdetails
kPa3 daysdetails
Doris3 daysdetails
FralezOLer3 daysdetails
Konsti_K3 daysdetails
Torio3 daysSpent my time between shifts trying to maximize my sleep and tea drinking :) details
Flakey3 daysdetails
GRennie3 daysdetails
JRun3 daysdetails
piero3 daysdetails
Selmenbergs_SK3 daysdetails
errolpit3 daysdetails
Rob12803 daysdetails
briangardner3 daysdetails
CleverSky3 daysFruit juice, a few swigs of cough syrup, and a whole lot of cough drops.details
majaporle3 daysSå trött på att inte kunna träna fler än 3 dagar i rad utan att bli förkyld:-(details
lyds1013 daysdetails
su--3 daysdetails
Danny Riley3 daysPlenty of water, ample sleep, knowing when to back off killed its lifespan.details
ebuckley3 daysdetails
annawallin3 daysdetails
pi3 daysdetails
tbl3 daysdetails
Hadron Collider 3 daysdetails
Craney3 daysdetails
jys3 daysNässköljning, honung mmdetails
Beacon3 daysdetails
piero3 daysdetails
jys3 daysdetails
Thompass3 daysdetails
BenSquire3 daysRest and ease back into trainingdetails
Grandpa Lefty3 daysdetails
Clone3 daysEarly bomb treatment with corenza, otrivin, odd medlemon, and medikeel A & ACC...details
mvuk3 daysdetails
annanisi3 daysdetails
ajriley3 daysdetails
Niko3 daysdetails
MikeRoss043 daysdetails
schnitzer3 daysdetails
LL3 daysdetails
philm643 daysrested at onset & had naps for 3 days. details
HitnHope3 daysdetails
Veijo3 daysdetails
jys3 daysdetails
Kalgman3 daysdetails
Dooby3 daysdetails
Steffen3 daysdetails
jys3 daysdetails
majaporle3 daysdetails
SteveG3 daystimedetails
annawallin3 daysdetails
Up2date3 daysdetails
schnitzer3 daysdetails
Edvin Hellsten3 daysEfter skidlägret fortsatte jag ligga på hög träningsmängd och drog inte ner på mängden. Det känndes bra men jag tror ändå att jag saknade återhämtningen som behövdes. Detta ska jag aldrig göra om, Jag ska hålla mig till träningsplaneringendetails
BenSquire3 daysdetails
markg3 daysdetails
coach3 daysHad five echinatia on Fridaydetails
ChristianeT3 daysdetails
dansell3 daysdetails
majaporle3 daysdetails
Mark33 daysAlways lemsipdetails
DrKeith3 daysRestdetails
pi3 daysdetails
DrKeith3 daysdetails
schnitzer3 daysdetails
Nadim3 daysRest, burning it out by keeping warm, going hiking etc... details
tbl3 daysCitron shotsdetails
Josse3 daysdetails
Isak Lundholm3 daysdetails
Boje3 daysdetails
axelhalvar3 daysdetails
Ptr3 daysdetails
Jay-T3 daysdetails
rastridge3 daysdetails
axelhalvar3 daysdetails
Hugginator3 daysdetails
AliC3 daysdetails
annanisi3 daysdetails
Faceplant3 daysRest.details
Josse3 daysdetails
nmulder3 daysCold or something with fever and lethargy. No-one else in the family got it.details
AntonSi3 daysdetails
Ptr3 daysBlev aldrig något alvarligt, förmodligen bara en kombo av alldeles för lite sömn och någon lättare förkylning på samma gång.details
mayer223 daysdetails
yougogirl3 dayshård träning, dålig dygnsrytm, lite sömn, dålig kost, sov m rebecka som var förkylddetails
Roger G3 daysdetails
susan3 daysCold (sore throat, low energy) that pure VANISHED 2 days later. Brilliant.details
Raz3 daysdetails
Steffen3 daysdetails
Strand3 daysdetails
nmulder3 daysCold or flu. Stayed in bed for 2-3 days, but cough still took more than a week to clear. No-one else in the family affected.details
annanisi3 daysParacetamol! details
Klaas3 daysdetails
Francesca T3 daysdetails
piero3 daysdetails
tbl3 daysVilade rejält inga bakslagdetails
Hugginator3 daysdetails
Boje3 daysdetails
jeffw4 daysDress warm enough. Bring extra clothes if necessary, or a backpack to put it all in.details
Mick4 daysdetails
urthbuoy4 daysdetails
ken4 daysdetails
rangermike4 daysdetails
spilka4 daysdetails
Fraser Ross4 daysdetails
Pia W4 daysdetails
krickle4 daysdetails
shea_craig4 daysdetails
mikee4 daysdetails
Becks4 daysGood rest - nice to take some time out and let the legs recover too!details
GeoNS4 daysI caught the cold from a kid who sneezed in my face two days before showing symptoms. Rest has helped.details
Craney4 daysdon't get drunk and then do a 2 hour run while living with 2 people who are already illdetails
revy4 daysLuckily I did not end up as sick as Lucas.details
NSW Stinger4 daysdetails
PDBennett4 daysWell, I'm passed the Billygoat and didn't suffer too much. Since I'm resting now, the cold doesn't seem to be as bad although I might still see the doctor to see if I can get anything stronger for my allergies.details
AliC4 daysSlept enough, and didn't workout hard for two days. Nipped that one in the bud!details
Macca4 daysdetails
mrs.nosnhoj4 daysDAYCARE!!!details
SteveT4 daysdetails
Pia W4 daysdetails
blegg4 daysdetails
Bruce4 daysNot a severe cold. Just time, sensible eating and resting fixed it.details
Sarah4 daysdetails
ink_214 daysdetails
Bruce4 daysNo running for 4 days. Stayed at home for most of the weekend and tried to take it easy.details
Nails4 daysdetails
KingTim4 daysOnce again caused by lack of sufficient sleep while training hard and playing hard. Getting up at 06.30 as I do requires me to be in bed by 22.30 which I really struggle to achieve. Need to make more effort to get to bed on time.details
ken4 daysdetails
JennyJ4 daysit went away, suspiciously like the one I had 2 months ago. Going to go to the doctors. Hope I don't get a cough in a couple of weeks again....details
OLofsson4 daysdetails
TyrTom4 daysdetails
zerfas4 daysdetails
Ursa4 daysdetails
Lard4 daysFor me I know that illnesses are short-lived and I can train through most. If the cold had travelled to my chest it would be a different matter but they don't ever seem to.details
pepa.4 daysdetails
bradc4 daysStill coughing but it's not affecting my running.details
pi4 daysdetails
tomederer4 daysdetails
Sarah4 daysdetails
Frodo4 daysdetails
drwill44 daysPretty much back to normal. At least a normal amount of congestion for this part of Maryland.details
kirkblumers4 daysdetails
Becks4 daysRest at the weekend, getting back to eating better food, taking some time to myself and sleeping. Starting to feel like I'm getting back on track with most things now.details
Eliot4 daysdetails
Keith4 daysdetails
KDawg RIT XC4 daysdetails
acejase4 daysdont forget medication!details
olmarkus4 daysdetails
joshblatch4 daysdetails
BanjoLasse4 daysdetails
kroseberry4 daysdetails
tree4 daysdetails
Sarah4 daysdetails
rune4 daysdetails
Shep4 daysdetails
Sarah4 daysdetails
bendover4 daystook it easy for a few days, and it went away. sweet. details
Keith4 daysdetails
Craig4 daysdetails
tonec4 daysdetails
bradc4 daysdetails
mvuk4 daysdetails
ken4 daysdetails
camel4 daysdetails
Runodk4 daysdetails
mm-ha4 daysdetails
pepa.4 daysdetails
Bruce4 daysPlenty of sleepdetails
ebone4 daysdetails
datbornemann4 daysHumidifier, anti-flammitory meds, and sleep.details
furlong474 daysdetails
Loopy Lou4 daysdetails
tarmoq4 daysdetails
MuddyFox4 daysEat lots of Satsumas!details
Dehydrated4 daysdetails
mood4 daysdetails
jeepzon4 daysdetails
tomederer4 daysnot sure what caused it. sleep/rest helped recovery.details
JennyJ4 daysRested as I knew I was having a hectic weekend...details
Ursa4 daysdetails
Jagge4 daysdetails
OJ4 daysGot better really fast with just 3 days off training. details
nmulder4 daysdetails
pauline4 daysdetails
Ruhis4 daysdetails
Mal4 daysRestdetails
Kirkland4 daysdetails
Trekker4 daysdetails
Hall4 daysviladetails
Myyrä4 daysKauden ensimmäiset iltarastit tihkusateessa ja pari +-astetta. Menin ilman hanskoja, mutta varmaan silti isoin syy oli kuivien vaihtovaatteiden vaihtamatta jättäminen. Pääsin aika nopeesti lämpimään autoon, mut vaatteet olis pitäny vaihtaa!details
coach4 daysdetails
leehawk4 daysdetails
zeizei4 daysdetails
T - runner4 daysdetails
Andrew4 daysShould have maybe not trained so hard, or made sure to eat and rest properly the week before.details
schnitzer4 daysdetails
NSW Stinger4 daysdetails
dersu4 daysdetails
Marius4 daysdetails
leper4 dayssleeeeepdetails
Craig4 daysdetails
marisolkate4 daysdetails
Andrew4 daysMinor cold, no stress this week, and no training. Got over it quickly.details
pauline4 daysdetails
zootrio4 daysdetails
Tooms4 daysdetails
OJ4 daysCame and went pretty fast, just had a few days off running and it cleared. details
Ryan the Lion4 daysdetails
Wally804 daysdetails
ycartwhelen4 daysdetails
Rowl4 daysdetails
schnitzer4 daysdetails
swat4 daysdetails
andzs4 daysdetails
katie.b4 daysdetails
spilka4 daysdetails
gg4 daysdetails
Durendal4 daysdetails
primik4 daysdetails
Sanni4 daysdetails
Hedis4 daysdetails
iansmith4 daysRest, fluids, anti-symptom medication.details
SteveT4 daysdetails
Brooner4 daysdetails
Rhesus4 daysdetails
cousteau4 daysdetails
spilka4 daysdetails
mm-ha4 daysdetails
sfleming4 daysLittle bit of lingering cold, but more or less better now. Slept 2 12 hour nights over the weekend and two 8's Mon and Tues I think thats what made the difference.details
Andrew4 daysCold brought on by too many late nights with a little too much alcohol. Very mild - just feeling a bit cold, and had a minor headache for half a day. Hardly any congestion. Taking it very easy so I can get rid of it quickly. Started training again - and a lot maybe a bit too early...details
daveabrams4 daysdetails
ken4 daysdetails
MikeMc4 daysdetails
Tooms4 daysdetails
ebuckley4 daysdetails
KingTim4 daysdetails
theshadow4 daysa couple of days offdetails
Ged4 daysdetails
ikd4 daysRest!details
bigE4 daysdetails
Ghost4 daysde, sauna, sauna, sauna, saunadetails
Philipp4 daysdetails
Stryder4 daysdetails
Loopy Lou4 daysdetails
Whitesheep4 daysas usual, too much work, not enough sleepdetails
Philipp4 daysdetails
Shep4 daysdetails
Strand4 daysdetails
nh4 daysJust a plain old boring colddetails
putte4 daysviladetails
Guilherme4 daysdetails
mrevrgreen4 daysI have to listen to my body and rest sometimes.details
forsbergskan4 daysdetails
KingTim4 daysdetails
Boltboi4 daysdetails
Oestlin4 daysdetails
0074 daysstill lingering sore throat...details
Darius4 daysdetails
weegie4 daysdetails
jonny crickmore4 daysdetails
Guilherme4 daysdetails
Andrew4 daysdetails
Keith4 daysdetails
mm-ha4 daysdetails
mm-ha4 daysdetails
Marky Bitch4 daysDoing biking was ok but maybe prolonged the cough. Running on Sunday was good because I could feel my lungs slowly opening up but I must have shrugged the cold off already.details
mikee4 daysdetails
simmo4 daysdetails
andersbo4 daysdetails
Ron4 daysdetails
KingTim4 daysdetails
Lene4 daysdetails
ebone4 daysdetails
mmace4 daysdetails
Rhesus4 daysdetails
bestes4 daysLong run on Sunday made this worse I think. Shitty...details
jima4 daysdetails
RosieWatson4 daysdetails
ddurbin4 daysStill lingering a bit but feel a lot better overall. Not so exhausted. A lot of sleep helped. Poor food choices probably slowed things down a bit though. Will be running this afternoon to see how I feel. details
devil4 daysdetails
trailchampion4 daysdetails
lowees4 daysdetails
Akhilleus4 daysdetails
K'lea4 daysdetails
xcman824 daysdetails
Noname4 daysdetails
1L4 daysdetails
Cos4 daysdetails
charlieg894 daysdetails
putte4 daysdetails
Honkie4 daysdetails
karen4 daysdetails
LL4 daysdetails
Andrew Feucht4 daysAvoid spring?details
mindsweeper4 daysdetails
Stryder4 daysProbably a flair up of an ongoing allergy problemdetails
skitrening4 daysdrikke mye, og legge meg tidelig.details
Matikka4 daysdetails
NSW Stinger4 daysdetails
pi4 daysdetails
ShotRat4 daysdetails
Jagge4 daysdetails
nobobs4 daysdetails
Toblerone4 daysrested up withe xtra sleep whenevr i could get it.. didnt take long to shakedetails
mcqueen4 daysdetails
Wally804 daysdetails
MDeVoll4 daysRest and robitussindetails
Linear Ice4 daysMay have been from 2 week trip to Europe, change in sleep patterns, airplane, too much work etc. or some Euro-virus.details
marmelad4 daysdetails
tautvix4 daysPagėrus daug arbatų gerklė atsistatė ir tik liko užgulusi nosis. Gal visiškai neatsigavau, bet atrodo peršalimas praėjo. Dėl visa ko kelias dienas nesitreniruosiu.details
Ali4 daysdetails
Sarah4 daysdetails
Lydia4 daysdetails
MikeMc4 daysdetails
Rosco4 daysdetails
Channa4 daysdetails
Rudie4 daysdetails
PFO4 daysdetails
bestes4 daysNeed to do a better job shielding myself from this shit when I travel.details
ami4 daysdetails
Rosenstiel4 daysdetails
bendover4 daysdetails
Shingo4 daysdetails
vangell4 daysdetails
jsjöberg4 daysdetails
Hedis4 daysdetails
Keith4 daysdetails
Boje4 daysnicht schnell genug nach dem langen DL trocken umgezogen!details
Hedis4 daysdetails
Mr O-memes4 daysdetails
Luca D.4 daysdetails
Siggi4 daysdetails
JL4 daysdetails
Adde4 daysdetails
Boje4 daysdetails
candyman4 daysdetails
piero4 daysdetails
ThomasT4 daysziemlich kühl nach dem warmen Januar. Dann Umstellung Schlafrythmus auf 0400 aufstehen. Und dann noch ziemlich mäßig beheizte Öffis v.a. frühs. Und zu guter letzt die nicht vorhandene Luftfeuchtigkeit (meine Nasenschleimhäute sind da nicht die besten, hab ich vom Vati geerbt :) Lösung:abwarten und Tee trinken.details
Marius4 daysdetails
AdamB4 daysdetails
Keith4 daysdetails
A damp otter4 daysdetails
KingTim4 daysdetails
xcman824 daysdetails
mikeeyer4 daysdetails
dpfulg4 daysdetails
ken4 daysdetails
Clone4 daysdetails
Nick4 daysdetails
HenrikGj4 daysdetails
jake4 daysPerhaps shouldn't have run BUCS, sat night sleeping arrangements didn't help. details
salal4 daysdetails
briangardner4 daysdetails
Siggi4 daysdetails
spinner4 daysdetails
Jerkface4 daysdetails
undy4 daysdetails
bendover4 daysdetails
andyd4 daysdetails
Albin4 daysdetails
HenrikGj4 daysdetails
forsbergskan4 daysdetails
Nick4 daysbe careful with A/C and do not get sick in the first place !!details
Rosco4 daysdetails
Whitesheep4 daysdetails
NormalAndrew4 daysThink this was a result of bonking in my race.details
Thoto4 daysdetails
ShotRat4 daysdetails
Juliamt4 daysdetails
Jimmy Larsson4 daysdetails
Sarah4 daysdetails
Heather O4 daysdetails
ol.micke4 daysMycket vila.details
xcsnowskier144 daysdetails
Hedis4 daysdetails
Desmond4 daysdetails
jwolff4 daysdetails
Desmond4 daysdetails
Tooms4 daysdetails
KingTim4 daysdetails
martin(uk)4 daysdetails
helehan4 daysdetails
JennyDuBois4 daysdetails
ChristianeT4 daysdetails
Poogy4 daysdetails
Pajėda4 daysVėl tos nesamonės buvo su neaiškiom savijautom ir pakilusiom temp apie 37, be jokiu kitu simptomu.details
sajmoen4 daysdetails
LisaC4 daysJag kände att en förkylning låg och lurade flera dagar innan. Återigen, jag måste lyssna på min kropp! Mycket vila gjorde att jag blev frisk snabbt, vilket är positivt.details
Charlie4 daysrest, time, vitamin Idetails
loefaas4 daysdetails
helehan4 daysdetails
Poogy4 daysdetails
noRa4 daysdetails
Lotta4 daysdetails
Boje4 daysdetails
darryn4 daysdetails
JL4 daysdetails
db4 daysdetails
ChristianeT4 daysdetails
RJM4 daysdetails
LisaC4 daysEn seg förkylning. Inte alltför många vilodagar, men rossligheten och snuvan satt kvar länge. Jag är fortfarande lite snorig. Lärdom - ja bra fråga. Jag kände nog det här komma den här gången också. Men jag vet inte riktigt vad jag skulle gjort annorlunda. Ibland är det lika bra att förkylningen får bryta ut.details
hodgepodge4 daysdetails
TinyFeet4 daysdetails
Gytė4 daysdetails
OL4 daysStayed away from the pool. Missed lots of workouts. Still busy at work, not enough sleep.details
vangell4 daysdetails
DaveR4 daysdetails
itsmartin4 daysdetails
Albin4 daysdetails
Steffen4 daysdetails
Päkä4 daysdetails
horsepower4 daysdetails
HansE4 daysdetails
Ansgar4 daysEvtl Dehydrierung nach dem Lauf Donnerstag Mittag -- darauf hatte ich die Symptome zuerst geschoben. details
Evalin B4 daysdetails
salal4 daysdetails
Päkä4 daysdetails
davelevine4 daysFeeling better but my appetite is still diminished; I blame the rapid change in weather for this cold; if I had been a little more careful about what I was wearing when I was exercising last week then I might not have had to deal with this colddetails
kylacarlson4 daysdetails
ami4 daysTook it easy. details
Pajėda4 daysdetails
cmcpeake4 daysdetails
LMschwirz4 daysdetails
Rosco4 daysdetails
Bridge4 daysdetails
Poogy4 daysdetails
jennyjones4 daysdetails
kpoire4 daysdetails
ailve4 daysdetails
GrrrBear4 daysYet another second hand cold, caught off partner.details
Arlaharen4 daysdetails
seanh4 daysdetails
spinner4 daysdetails
Pete4 daysdetails
iansmith4 daysI drank ridiculous quantities of tea, orange juice, and water and allocated more time to sleep. details
Schweigerjonas4 daysdetails
MatthewParton4 daysdetails
JuraMac4 daysdetails
sajmoen4 daysdetails
Lavigaattori4 daysdetails
@nj@4 daysdetails
FoxShadow4 daysdetails
PoJo4 daysdetails
briangardner4 daysdetails
GrrrBear4 daysstresseddetails
Sarah4 daysdetails
Milia4 daysDrack na juice laga åv batat, ingefära, selleri, gurka, äppel, citron, sallad...verka no hjälp.details
richf4 daysdetails
Will.Tucker4 daysdetails
Rebelo4 daysdetails
monika984 daysdetails
Steffen4 daysdetails
Marius4 daysdetails
J. T.4 daysdetails
Jagge4 daysdetails
Gytė4 daysdetails
katiepetersen4 daysdetails
K'lea4 daysdetails
Craney4 daysdetails
SarahG4 daysLots of sleep, water, and Zicam helped. I think I was generally stressed and didn't sleep well on the bus ride to and back from Yellowstone.details
alirobertson4 daysdetails
Stryder4 daysExtra sleep was needed with complete restdetails
ms treegarden4 daysdetails
Pajėda4 daysdetails
Pajėda4 daysdetails
Andrew4 daysdetails
Stryder4 daysShort cold with adequate rest because of the holidaydetails
JL4 daysSegdraget, slog inte ut fullt. Troligen bra nu, får se när jag lägger på lite träning på detta.details
seanlewis104 daysdetails
Linear Ice4 daysdetails
veinbuster4 daysdetails
luciaire4 daysdetails
mbo4 daysthroat no longer sore, just a little bit of a stuffy nose stilldetails
Tullster4 daysdetails
Tane4 daysdetails
Whitesheep4 daysdetails
piero4 daysdetails
errolpit4 daysdetails
leper4 daysdetails
Tooms4 daysdetails
Giuseppe4 daysdetails
monika984 daysdetails
markg4 daysdetails
Torio4 daysdetails
schnitzer4 daysdetails
Keith4 daysdetails
nmulder4 daysdetails
Giuseppe4 daysdetails
pi4 daysdetails
silje4 daysdetails
pepa.4 daysdetails
jys4 daysdetails
ChristianeT4 daysdetails
Abrando4 daysdetails
Hedis4 daysdetails
Thompass4 daysdetails
Brentman4 daysdetails
Boje4 daysdetails
JL4 daysdetails
DrKeith4 daysdetails
annawallin4 daysKände av lite redan i Idre...att nått kanske skulle bryta ut och tänka sig vad man hade rätt ;)details
piero4 daysdetails
Ursa4 daysdetails
schnitzer4 daysdetails
monika984 daysdetails
@nj@4 daysdetails
putte4 daysdetails
Mal4 daysdetails
Pete4 daysdetails
carladams4 daysdetails
Hedis4 daysdetails
northernfeller4 daysdetails
abiperk4 daysdetails
Ptr4 daysdetails
silje4 daysdetails
Mark34 daysJust waiteddetails
Strawanzer4 daysdetails
pinyata4 daysdetails
Ansgar4 daysdetails
Clara4 daysdetails
O-ing4 daysBad sinus, mild sore throat, was in the chest but had little or no effect there.details
Eleonore4 daysdetails
undy4 daysNear zero vigourous exercise, daily zinc, vitamin C. Veryt mild cold anyhow.details
lowees4 daysdetails
Pete4 daysdetails
Thompass4 daysdetails
Up2date4 daysdetails
3x34 daysPo treningach ciepło się ubieramy! Czapka!details
Jonas Detterfelt4 daysdetails
Lara Croft4 daysRecovered from cold mostly.details
Thibaut4 daysdetails
Ansgar4 daysTrainingspause & einmal ausgeschlafen, damit scheint die Sache erledigt zu sein.details
olle_lb4 daysdetails
DanGrabski4 daysdetails
piero4 daysdetails
Josse4 daysdetails
Filcsi4 daysdetails
Eleonore4 daysdetails
preka4 daysdetails
schnitzer4 daysdetails
Steffen4 daysdetails
jemmerson4 daysdetails
Abrando4 daysdetails
piero4 daysdetails
coach4 daysdetails
errolpit4 daysdetails
salal4 daysdetails
duncanarcher4 daysdetails
Grandpa Lefty4 daysdetails
mikee4 daysdetails
Flakey4 daysdetails
Alex_Z4 daysdetails
Hedis4 daysdetails
ginger4 daysdetails
michalmy4 daysLost 2kg (64>62)details
annawallin4 daysdetails
Sarah4 daysdetails
OL4 daysdetails
xcman824 daysdetails
jys4 daysdetails
Spongey4 daysrestdetails
undy4 daysZero running/riding. Zinc, echinacea, vit c, symptomatic relief pills. Only really felt crap on Sunday/Monday, fairly itchy to run by Thursday.details
JamesC4 daysdetails
ajriley4 daysdetails
bishop224 daysBecause of surgery, went to see the PA and was prescribed allergy type stuff which calmed things down.details
Craney4 daysdetails
Brooner4 daysdetails
jys4 daysdetails
Thompass4 daysdetails
piero4 daysdetails
sarahxc4 daysdetails
majaporle4 daysdetails
schnitzer4 daysdetails
Torio4 daysdetails
JoeHudd4 daysdetails
annanisi4 daysdetails
Ptr4 daysdetails
colesnotes4 daysRest and took some time off from running details
bbrooke4 daysdetails
Pete4 daysdetails
tomtom4 daysdetails
annanisi4 daysdetails
Steffen4 daysdetails
schnitzer4 daysdetails
majaporle4 daysdetails
Pete4 daysdetails
derflixx4 daysdetails
Jagge4 daysdetails
Craig4 daysdetails
xcman824 daysdetails
axelhalvar4 daysGäller att vara noga med C-vitamin, ingefärsshot och allt sånt hela året om, särskilt på vintern! Lite slarv att jag blev sjuk nu även om nästan hela OL-teamet var sjuka. Tror även att kylan påverkade, får vara mer noggrann med att inte springa intervaller när det är kallt!! Skönt att vara igång igen iaf. details
Craney4 daysdetails
schnitzer4 daysdetails
annawallin4 daysdetails
tbl4 daysdetails
michalmy4 daysRest, Codral Cold & Flu, Panadol. Cephalexin (Keflex) 500mg - day 1-7. 3 days off work - days 3-5.details
cfosp14 daysFortunately only a short illness. It was bad enough. details
Pete4 daysdetails
ajriley4 daysdetails
Tooms4 daysStopped exercising. Rested, worked instead, all good given 3 upcoming weekends away.details
pepa.4 daysdetails
LL4 daysdetails
Pete4 daysdetails
lilicob4 daysdetails
Sandbo4 daysdetails
Chris984 daysDouble days+travel+bad nights sleep+cold wet dark days at work around sneezing children=illnessdetails
mary4 daysdetails
Thompass4 daysdetails
ken4 daysdetails
Steffen4 daysdetails
vvenetjoki4 daysdetails
Anselm4 daysdetails
SteveG4 daysRecovery = rest and Sudafed regimendetails
Beacon4 daysdetails
annanisi4 daysdetails
jovcheska4 daysdetails
Josse4 daysdetails
errolpit4 daysdetails
vvenetjoki4 daysdetails
schnitzer4 daysdetails
jaxe4 daysdetails
Beacon4 daysdetails
Eoghan4 daysdetails
annanisi4 daysdetails
BigWillyStyle4 daysdetails
fridaarnesson4 daysSläppte då jag vilat sen NattiNatti. Nu mår jag bra och förhoppningsvis är jag av med förkylningen helt !details
nmulder4 daysdetails
majaporle4 daysdetails
axelhalvar4 daysdetails
CasperS4 daysdetails
OJ4 daysdetails
furlong474 daysdetails
EuanT4 daysdetails
Roger G4 daysdetails
tbl4 daysTvå vilodagar med +10 h sömn.details
Boltboi4 daysdetails
Edvin Hellsten4 daysbo med en förkyld familj på hotell en natt.details
Warti4 daysdetails
Dooby4 daysdetails
mdryak4 daysdetails
Tane4 daysdetails
Shingo4 daysdetails
briangardner4 daysdetails
Ptr4 daysBlev aldrig så alvarligt och tillfrisknade ganska fort.details
Isak Lundholm4 daysdetails
Eric Johansson4 daysdetails
Otto4 daysdetails
Boje4 daysdetails
salal4 daysdetails
Eric Johansson4 daysdetails
pi4 daysdetails
Chris984 daysRest, naps, vitamin C. details
adventuretom4 daysdetails
Old Daniel4 daysseems to be a bit improved cross fingers details
Stijn4 daysdetails
Jay-T4 daysdetails
Viktor gee4 daysTror alla passen blivit lite för hårda, speciellt intervallpassen, så kroppen sa emot. Bra lärdom. details
kokonda4 daysdetails
Boje4 daysdetails
yougogirl4 daysdetails
CHorley4 daysWoke up this morning feeling way better than Wednesday.details
Freeheelpete4 daysdetails
yougogirl4 daysdetails
nmulder4 daysdetails
coach4 daysdetails
Ari-o4 daysStop running, lots of warm liquids, and sleep. And take time off of work (I get actually sick leave for like the first time ever, so don’t have incentive to work sick.)details
pi4 daysdetails
saraabom4 dayssmittad av mamma troligen. details
susiethebear4 daysdetails
Boje4 daysdetails
olebaath4 daysdetails
olebaath4 daysdetails
yougogirl4 daysdetails
Raz4 daysdetails
Ptr4 daysAllergi/förkylningdetails
Stijn4 daysdetails
AntonSi4 daysdetails
saraabom4 daysdetails
coach4 daysdetails
Ruben Razzetti4 daysResting helped and I need to get on with taking the vitamins to build a strong immune system up for the winter as training load increases. When I come back to training, Increase slowly with suitable strength training and eating a lot so that I don’t overdo it and get ill again. details
Faceplant4 daysRest.details
pompemarek4 daysdetails
CHorley4 daysdetails
Ruben Razzetti4 daysdetails
loefaas4 daysdetails
rumiko4 daysdetails
MORIenteer4 daysdetails
EuanT4 daysdetails
andrew_elwood4 daysdetails
Sarah4 daysdetails
Rowan4 daysdetails
alan5 daysdetails
camillio5 daysVit. C, B-complex, pinosol.details
slauenstein5 daysdetails
thiesd5 daysdetails
ihelgesen5 daysdetails
ironmom5 daysdetails
Benjamin G5 daysdetails
fish5 dayspoor sleep, stress, bug going round, and maybe not helped by a hard session when I first felt it. Recovered fairly sensibly and quite quickly.details
jjcote5 daysdetails
Sian5 daysLots of steaming and paracetamol :)details
Becks5 daysToo much in preceeding four days, resolved by rest and careful return.details
michaeladams5 daysdetails
evancuster5 daysdetails
Nadim5 daysdetails
Purt5 daysMy sister gave it to me!!!!!!!!!details
NSW Stinger5 daysdetails
ev5 daysdetails
xcsnowskier145 daysdetails
mjd5 daysdetails
Ursa5 daysdetails
bodgie5 daysdetails
Alban5 daysalways be clothed well enough, wear hat, gloves and scarf all the time when outsidedetails
Swisscheese5 daysdetails
leper5 daysdetails
olle715 daysdetails
Shep5 daysechinacea tea with honey... a few days off training. plenty of espresso.details
DragonFly5 daysRest / sleep. Neo Citran. Time off work.details
Craig5 daysdetails
ken5 daysdetails
capt'n smythie5 daysdetails
Ali5 daysdetails
lars5 daysThanks kids!details
Sarah5 daysdetails
Shep5 daysdetails
bbrooke5 daysdetails
orienteeringTim5 daysdetails
Rachel5 daysdetails
leper5 daysdetails
CathW5 daysdetails
Tommy5 daysdetails
Tooms5 daysdetails
Tullster5 daysdetails
Craney5 daysdetails
hf5 daysdetails
leper5 daysdetails
YouRNotHere5 daysJust let the cold run its course. I felt really bad the first few days, but after that just continued to exercise although it was less (my training log is way down this week). As with any cold, just drink gallons of water and OJ, keep warm and get plenty of sleep to get over it fastest.details
Dustin5 daysdetails
zimmi5 daysTake a glass of vodka or something else which will kill all the things in your stomach!details
Ursa5 daysdetails
zimmi5 daysrecover would have been the best, but I hadn't the time to do it as quick as i got the cold! details
MikeS5 daysdetails
Andrew5 daysJust did too much last weekend, and then kept pushing it throughout the rest of the week. If I had had enough sleep, I might have gotten away with the crazy weekend... Hopefully it will teach me a lesson: Sleep more!!! I get so depressed when I'm down with a cold...details
kokos5 daysdetails
xcsnowskier145 daysgot better quickly, but wasn't fully recovered for a few daysdetails
Ptr5 daysdetails
drwill45 daysMostly recovered. Little issues with the sinuses but no more than usual.details
Juhan5 daysdetails
marieke5 daysdetails
Swisscheese5 daysTook a while to recover, eventhough I was never really sick in bed. Even 10 days later my nose would be running a little and my throat hurting.details
furlong475 daysdetails
kokos5 daysHelg. Sova. Inte jobba.details
Nick5 daysbetter keep my comments for myself- totallydetails
CathW5 daysdetails
bigbluemarble5 daysdetails
yeagerjustin5 daysdetails
kungen15 daysI had good support from my girlfriend and I am start training on sunday, 13th again.details
salal5 daysdetails
JonasB5 daysdetails
Kristen5 daysdetails
drwill45 daysEnded up not being too bad. Limited strictly to the head and didn't migrate into the lungs...details
Ursa5 daysdetails
Keith5 daysdetails
loudmansam5 daysdetails
Grafaz5 daysdetails
MTBjen5 daysdetails
Kyle_H5 daysdetails
Reini5 daysdetails
Sarah5 daysContributing factors were stress and lack of sleepdetails
KingTim5 daysdetails
Spongey5 daysdetails
MikeS5 daysdetails
ken5 daysdetails
Macca5 daysdetails
Jagge5 daysdetails
Fat Rat5 daysdetails
LL5 daysdetails
A.Child5 daysEat healthy, drink lots of fluids, and get lots and lots of sleep!details
Spongey5 daysdetails
Reini5 daysdetails
marieke5 daysdetails
ActiveGEJ5 daysSleep continues to be an issue in this case. I had barely recovered from the last strain when this one had hit. Right now, dietwise, I am making more of an effort to take a multivitamin, along with my probiotic supplement. Paying attention to my diet seems to have made a difference where my overall health is concerned.details
K'lea5 daysTook a while longer to feel 'right' after this toodetails
Ruhis5 daysdetails
Boltboi5 daysdetails
MTBjen5 daysdetails
LOST_Richard5 daysrest and red winedetails
Dormir5 daysdetails
Loopy Lou5 daysdetails
Skinorge065 daysdetails
Cookiemonster5 daysShould have let myself recover for longer in the first place.details
jet5 daysdetails
pi5 daysdetails
Bob-F5 daysdetails
Ryan the Lion5 daysdetails
balcius5 daysdetails
grilla5 daysdetails
tarmoq5 daysdetails
capt'n smythie5 daysdetails
Jess5 daysdetails
Pia W5 daysdetails
o-pia5 daysdetails
bigE5 daysdetails
Ralph5 daysdetails
c.underwood5 daysdetails
DHemer5 daysdetails
lars5 daysdetails
KanuGirl5 daysdetails
Canadian5 daysdetails
rtm5 daysdetails
NSW Stinger5 daysdetails
YouRNotHere5 daysMaybe it's finally gone this time.details
MMaxwell5 daysdetails
ultradoc5 daysantibiotics!details
PeterMurphy5 daysdetails
51225 daysGetting far too drunk last week, having a few late nights ;-), then seeing Gran who had a cold..details
tcut5 daysDon't fly / spend time in 'planes with 250+ others if you can help it ! details
Mona5 daysJust rest, echinacea, vitamins. (I had to rest because of back pain anyway)details
Jagge5 daysdetails
bigE5 daysdetails
Clara5 daysdetails
Angus Beef5 daysdetails
beeker5 daysdetails
BW5 daysLemsip. LAy back on the exercise too.details
sal.5 daysdetails
Chasem5 daysI think that partying too hard last weekend at Phish got run down and exposed to illness. Rest helpeddetails
nmulder5 daysdetails
gingee5 daysdetails
Whitesheep5 daysdetails
Craney5 daysdetails
fiddlesqueak5 daysdetails
barb5 daysdetails
MDeVoll5 daysRegular cold. Sleep, dayquil, nightquil, and when around the bend, Sudafed--lots of water throughout.details
AratusGitan5 daysdetails
Rx5 daysdetails
marisolkate5 daysdetails
Swisstoph5 daysdetails
kwruck5 daystook some time off.details
zerfas5 daysdetails
Awdriuxas5 daysPo sekmadienio pasivaiksciojimo per dideli veja ir dar poros treniruociu panasu, kad persalimas stiprsnis nei maniau. Poilsis vaistukai, arbata ir busiu sveikas.details
pepa.5 daysdetails
schnitzer5 daysdetails
jed5 daysdetails
Wally805 daysdetails
JennyJ5 daysdetails
RosieWatson5 daysdetails
Reini5 daysdetails
jamacki5 daysJust took some time off from training and took it easy.details
helehan5 daysdetails
bestes5 daysWear a SARS mask the next time I fly. Fucken a...details
Aksu5 daysdetails
K'lea5 daysdetails
Rhesus5 daysdetails
ColmM5 daysa bad one so slept 3 days off schooldetails
marieke5 daysdetails
Honkie5 daysdetails
jesse16125 dayscaused by work-related stress, lack of sleep.details
forsbergskan5 daysdetails
karen5 daysdetails
jima5 daysdetails
marieke5 daysdetails
MDeVoll5 daysTreated with rest, lots of water, sudafed or Mucinex during the day, Nyquil at night, and sinus rinse in morning and evening. Dayquil leaves me too fuzzy in the head.details
swat5 daysdetails
chino5 daysantibiotics starting on 4/6 helped. Just never got over cold from St. George trip on late January. Think I started back training too soon after each min-cold.details
Lauren Gillis5 daysdetails
gg5 daysdetails
Hol5 daysdetails
Rich5 daysComplete rest and recovery helped clear this up quickly with remnants hanging around.details
leper5 daysdetails
boyle5 daysdetails
Axe5 daysdetails
Pia W5 daysdetails
Saz5 daysdetails
mm-ha5 daysdetails
Nick Mead5 daysdetails
Becks5 daysdetails
o-pia5 daysFriskmelde mæ sjøl idag. HURRA! :Ddetails
Hedis5 daysdetails
CathW5 daysdetails
runrodrun5 daysdetails
bestes5 daysSo annoying...details
LuT5 daysdetails
thegingerninja5 daysRestdetails
Ruhis5 daysdetails
schnitzer5 daysdetails
mvuk5 daysdetails
pepa.5 daysdetails
mm-ha5 daysdetails
Ursa5 daysdetails
FoxShadow5 daysdetails
JonasB5 daysdetails
Sanni5 daysdetails
o-pia5 daysdeilig å kunne røre sæ igjen! har blitt utslitt bare av å gå opp trappa i d siste...details
Jamie Stevenson5 daysJust taking a bit more time to relax in the house and get plenty of 10 hour sleepsdetails
Hedis5 daysdetails
Mona5 daysstay home. restdetails
Cruachan5 daysdetails
Seanmcc5 daysdetails
Stryder5 daysdetails
bendover5 daysdetails
LuT5 daysdetails
Steffen5 daysdetails
Whitesheep5 daysdetails
nh5 daysSore glands behind my ear, and my whole neck feels sore, too. Probably why I was so tired on thursday, so I'm just resting so I can recover quicklydetails
Shep5 daysdetails
Reini5 daysdetails
Andrew5 daysThink it is all over... Yay! I'm sick again! I'm so happy! I was beginning to miss my little virus friends after a little over 5 weeks of separation... A short reflection on the holistic nature of succumbing to colds... All of the following factors likely contributed in some way to this cold: training levels over previous weeks; late dinner Sunday with alcohol; training without a hat in 4 deg C on Monday (forgot hat); busy day Monday, incl. big Lidingö Loppet meeting till 21:00 after...details
Channa5 daysdetails
louiscoad5 daysdetails
Axe5 daysdetails
Ptr5 daysdetails
RJM5 daysdetails
marieke5 daysVery mild cold but may have been allergies too. Coughing/sneezing.details
darryn5 daysdetails
Alexander5 daysdetails
Oestlin5 daysdetails
Oestlin5 daysFör lite sömn efter jukola och dumt satan att planera in Intervallblock direkt efter det.details
erikalnervik5 daysdetails
Akhilleus5 daysdetails
Binnsey5 daysdetails
Swisscheese5 daysdetails
Runodk5 daysdetails
zimmi5 dayswollte etwas zu schnell wieder trainieren. Erkältung, da sich 7 tage wettkampf und anschliessend noch eine legendäre Party einfach nicht so gut vertragen:-) aber es war's Wert dieses Mal. Irgendwie muss man ja auch den Kopf wieder frei kriegen.details
Boltboi5 daysdetails
KingTim5 daysdetails
Ørret5 daysdetails
Keith5 daysdetails
Tullster5 daysdetails
Thoto5 daysZwiebeltee + Zwiebelinhalationdetails
ken5 daysdetails
mm-ha5 daysdetails
McCloy5 daysdetails
Steffen5 daysdetails
c.underwood5 daysCaused most likely by lack of rest and some rest helped recoverydetails
Mr Wonderful5 daysCough will probably persist for a couple days in the morning, but it shouldn't have much effect on training levels any more.details
Akhilleus5 daysdetails
Luca D.5 daysdetails
piero5 daysBe patient...details
Strand5 daysdetails
Rosenstiel5 daysdetails
Pajėda5 daysdetails
Steffen5 daysdetails
DrKeith5 daysdetails
DrKeith5 daysdetails
OL5 daysLots of sleep.details
nana5 daysdetails
ken5 daysdetails
aireyb5 daysthat sucked...just sleep and timedetails
ashleyw5 daysdetails
coach5 daysdetails
dcreekp5 dayshave to be careful after two long running sessions plus being winter and climbing gets you tired without realisingdetails
Rosco5 daysdetails
LL5 daysdetails
Hedis5 daysdetails
dpfulg5 daysdetails
JaimeVelo5 daysdon't know what caused. seemed to get it after windy ride that caused alergic reaction.details
Pajėda5 daysdetails
Tullster5 daysdetails
workouttexas5 daysMore sleepdetails
Vejder5 daysdetails
piero5 daysdetails
croxford5 daysdetails
schnitzer5 daysdetails
Jay-T5 daysdetails
Rose5 daysdetails
pcbrent5 daysdetails
leper5 daysdetails
Jac5 daysdetails
Swisscheese5 daysdetails
Steffen5 daysdetails
Hedis5 daysdetails
OJ5 daysdetails
dcady5 daysResolved itself. Naps were the best therapy.details
DanW5 daysdetails
DanW5 daysdetails
Mona5 daysI don;t remember, regular cold.details
cmorse5 daysdetails
pasha5 days5 days of sauna/steamroom made a deal.details
Siggi5 dayshör auf deinen Körperdetails
helehan5 daysdetails
Rinni5 daysdetails
Jonas Detterfelt5 daysdetails
ChristianeT5 daysdetails
Tullster5 daysdetails
gerardhiggins5 daysdetails
nana5 daysdetails
silkychrome5 dayslots of tangerine/ginger tea and chuckie tea.details
FoxShadow5 daysdetails
noRa5 daysdetails
AndyB5 daysdetails
kenia5 days Allergies are good now. I'm glad I didn't get the flu and it was just a little cough and bad allergies. Lots of ginger lemon garlic juicing and veggies. :-)details
Marius5 daysdetails
johannesh5 daysdetails
MegaJoule5 daysdetails
Gytė5 daysdetails
A.Child5 daysdetails
Päkä5 daysdetails
DanW5 daysdetails
noRa5 daysdetails
meljay5 daysdetails
A.Child5 daysTake it easy. Drink a lot. Eat well. details
Tooms5 daysdetails
Andrew5 daysdetails
kookoo5 daysdetails
Ptr5 daysdetails
Ant W5 daysdetails
jys5 daysdetails
Tullster5 daysdetails
O-ing5 daysShortest cold ever? Or Allergy?details
Carbons Offset5 daysdetails
Keith5 daysdetails
Sergey5 daysdetails
Pajėda5 daysdetails
mary5 daysdetails
Nick5 daysdetails
ken5 daysdetails
jys5 daysdetails
jys5 daysdetails
Keith5 daysdetails
Tir_na_Gaoithe5 daysdetails
TortoiseTam5 daysdetails
Pieter5 daysdetails
CleverSky5 daysTook it easy, recovered quickly with rest. Never got as bad as it was that first day.details
Tingis5 daysdetails
NormalAndrew5 daysdetails
Kurt5 daysdetails
mvuk5 daysdetails
Poogy5 daysdetails
phil5 daysdetails
Stryder5 daysdetails
Elvis5 daysdetails
BigAl5 daysdetails
ReindeerCounter5 daysdetails
mcqueen5 daysdetails
Milia5 days9 dagar i sträck vid sjukhuset på praktikdetails
leper5 daysdetails
davelevine5 daysSomething was obviously going around the office and I caught it. It probably didn't help that I pushed myself to get back to training, after the HVTC, as soon as possible. Lots of rest and eating right (soup, bread, applesauce, fruits, veggies, no beer, no sweets, no buttery spread) helped me to get over this cold. details
easy-rider5 daysdetails
hodgepodge5 daysdetails
liv5 daysdetails
alirobertson5 daysdetails
Knutern975 daysdetails
Acamo5 daysdetails
niallmcalinden5 daysGlad I took the week really easy.details
enila5 daysdetails
johannesh5 daysdetails
Heather O5 daysdetails
RJM5 daysdetails
Pellervo5 daysdetails
Swisscheese5 daysdetails
Warti5 daysdetails
nmulder5 daysdetails
ms treegarden5 daysdetails
jennyjones5 daysdetails
Keira5 daysdetails
seanh5 daysdetails
jys5 daysJoggar en sväng på lör 1/11, känns sådär så avbryter, blir sen sjuk men troligen inte återfall på denna förkylning utan nytt för får då halsfluss.details
ViktoriaE5 daysdetails
susan5 daysVery mild. I think resting helped.details
0075 daysdetails
Heather O5 daysdetails
Keira5 daysdetails
Steffen5 daysdetails
bill_l5 daysnever went beyond sort-of-stuffy-run-down-feeling.details
posttrip5 daysst hubertus liquor and sleepdetails
Slar5 daysdetails
gaffelman5 daysdetails
seanlewis105 daysRest was needed and once I just took a full day off and stayed in bed, I felt a lot better the next day.details
RosieWatson5 daysdetails
Misha5 daysdetails
sleepyxc5 daysdetails
Päkä5 daysdetails
MVB5 daysdetails
JL5 daysdetails
Eleonore5 daysdetails
Steffen5 daysdetails
ol.micke5 daysdetails
J Anderson5 daysdetails
Jonas Detterfelt5 daysdetails
furlong475 daysdetails
Thoto5 daysdetails
Whitesheep5 daysdetails
mbo5 daysstill a runny nose but otherwise back to normaldetails
Josse5 daysdetails
ami5 daysdetails
undy5 daysRest, zinc, possibly echinacea (?sp) Dark chocolate for the coughing.details
leper5 daysdetails
Ptr5 dayssova, äta, dricka, slappa, ibumetin... nånting av det, eller alla i kombination.details
0075 daysdetails
evancuster5 daysdetails
Ansgar5 daysNeck rule!details
Ansgar5 daysdetails
michalmy5 daysAmoxycillin (from the first day).details
ReindeerCounter5 daysdetails
StefanJ5 daysdetails
Päkä5 daysdetails
Ansgar5 daysdetails
Anton.5 daysdetails
jys5 daysdetails
DWildfogel5 daysSeems like I only catch colds when I travel (Brazil last year).details
Dpritchard5 daysdetails
Piers Pirow5 daysTry preserve yourself before an ARdetails
Chumblet5 daysCold season + overwork.details
duncanarcher5 daysI thought I was doing well not to be ill after the OMM, but with a wet weekend of races in the lakes I think it has finally caught up on medetails
jmnipen5 daysdetails
Jagge5 daysdetails
Hedis5 daysdetails
K'lea5 daysdetails
Slar5 daysdetails
cedrik5 daysdetails
Brentman5 daysLots of sleep and rest.details
bill_l5 daysdetails
ChristianeT5 daysdetails
jed5 daysNo hard sessions. Plenty sleep and liquid.details
RJM5 daysdetails
putte5 daysdetails
emily20125 daysdetails
Jay-T5 daysdetails
Alex_Z5 daysdetails
Flakey5 daysdetails
CecileF5 daysdetails
Knutern975 daysFøler meg mye bedre. details
ChristianeT5 daysdetails
Piers Pirow5 daysFixed with antibiotics - 5 days.details
Ana5 daysInfluenssasta toivuttu. Ensimmäinen kuumeeton päivä. Tauti oli hirveä 39 astetta kuumetta koko ajan.details
lowees5 daysdetails
Bender5 daysdetails
tcut5 daysdetails
Gytė5 daysdetails
dcady5 daysdetails
annawallin5 daysdetails
Saz5 daysdetails
Akilah5 daysdetails
ReindeerCounter5 daysdetails
Giuseppe5 daysdetails
JamesC5 daysdetails
Päkä5 daysdetails
Leif_Blake5 daysdetails
jys5 daysdetails
Thoto5 daysAusruhendetails
bbrooke5 daysdetails
Craney5 daysdetails
Hadron Collider 5 daysdetails
Mark35 daysdetails
davelevine5 daysMonday - Started feeling under the weather; took an Advil Monday night Tuesday - felt better until late Tuesday afternoon which isn't too surprising considering how these things usually work; I took a dose of Nyquil Tuesday night and an extra multivitamin Wednesday - still felt sick but didn't take any meds, just an extra multivitamin in the evening Thursday - woke up feeling congested but no longer feverish and no more achy pain in my nostrils; still not out of the woods yet but fee...details
annanisi5 daysdetails
BigAl5 daysdetails
nmulder5 daysdetails
kido5 daysdetails
3x35 daysza dużo chlania i wariactw przez zbyt długi okres czasudetails
0075 daysdetails
Månsen5 daysdetails
Phat5 daysdetails
O Steve!5 daysdetails
Trav5 daysTook one day off. Struggled through the week. 6 days of cold. details
tbl5 daysdetails
AVikingRunner5 daysdetails
Shingo5 daysdetails
Thompass5 daysdetails
Tane5 daysdetails
pi5 daysdetails
silje5 daysdetails
Mark35 daysdetails
Clone5 daysDr on day 2 for cortisone pills again and a nasal flush (Drixine) with sinucon, acc.details
Katnap5 daysdetails
annawallin5 daysGick över snabbt ändå. Var riktigt kass mån-ons men sen mycket bättre. Lite seg i några dagar efter bara, kanske drog igång för snabbt då jag löpte på fredagen men 100% pigg på tisdagen sen efter några lugna dagar med bara lite styrketräning.details
Shingo5 daysdetails
evie5 daysdetails
susiethebear5 daysdetails
RHF5 daysdetails
salal5 daysdetails
axelhalvar5 daysTråkigt att folk följer med på SM-lägret när dom är sjuka!!details
Thompass5 daysdetails
tomtom5 daysdetails
Elvis5 daysdetails
annawallin5 daysdetails
mikee5 daysdetails
kido5 daysdetails
HA_Training5 daysdetails
susiethebear5 daysförkylning på förkylningen, hann må ok en dag emellan men gjorde inget för att få ont igen. så nog otur.details
majaporle5 daysdetails
mbo5 daysdetails
JKarjus5 daysdetails
Ansgar5 daysdetails
OJ5 daysdetails
ernst5 daysdetails
Dalton5 daysdetails
Kurt5 daysdetails
JCallender5 daysdetails
jemmerson5 daysdetails
Doris5 daysdetails
lowees5 daysdetails
susiethebear5 daysdetails
mikee5 daysdetails
RyanE5 daysdetails
ebuckley5 daysLot's of herbal tea to keep sinuses from draining into lungs. Seems to have helped avoid chest cold.details
annanisi5 daysdetails
Thompass5 daysdetails
jys5 daysVila.details
majaporle5 daysdetails
cedrik5 daysdetails
Gustav5 daysdetails
philm645 daysrested & slept & ate & drank. Toughing it out equals longer ill. details
jwolff5 daysdetails
susan5 daysdetails
su--5 daysdetails
Flakey5 daysdetails
Thoto5 daysdetails
ChristianeT5 daysdetails
adventuretom5 daysdetails
Kalgman5 daysdetails
Charlie5 daysNot sure. Just rest. details
0075 daysdetails
susiethebear5 daysvabba inte? skaffa inte barn? tja...details
Quicksilver5 daysdetails
salal5 daysdetails
Beacon5 daysdetails
FralezOLer5 daysdetails
Jagge5 daysdetails
pepa.5 daysschlaf. Nasenspray. schlaf. Patschi. details
Clone5 daysdetails
Brooner5 daysdetails
CharlieRennie5 daysdetails
majaporle5 daysdetails
Clone5 daysdetails
tbl5 daysdetails
Ansgar5 daysdetails
Thoto5 daysdetails
pi5 daysdetails
verarolfsson5 daysdetails
simmo5 daysdetails
LL5 daysdetails
Raz5 daysdetails
Brooner5 daysdetails
Bruce5 daysHayfever allergy improved with Claratinedetails
loefaas5 daysdetails
emmaS5 daysdetails
Heather O5 daysdetails
Stijn5 daysdetails
susiethebear5 daysdetails
susiethebear5 daysdetails
PatrickGarcia5 daysdetails
CasperS5 daysdetails
piero5 daysdetails
Chris985 daysdetails
cedrik5 daysdetails
RyanE5 daysdetails
susiethebear5 daysdetails
EmiliaS5 daysdetails
DrKeith5 daysdetails
Bridge5 daysdetails
ljbean5 daysdetails
pi5 daysdetails
Old Daniel5 daysStill not quite 100% but need to get back to some kind of normal details
annanisi5 daysdetails
ken5 daysdetails
MORIenteer5 daysdetails
jennyr5 daysdetails
Ruben Razzetti5 daysdetails
Ptr5 daysdetails
tbl5 daysVila, sovadetails
axelhalvar5 daysdetails
dcady5 daysSurprisingly short. 3 nights of NyQuil. After a week, still a little tired but no other significant symptoms. Extra naps helped a lot I think.details
Jay-T5 daysdetails
Linkan5 daysSkulle inte påbörjat fredagspasset, förmodligen därför som det blev en lite seg förkylning. details
Boje5 daysdetails
Chris985 daysdetails
CHorley5 daysgone, probably 9th but ehdetails
CHorley5 daysGone, very mild compared to last one.details
Shingo5 daysdetails
sofiawigle5 daysMidsommar, otoligt tufft cykelpass, sen sjuk :))details
Steffen5 daysdetails
ken5 daysdetails
Dooby5 daysdetails
Rob12805 daysdetails
EuanT5 daysdetails
Taco5 daysdetails
sofiawigle5 daysOnt i halsen och huvudetdetails
Shingo5 daysdetails
Roger G5 daysdetails
duncanarcher5 daysdetails
jemmerson5 daysdetails
Jagge5 daysdetails
annanisi5 daysdetails
CharlieRennie5 daysdetails
Boje5 daysdetails
nmulder5 daysMild cold and throat - took about 5 days to get overdetails
mvuk5 daysdetails
Erik 5 daysdetails
Steffen5 daysdetails
susan5 daysHead cold, came to naught, handy thatdetails
Josse5 daysMin teori är att man i Frankrike inte isolerar sig när man är krassliga i samma utsträckning som jag är van vid hemma (detta påstående är verifierat), som då i kombination med att man dubbeldippar bestick och mat i burkar och kastruller gör att allas friska och sjuka bakterier hamnar i det man själv ska äta. Får se om teorin håller framöver. Jag kallar den dubbeldippsjukan.details
Imogenpieters5 daysdetails
Francesca T5 daysdetails
TyrTom6 daysdetails
mrs.nosnhoj6 daysdetails
Swisscheese6 daysdetails
blegg6 daysdetails
rtm6 daysdetails
pi6 daysdetails
Spike6 daysdetails
salal6 daysstill a bit phlegmy, but not really sick... details
jwolff6 daysdetails
strangely6 daysdetails
ken6 daysdetails
matt_parton6 daysdetails
rwagnon6 daysLittle long though. I suspect overlapping infections.details
Nadim6 daysWith a better night of sleep and some cooler weather, the congestion has subsided. details
whynot6 daysdetails
capt'n smythie6 daysdetails
simi6 daysinget bara att lata sigdetails
Pia W6 daysdetails
bbrooke6 daysdetails
capt'n smythie6 daysdetails
wetware6 daysThink its mostly gone again :)details
urthbuoy6 daysdetails
revy6 daysdetails
OJ6 daysToo much training followed by some hard races. No surprises. details
barb6 daysdetails
bpyan6 daysdetails
Pia W6 daysdetails
Ralph6 daysdetails
3m6 daysRyan caused itdetails
Mick6 daysdetails
Tommy6 daysdetails
chiuihc6 daysdetails
lars6 daysJust took it easy and took the initial weekend off of the bike. Mid-week I was rolling mostly easy base miles and feeling good enough to crank it on Thursday for the World Championships.details
chip306 daysMom gave me a lot of medicine (Vitamin C, echinacea, ibuprofen, sudafed, cold capsules) at various times, and also standing in a hot shower for a long time helped the congestion. And I love lotion tissues.details
CathW6 daysdetails
o-pia6 daysdetails
Stuart L6 daysdetails
Clara6 daysdetails
Runodk6 daysdetails
capt'n smythie6 daysdetails
Georgia6 daysdetails
OJ6 daysdetails
Andrew6 daysPretty obvious cause... late night partying. Felt fairly fit despite it though, but rested anyway. Standard problem of phlegm dripping down the back of my throat while sleeping trying to cause a lung infection... Have decided that taking cough medicine during a cold is mandatory to help avoid this kind of problem.We will see if I managed to avoid the sinus infection which I usually get after colds.details
Craney6 daysCos I did a long run then got pissed. But those are 2 of my favourite past-times. Gutted.details
Dustin6 daysdetails
Justina6 daysKodel persalau nezinau. Speju kad pervargau... Nes ta diena ar diena pries nei susalau nei ka...details
JennyJ6 daysnot 100% just yet so not going to run til Saturday. Too much partying and not enough fruit.details
bhmb6 daysdetails
michellek6 daysdetails
BanjoLasse6 daysdetails
Ryan the Lion6 daysdetails
Squashy6 daysdetails
barb6 daysMostly done with this; still a ghost of it in my lungs. Got it from Dave. Could avoid this sort of thing by staying away from all people.details
j-man6 daysdetails
Craney6 daysdetails
simon6 daysdetails
bubo6 daysdetails
the kempster6 daysmy mother telling me to stay in bed helped a lot, and lots of water!details
errolpit6 daysdetails
Bryn6 daysdetails
kofols6 daysSprememba vremena. Klima po treningu pač ne pase.details
krickle6 daysdetails
Tullster6 daysdetails
deMon6 daysdetails
Andrew6 daysWow! My third cold this year already.... I'm training and partying way too much! One of them has to go...details
Skovmonster6 daysdetails
ken6 daysdetails
Oxoman6 daysdetails
Swisstoph6 daysdetails
Haze6 daysrest and lots of lemsip, zinc and vit C.details
Ezy6 daysdetails
Justina6 daysdetails
Reini6 daysdetails
daveabrams6 daysdetails
pepa.6 daysdetails
ink_216 dayslots of rest.details
zimmi6 daysdetails
GPS6 daysdetails
Nit-A-Nee6 daysdetails
daveabrams6 daysdetails
ba-ba6 daysSkiing in the cold/running in the cold/Beer/free winedetails
ken6 daysdetails
Sarah6 daysdetails
ken6 daysdetails
Ruhis6 daysJust another "räkätauti".details
schnitzer6 daysdetails
furlong476 daysdetails
KDawg RIT XC6 daysdetails
chiuihc6 daysdetails
AI-aka-nerimka6 daysdetails
LittleBit6 daysdetails
macey6 daysless time in cold and plenty of rest equal speedy recoverydetails
51226 daysBit more sleep, fluids etc and its gone.details
JonasB6 daysdetails
Tullster6 daysdetails
2226 daysdetails
mood6 daysYour'e in the best shape of your life just before you get sick!details
O-ing6 daysdetails
zimmi6 daysdetails
pepa.6 daysdetails
JonasB6 daysdetails
dkonotopetz6 daysdetails
OJ6 daysdetails
Elvis6 daysdetails
drewi6 daysdetails
m.jada6 daysdetails
ken6 daysdetails
mikee6 daysdetails
Cookiemonster6 daysNothing was ultimately going to help this more than time and rest. It was useful to keep cycling to the station every day to gauge how i was feeling without over-exerting myself. When I was able to cycle back up the hill tonight at a good pace with no discomfort I knew I was ready to start training again.details
MuddyFox6 daysdetails
schnitzer6 daysdetails
Tooms6 daysdetails
simon6 daysdetails
jwolff6 daysdetails
weegie6 daysdetails
RosieWatson6 daysdetails
Rainbow Unicorn6 daysdetails
jball6 daysdetails
jed6 daysdetails
Sarah6 daysdetails
laurenstoot6 daysOverload of school, stress, not enough sleep. Caught a bug and my immune system was low. Got rid of it. Lots of water helped.details
marieke6 daysdetails
Cookiemonster6 daysI was able to use my commuting sessions as a good gauge of how much it was affecting me without being too hard on my body.details
Ezy6 daysdetails
mindsweeper6 daysdetails
Skinorge066 daysdetails
Fabi6 daysUn jour de repos, lysomucil et aller dormir plus tôt.details
kess6 daysdetails
JMorris6 daysdetails
nmulder6 daysdetails
KingTim6 daysdetails
Mal6 daysdetails
jamacki6 daysdetails
Hall6 daysdetails
Marius6 daysdetails
jonnyq6 daystakin medicine AND drinking hot drinksdetails
Roger G6 daysdetails
Sarah6 daysdetails
OJ6 daysStag do not a good idea when ill. Got really stuffed up sinuses but it cleared up quite fast. details
RJM6 daysrest and timedetails
MuddyFox6 daysdetails
DarrenFG6 daysdetails
Shep6 daysdetails
Aksu6 daysdetails
jcreyna6 daysdetails
Stryder6 daysPretty clear breathing now, although still tired, can begin to train normally againdetails
pauline6 daysdetails
pi6 daysdetails
Philipp6 daysdetails
falcon6 daysI seem to get sick at this time each year.details
Fabi6 daysRien de spécial...details
C-man6 daysLot's of rest (Friday at lunch to Monday morning) without leaving the house at all.details
AliS6 daysdetails
mm-ha6 daysdetails
ginger6 daysdetails
alanlane6 daysdetails
RobP6 daysdetails
Ptr6 daysdetails
Ross6 daysSolid rest time and minimal workouts...short walks with the gramps...keep warm and watch myselfdetails
DeeR6 daysdetails
Whitesheep6 daysdetails
Philipp6 daysdetails
ToRunLong6 daysdetails
John O6 daysdetails
Axe6 daysdetails
hikingphotobug6 daysTook it easy for a week.details
T Morrison6 daysdetails
mikee6 daysdetails
runonthefly6 daysdetails
AliC6 daysdetails
pcbrent6 daysLots of hippy formulations including Propylis, Eukalipt Extract, and harden up pills.details
Becks6 daysdetails
AI-aka-nerimka6 daysdetails
j00n3z6 daysI think I was a little sick when i ran Albogavarvet and that may have help cause the sickness. Sleep and lots of drink helped.details
darryn6 daysdetails
ycartwhelen6 daysdetails
tomederer6 daysdetails
Trailrat6 daysDrugs/rest/time....details
zimmi6 daysdetails
veenstar6 daysdetails
Saz6 daysdetails
forsbergskan6 daysdetails
ReindeerCounter6 daysdetails
Bashman6 daysdetails
RobP6 daysdetails
loudmansam6 daysdetails
ken6 daysdetails
Fabi6 daysRepos, sirop et lysomucil.details
CleverSky6 daysA lot of gargling with warm salt water, plus serious rest, seems to have resulted in this particular cold having had less impact that has been the case in the past. Could be coincidence, but there's certainly nothing to lose from trying this approach.details
rtm6 daysdetails
AndyB6 daysdetails
#turbo6 daysdetails
Ptr6 daysInget speciellt, förutom en whiskey varje kväll och en jäkla massa sömn.details
gg6 daysdetails
Tullster6 daysdetails
Andrew6 daysdetails
dyoungdmd6 daysdetails
Karhunpentu 6 daysVielä yskää jäljellädetails
Marky Bitch6 daysdetails
phatty6 daysdetails
JL6 daysdetails
Steffen6 daysdetails
Mickos6 daysdetails
Roger G6 daysdetails
bdunn6 daysdetails
Maluks6 daysdetails
awilkinson6 daysdetails
Bashman6 daysdetails
Nev-Monster6 daysdetails
dimario6 daysdetails
o-pia6 daysdetails
Clone6 daysNot hectic but dwindling outdetails
Sergey6 daysWait through it until recovered :) Lots of fluids and easy life taking also helps :)details
Channa6 daysdetails
skitrening6 dayssov på et alt for kalt romdetails
JL6 daysIngen aning om varför jag gick på den niten, men det gick ju över den här gången också.details
Aksu6 daysdetails
candyman6 daysdetails
LuT6 daysdetails
Brooner6 daysdetails
Craney6 daysdetails
Anvil6 daysdetails
Linear Ice6 daysDid everything possible to kill this cold before my two week work trip... including staying warm, eating well, resting, not too much exertion, acupuncture (ok, it was for Achilles really, but when doc heard I had a cold I got more needles), Chinese herbs (he got me take some too), and because I still like Western meds more.. even antibiotics in case I was getting sinusitus. And also cold meds, etc. Not sure what worked, or if time cured it.details
mvuk6 daysdetails
cmpbllj6 daysLingered for a while. Still a little stuffy in the morning, but nothing green is coming out any more.details
CleverSky6 daysThis one hit me worse than usual, I was in bed feeling crummy for the better part of four days. I still wasn't all the way back by a week later, but I dragged myself out to run in the relay at Ratlum. I was diligent about gargling with salt water from the beginning, but it didn't save me.details
cmorse6 daysdetails
easy-rider6 daysTime, tea with honey & lemondetails
forsbergskan6 daysdetails
Andrew6 daysdetails
fn6 daysdetails
Andrew Feucht6 daysCold let go and then got me again. Maybe I came back at things a bit too fast.details
Juliamt6 daysdetails
mm-ha6 daysdetails
fn6 daysdetails
MasjaV6 daysDuidelijk: niet TOCH weer gaan lopen, extra dag rust nemendetails
jed6 daysrestdetails
schnitzer6 daysdetails
AngusL6 daysRest in a warmer climate!details
Bob-F6 daysdetails
xcsnowskier146 daysPretty much all better. Throat is still bugging me just a little bit, but not too bad.details
Jay-T6 daysdetails
cschneiderclimb6 daysdetails
Jay-T6 daysdetails
Hedis6 daysdetails
salal6 daysdetails
JoS6 daysdetails
vosvos6 daysdetails
Hol6 daysdetails
ebone6 daysdetails
Akhilleus6 daysdetails
jemmerson6 daysdetails
andreas6 daysTeplejsie sa musim obliekat ked bicyklujem do roboty.details
Jimmy Larsson6 daysFömodligen smittad av pappa efter en helg i Östersunddetails
Ptr6 daysVärme på Zanzibar.details
Nick6 daysduhh, is probably part of the gamedetails
fritzof6 daysEn "liten" förkylning denna gång gick inte ner i lungorna jippi!!details
Stevek6 daysdetails
gg6 daysdetails
bazil6 daysMore food + sleep maybe? details
Sludo6 daysdetails
ol.micke6 daysMycket sjukdom runt omkring.details
Mr Wonderful6 daysProbably was a sinus infection, based on the awful teeth pain with head angle change. Voice sounds terrible, but I'm not more tired than usual, and I could beat an average person in a footrace, I feel.details
ChristianeT6 daysdetails
Tooms6 daysdetails
GZs6 daysdetails
Ali6 daysdetails
StefanJ6 daysGick bort rätt fort, fick aldrig hostan som jag brukar få i samband med förkylningar. Men en läxa ändå, hade jag stått över Stigtomta kanske det aldrig brutit ut.details
xcsnowskier146 daysNot really fully recovered, still have a little cough. But I am going to get back into full on training. Hopefully I can call the official start fo the season May 1st, with no more injury/illnesses...details
Hedis6 daysdetails
runforest6 daysdetails
AliceCampbell6 daysdetails
mm-ha6 daysdetails
nivrac686 daysdetails
Jay-T6 daysdetails
Boje6 daysBei der DM Mittel eingefangen aber anscheinend nicht 100% auskuriert wie man eine Woche spæter sehen kann.details
Pajėda6 daysdetails
mags296 daysdetails
Swisscheese6 daysdetails
jsjöberg6 daysdetails
igor_6 daysdetails
dcady6 daysNo drugs. Lots of naps. By Nov 11 mostly done with. Still plan to keep up napping though.details
JennyDuBois6 daysdetails
MasjaV6 daysdetails
DanW6 daysdetails
darryn6 daysdetails
Ptr6 daysInget speciellt, vila, slappa, slöa..details
Thoto6 daysAusruhendetails
Ryan6 daysdetails
autark6 daysdetails
Nick6 daysdetails
northernfeller6 daysdetails
fletch6 daysdetails
gaffelman6 daysdetails
ReindeerCounter6 daysdetails
julien BAARC6 daysdetails
dcady6 daysdetails
zimmi6 daysSchlafen, Geduld und 1 Tag Pause!details
Nadim6 daysSleep/Rest.details
runforest6 daysdetails
andyd6 daysdetails
Fatty_Goffe6 daysdetails
milarepa6 daysOrsakades av för tidig tränings start efter förkylning.details
fins6 daysdetails
pepa.6 daysdetails
Matt Hartland6 daysRest, good feed,DAVEdetails
bthomas5706 daysdetails
ami6 daysdetails
boyle6 daysdetails
Jenja6 daysdetails
johannesh6 daysSer inte varför jag drog på mig denna förkylning. En del i familjen var sjuka men jag var knappt hemma. Bra att skiten släppte snabt även om det grusade chanserna till ett topplopp på jukola.details
Hirppa6 daysdetails
Jay-T6 daysdetails
Carbons Offset6 daysdetails
coady6 daysdetails
Gytė6 daysdetails
Ralph6 daysdetails
CrzBoarder6 daysStarted on the flight home from DC, and just when I thought it was over, I went out in the backyard for 2 or 3 hours and cleaned up all the leaves from the recent wind we had that caused it to stick around a bit longer.details
forsbergskan6 daysdetails
helehan6 daysdetails
JoS6 daysdetails
mm-ha6 daysdetails
White Kenyan6 daysdetails
db6 daysHeavy training load followed by going on the lash.details
Swisscheese6 daysdetails
mgb6 daysdetails
balcius6 daysdetails
alirobertson6 daysdetails
Keith6 daysdetails
LL6 daysdetails
1L6 daysdetails
CrzBoarder6 daysStress related. No workouts for a week. Caught up on sleep.details
ljbean6 daysdetails
revy6 daysdetails
Whitesheep6 daysdetails
duncanarcher6 daysdetails
Craig6 daysdetails
Tullster6 daysdetails
darryn6 daysdetails
TomiKä6 daysdetails
Andersen6 daysdetails
NSW Stinger6 daysdetails
Marius6 daysdetails
Shingo6 daysdetails
Susi6 daysdetails
kysulis6 daysdetails
elgar6 daysdetails
Päkä6 daysdetails
michalmy6 daysWorked from home on days 1-4. Amoxycillin days 2-6.details
GS6 daysRest and tbh eat well and don't stress. Not fully recovered but only a cough nowdetails
Bomb6 daysdetails
JoS6 daysdetails
Hedis6 daysdetails
iansmith6 daysdetails
skyhigh6 daysdetails
Clara6 daysApparently running in the rain helpsdetails
annawallin6 daysAntagligen lite sömnbrist, kanske efter Florida resan, utgång + tävling dagen efter, nån annan i skolan, värmen som inte fungerade i huset 2 nätter i rad och bakterier i simhallen. Körde på det vanliga med enchinagaard, coldzyme o massa Cvitamin, hjälpte la bra men det höll ändå i sig ett tag.details
noRa6 daysdetails
Ansgar6 daysdetails
Pajėda6 daysdetails
Canadian6 daysdetails
jys6 daysVila, sömn. KaNike var detta jul-stress-utlöst?details
Gytė6 daysdetails
TomiKä6 daysdetails
loefaas6 daysdetails
rtm6 daysdetails
Poogy6 daysdetails
Nookie Junkie6 daysdetails
Orig4mi6 daysdetails
Susi6 daysdetails
CleverSky6 daysLots of cough drops required, as well as some other OTC medications. details
JoS6 daysdetails
Trailrat6 daysdetails
Roger G6 daysdetails
Milia6 daysdetails
loefaas6 daysdetails
ol.micke6 daysdetails
BigAl6 daysdetails
Tullster6 daysdetails
Heather O6 daysdetails
emmawilson6 daysdetails
jwolff6 daysdetails
Davidm08116 daysdetails
xcman826 daysdetails
Ursa6 daysdetails
abiperk6 daysdetails
Katnap6 daysdetails
Schweigerjonas6 daysdetails
Mark36 daysBasically ignored it and just felt rubbish for a bit until it went away.details
abiperk6 daysdetails
Brentman6 daysJust taking it easy. Took one extra day of rest due to Heavy snow fall ;)details
trevorb6 daysdetails
Tanja6 daysdetails
Hedis6 daysdetails
nmulder6 daysdetails
taylamarche6 daysGot better through rest. Tried to exercise Friday and it was worse Saturday took the rest of the weekend off. details
Thibaut6 daysdetails
Alex_Z6 daysdetails
Jay-T6 daysdetails
bbrooke6 daysdetails
spinner6 daysdetails
Clone6 daysantibiotics this timedetails
Shingo6 daysdetails
Thibaut6 daysdetails
Psuba6 daysdetails
Carbons Offset6 daysdetails
Niko6 daysdetails
Thompass6 daysOk still suffering from a stuffy nose and a phlegmy cough but I feel ok now so I'm considering myself recovered.details
Piers Pirow6 daysdetails
Heather O6 daysdetails
Aippa6 daysdetails
Sarah6 daysdetails
BigAl6 daysdetails
Knutern976 daysdetails
Micke6 daysdetails
Strand6 daysdetails
jennyr6 daysdetails
jennyr6 daysdetails
Steve R6 daysdetails
axelhalvar6 daysInte direkt något jag lärt mig på denna sjukdomen bara återigen fått det bekräftat att det är sjukt tråkigt att inte träna.details
annawallin6 daysdetails
Boje6 daysdetails
Ari-o6 daysQuick hitter! Sleep is good.details
susan6 daysStop training hard to give body a chance to recoverdetails
ken6 daysdetails
Erik 6 daysdetails
joni6 daysdetails
fluceluce6 daysdetails
fn6 daysdetails
Pieter6 daysdetails
Dooby6 daysdetails
jed6 daysStopped training, lots of sleep and liquid. Yearly cold.details
firbanator6 daysdetails
JohnDingelstad6 daysdetails
JohnDingelstad6 daysdetails
mvuk6 daysdetails
Steffen6 daysdetails
Shingo6 daysdetails
3x36 daysKwas askorbinowy od Marysi mocno pomógł! Zaczynamy również odpornościową kurację od mojej Mamy, bo tak dalej być nie może.details
Sandbo6 daysFrom traveling?details
schnitzer6 daysdetails
Boje6 daysdetails
Sarah6 daysdetails
jemmerson6 daysdetails
Thompass6 daysdetails
emmaS6 daysdetails
Alex_Z6 daysdetails
Kalgman6 daysdetails
Gytė6 daysdetails
Flakey6 daysdetails
TomN6 daysdetails
undy6 daysBack off training. Completely.details
pinyata6 daysdetails
susiethebear6 daysdetails
Ansgar6 daysdetails
Renntier6 daysdetails
spinner6 daysdetails
mdryak6 daystea, sleep, repeatdetails
Gustav6 daysdetails
pepa.6 daysdetails
pi6 daysdetails
Kalgman6 daysdetails
susiethebear6 daysdetails
schnitzer6 daysdetails
evancuster6 daysdetails
gaffelman6 daysdetails
FJohnson6 daysdetails
Saz6 daysdetails
Heather O6 daysdetails
Freeheelpete6 daysdetails
Katnap6 daysdetails
michalmy6 daysPossibly caught sitting in a draught at home. Codral Cold+Flu.details
Ansgar6 daysdetails
Sandbo6 daysdetails
pi6 daysdetails
Kalgman6 daysdetails
jys6 daysdetails
noRa6 daysdetails
Heather O6 daysdetails
andrew_elwood6 daysdetails
schnitzer6 daysdetails
pbergstedt6 daysdetails
jwolff6 daysdetails
Ansgar6 daysdetails
Erik 6 daysdetails
RichardNZ6 daysdetails
Raz6 daysdetails
ChristianeT6 daysdetails
AdamConway6 daysdetails
Kalgman6 daysdetails
tbl6 daysdetails
Kalgman6 daysdetails
ebuckley6 daysdetails
Clone6 daysdetails
pi6 daysdetails
duncanarcher6 daysdetails
Boje6 daysdetails
ken6 daysdetails
su--6 daysdetails
errolpit6 daysdetails
Tschaekob6 daysdetails
BenSquire6 daysdetails
fn6 daysGick över snabbt.details
Tooms6 daysdetails
Taco6 daysdetails
Flakey6 daysdetails
SteveG6 dayssudafed regimindetails
mvuk6 daysdetails
Dooby6 daysdetails
nmulder6 daysdetails
Whitesheep6 daysdetails
Mainman6 daysdetails
Torzi6 daysdetails
Zippy6 daysdetails
ChristianeT6 daysdetails
Boje6 daysdetails
Flakey6 daysdetails
julianaslund6 daysBlev nerkyld flera gånger veckan innan förkylningen och sedan ett hårt träningspass när jag inte kände mig helt 100. Nässkölj, nässpray och honungsvatten påskyndade tillfriskningsprocessen. details
Dooby6 daysdetails
Dooby6 daysdetails
Eric Johansson6 daysTog förkylningen väldigt seriöst denna gång så var bara borta i några dagar vilket var sköntdetails
Kristaps6 daysdetails
schnitzer6 daysdetails
Whitesheep6 daysdetails
Boje6 daysdetails
Craig6 daysdetails
Tylereight6 daysFör lite vila. Kroppen hade känts seg i flera dagar. Borde insett att jag behövde vila. details
silje6 daysdetails
Nev-Monster6 daysdetails
saraabom6 daysdetails
axelhalvar6 daysdetails
Whitesheep6 daysdetails
SannaHedberg6 daysdetails
Dooby6 daysdetails
annawallin6 daysdetails
filippabraun6 daysdetails
saraabom6 daysdetails
pi6 daysdetails
palkarakai6 daysdetails
mvuk6 daysdetails
duncanarcher6 daysdetails
aronhellgren6 daysdetails
Jay-T6 daysdetails
cedrik6 daysdetails
silje6 daysdetails
Niko6 daysdetails
Raz6 daysdetails
Boje6 daysdetails
aronhellgren6 daysSvårt att avgöra om förkylning eller pollen. Tror dock det var förkylningdetails
jemmerson6 daysdetails
AngusL6 daysdetails
fn6 daysdetails
Boje6 daysdetails
silje6 daysdetails
pompemarek6 daysdetails
silje6 daysdetails
CHorley6 daysDone. Cold was mild. Headache was badddd.details
Raz6 daysdetails
rastridge6 daysmust have picked it up somewhere helped to take time off from running... drank lots of fluids, slept a lot, drank hot liquidsdetails
ljbean6 daysmaybe total rest would have been better, but a few easier days didn't seem to hurtdetails
EuanT6 daysdetails
Niko6 daysdetails
EuanT6 daysdetails
Raz6 daysdetails
CHorley6 daysEnd of Tues feeling better.details
pi6 daysdetails
RosieWatson6 daysdetails
Rowan6 daysdetails
Faceplant6 daysRest ig.details
BEB6 daysApsirgau oro uoste. Tiesiog reikėjo naudoti vaistusdetails
Freeheelpete6 daysdetails
nmulder6 daysMild cold with sore throat developing into the lungs and a slight cough. Caught it from Steph.details
Roger G6 daysdetails
CHorley6 daysKinda, there/gone.details
jemmerson6 daysdetails
axelhalvar6 days25 bollar i luften leder till sjukdom och trötthet, dags att lära sig det. details
Steffen6 daysdetails
pcbrent6 daysdetails
EuanT6 daysdetails
jemmerson6 daysdetails
michalmy6 daysPantoprazole: Day 1-5 Codral D&N: Day 3-5details
DrKeith6 daysdetails
andriusj116 daysdetails
RobbieL6 daysJust rest and lemsipsdetails
ken6 daysdetails
Shingo6 daysdetails
mrogers6 daysdetails
Brooner6 daysdetails
mcraig6 daysdetails
Bender7 daysCause: low immune system from training camp, then sitting on a couple of planes breathing recycled air. Recovery: timedetails
div7 daysNew strain of cold or flu. Even took antibiotics at the end. Reason weak imune system after hard competitions.details
Pia W7 daysdetails
cmorse7 daysdetails
theshadow7 daysGot run down in the previous week. Better to take a day off than get sick. BUT hard to avoid when everyone around you is sickdetails
robw7 daysdetails
HorseTheMan7 daysdetails
kpoire7 daysdetails
JennyJ7 daysNeed to eat more fruit and stay away from ill people at work (maybe impossible that one!)details
EricP7 daysdetails
DougD7 daysProbably brought on by travelling and by taking minutes at the COF AGM (outdoors) in the cold.details
mindsweeper7 daysdetails
Becks7 daysSome good rest, not even cycling to work, a full day in bed, good eating, good sleep and feeling the happiest I have in a while led to quick resolution.details
Fatjeff7 daysdetails
lazybones7 daysdetails
Nick7 dayshalls,spray,tea and not much outdoordetails
LilFlip7 daysRest, Vitamin Cdetails
Homey7 daysdetails
ginger7 daysdetails
wetware7 daysLots of rest, tenacious cold though, had about 2 days of meds to fight the symptoms.details
Nails7 daysdetails
Old_Fox7 daysLet it run it's course!details
leper7 daysdetails
yeagerjustin7 daysdetails
Treebug7 dayseat my veggies!details
jfredrickson7 daysSleep!details
krickle7 daysdetails
Fatjeff7 daysdetails
CathW7 daysdetails
Clara7 daysdetails
LittleBit7 daysdetails
ink_217 daysdetails
Dustin7 daysdetails
CathW7 daysdetails
gg7 daysLack of sleep on consecutive nights combined with hard races, during a fairly heavy training period. Travelling, stressful journey with several connections.details
kurthu7 daysdetails
Ghost7 daysdetails
mjd7 daysdetails
Justina7 daysdetails
CathW7 daysdetails
Tundra/Desert7 daysI closed this out so that it wouldn't show. The 10 January 2008 enddate is a guess.details
helehan7 daysdetails
JoS7 daysdetails
Rx7 daysdetails
Paddy7 daysdetails
O-ing7 daysdetails
bcotton7 daysdetails
ink_217 daysdetails
nmulder7 daysThe post-Epic blues. Got to get 1/2kg of dust out of your lungs. No exercise.details
Hobitas7 daysdetails
Cyrgon7 daysdetails
GPS7 daysdetails
jotaigna7 daysdetails
JaimeVelo7 daysdetails
NMFC7 daysdetails
pi7 daysdetails
rockman7 daysdetails
Bender7 daysdetails
Andrew7 daysdetails
3m7 daysThink it may have been hayfever.. not a cold? details
Ruhis7 daysdetails
drewi7 daysdetails
Haze7 daysdetails
AI-aka-nerimka7 daysdetails
cmorse7 daysdetails
bigE7 daysdetails
JMorris7 daysNothing really...details
forsbergskan7 daysRest,fresh air and my homemade drinks is the best recovery!details
JoS7 daysdetails
leehawk7 daysdetails
Charlie7 daysintensive course of antibiotics, a couple of nights with Nyquil. Seems to have run its course.details
bradc7 daysJust a bit snivelly now.details
ami7 daysdetails
ken7 daysdetails
A Forseille7 daysdetails
LittleBit7 daysdetails
Andrew7 daysdetails
kurthu7 daysdetails
K'lea7 daysdetails
slshine7 daysI had a long run last Saturday on the treadmill in the gym and did not adequately re-hydrate. Then I went home and painted the rest of the day. I think I overworked my body. Also, this cold/sinusitis is definitely going around. details
Jubby7 daysTook the weekend off training to recover and have some good sleep. Frustrating, but worth it in the long run.details
Stryder7 daysFairly quick resolution with rest.details
0077 daysdetails
AndyB7 daysdetails
Adam7 daysdetails
rocky7 daysdetails
HubNukin'7 daysCrazy head cold resulted in two days off of work, but was able to get some needed rest. Had to bin off the Snowgaine, but was a good sacrifice for R&I. Have to ramp up a bit as opposed to taper now.details
elatosuo7 daysRest. details
K'lea7 daysdetails
Stefan7 daysDefinitivt orsakad av dålig eftervårdnad av nattpasset på Främby Udde. Bytte inte om ordentligt, kom hem sent, inte tillräckligt med mat.details
Rosco7 daysdetails
Ruhis7 daysdetails
JonasB7 daysdetails
Hirppa7 daysdetails
jeepzon7 daysdetails
SuperJ7 daysdetails
bill_l7 daysdetails
Rainbow Unicorn7 daysTook 2 days off this week to recuperate before a tough weekenddetails
Ptr7 daysdetails
AL767 daysdetails
capt'n smythie7 daysdetails
acejase7 daysforgot to mark this as recovered until about 27 days later.details
zerfas7 daysI am around a lot of sick people so bound to get sick even when I am careful.details
Tingis7 daysdetails
jesse16127 daysdetails
Adrian Hamouda7 daysDrink OJdetails
chrispat7 daysdetails
boyle7 daysdetails
O-ing7 daysdetails
JohnW7 daysI probably could have kept training, but I thought the rest may help to get rid of it sooner. That may have worked.details
pauline7 daysdetails
MantasM7 daysSleeping, tea, and some drugs.details
Akhilleus7 daysdetails
Stryder7 daysTook Tamiflu which helped me turn the corner rather quickly, I am still showing some signs of a secondary infection, but will slowly reintegrate training as normal and see how I progressdetails
Andree7 daysI think that work stress prolonged the cold...feel great nowdetails
Rich7 daysdetails
OJ7 daysCame back a bit too quickly and felt very tired for a few days...better to rest for a bit longer in the future.details
thomasvdk7 daysCause: Bad luck. Viral & bacterial. Recovered: Resting & antibiotics.details
SteveT7 daysdetails
imbjorgul7 daysdetails
barb7 daysdetails
AL767 daysdetails
lorrieq7 daysdetails
Kas7 daysdetails
Reini7 daysdetails
nh7 daysGot worse from tuesday to wednesday, super tired and sore thighs.details
Clone7 daysdetails
Anwen7 daysdetails
Rosenstiel7 daysdetails
andzs7 daysAntibiotics :(. Usually I try to avoid them. But this time I saw no way to get through without them.details
Julia (old log)7 daysdetails
Akhilleus7 daysdetails
Reini7 daysdetails
O-ing7 daysdetails
Hobitas7 daysdetails
2 Dots7 daysdetails
BanjoLasse7 daysdetails
ba-ba7 daysgive it to the Girlfriend...details
nh7 daysJust one of those lame colds you get after a big event - Hillary Challenge Adventure Race this timedetails
joshblatch7 daysdetails
Phanton7 daysdetails
marieidnes7 daysdetails
cmorse7 daysdetails
JoS7 daysdetails
Sarah7 daysdetails
vandy66167 daysdetails
annejol7 daysHard interval training one evening and i ran 90 min the next morning when i was in doubt. When in doubt..details
JMorris7 daysRest, paracetamol.details
schnitzer7 daysdetails
rightsideways7 daysdetails
RJM7 daysdetails
Honkie7 daysdetails
mbo7 daysdetails
falcon7 daysTravel while sleep deprived contributed to getting sick. Rest made it better. What else is new?details
tomederer7 daysdetails
thegingerninja7 daysRest.details
Spongey7 daysTime and beddetails
RosieWatson7 daysdetails
aireyb7 daysugh...that one sucked...hope my wife kicks it quicker than i diddetails
Backstreet Boy7 daysJust got over it.details
Thumper7 daysPleased to have taken those two days off in the middle at the height of the cold- may bite me in the ass fitness wise but certainly helped stop the rotdetails
Lene7 daysdetails
pi7 daysdetails
eoinmcc7 daysdetails
MCrone7 daysdetails
daveabrams7 daysdetails
leper7 daysjust a boring cold. really, really boring.details
liliput7 daysdetails
Dooby7 daysLots of drugs, stomach was complaining at the end of them. For the record Augmentin is shit. Not sure what caused the stupid chest to go ballistic, maybe was rundown after the weekend in Limerick and Wicklow. Took a week to shift in the end.details
JonD7 daysmuch congestion but working out during this was doable.details
AngrySeagull7 daysdetails
Cruachan7 daysdetails
Nadim7 daysIt just slowly faded away. details
Jon X7 daysdetails
dcady7 daysTime and rest. On 5/15 still a little mucus but otherwise symptom free.details
Månsen7 daysvila o lite medicindetails
KPittman7 daysdetails
Shingo7 daysdetails
samwell7 daysSmashed Vitamin Cdetails
Pyroxpert7 daysdetails
HenrikGj7 daysdetails
Rich7 daysdetails
noken7 daysdetails
Ryan the Lion7 daysdetails
Hedis7 daysdetails
O-ing7 daysEchinacea, zinc, propolis, Vitamin C, manuka honey, Blis streptococuss K12 strain. Cruelled Oceania 2011.details
chino7 daysINcreased mileage and intensity too fast w/ track 5k, followed by hard 12miles on trails at elevation. Plus, long days at work right when I got sick.details
torbensfunk7 daysdetails
mvuk7 daysdetails
FoxShadow7 daysdetails
Pete7 daysdetails
JuliaB7 daysdetails
ThomasT7 dayshouse dust allergy + heavy air condition + cold and wet weather. just waited for the end.details
AliS7 daysdetails
KingTim7 daysdetails
mags297 daysdetails
Mitch787 daysdetails
Craig7 daysdetails
J Anderson7 daysdetails
DWildfogel7 daysdetails
dancarter7 daysLack of rest probably caused the cold. I feel like going into the doctor for a colonoscopy might have played a part too. Rest, good diet, little alcohol helped recovery.details
BruceMeier7 daysdetails
Rinni7 daysdetails
Jimmy Larsson7 daysdetails
CleverSky7 daysDidn't do anything in particular to deal with it, but this one didn't get me very hard.details
LuT7 daysdetails
PhilW7 daysdetails
Andrew Feucht7 daysSlow recovery. I felt really wiped out only for one evening. Walking cold? I am convinced that these nasties are coming from my kid's school. They should be homeschooled. :)details
karen7 daysdetails
Siggi7 daysdetails
jemmerson7 daysdetails
Jagge7 daysdetails
fn7 daysdetails
Tooms7 daysdetails
Fabi7 daysRien de spécifique...hormis plus de reposdetails
Cracker7 daysdetails
guerfondler7 daysdetails
mcqueen7 daysdetails
Andrew7 daysUnpleasant cold which started out light, but then, due to work/lack of sleep, developed, including a sore throat. Felt exhausted a couple of days after helping with Ultraloppet Fri/Sat. Spent those days on the couch sleeping lots which helped recovery. This cold was mainly a result of several late nights trying to get work done, perhaps in combination with the resulting tiredness in doing three 'races' in four days (14th-17th).details
Aksu7 daysdetails
Boje7 daysetwas zu lange leicht Bekleidet in der Buga gewesen und dann mit Nassen Klamotten auf dem Rad bis nach hause gefahren.. :-((details
ol.micke7 daysIngen träning och tog även hosttabletter 2 dagar, dock tror jag inte det var till fördel.details
salal7 daysdetails
Ptr7 daysSova sova.. Vila vila..details
aharpp7 daysdetails
schnitzer7 daysdetails
TomiKä7 daysdetails
ken7 daysdetails
LL7 daysTebekosciudetails
Boje7 daysDaas einzige was dagegen geholfen hat war die Medizin vom Arzt. Deswegen das nächste mal einfach gleich zum Arzt gehen und nciht erst eine Woche warten !!!details
joshblatch7 daysdetails
jonny crickmore7 daysdetails
Gytė7 daysdetails
hodgepodge7 daysdetails
J Anderson7 daysdetails
ChristianeT7 daysdetails
ashleyw7 daysdetails
Geoman7 daysdetails
lorrieq7 daysdetails
DanW7 daysdetails
freddie7 daysdetails
Crefcoeur7 daysdetails
KingTim7 daysdetails
milarepa7 daysdetails
Klaas7 daysdetails
J Anderson7 daysdetails
Hedis7 daysdetails
KingTim7 daysdetails
kurthu7 daysdetails
revy7 daysdetails
LL7 daysdetails
Benham7 daysdetails
Strand7 daysdetails
jemmerson7 daysdetails
Jenja7 daysdetails
AliS7 daysdetails
Hedis7 daysdetails
Clone7 daysdetails
Garry7 daysToo tired & stressed getting SRSA report out. Making sure I go enough rest possibly helped.details
guerfondler7 daysdetails
bill_l7 daysdetails
StephHurry7 daysdetails
Stijn7 daysdetails
Julius7 daysdetails
MVB7 daysdetails
DanW7 daysdetails
pepa.7 daysdetails
J Anderson7 daysdetails
Hobitas7 daysdetails
muck7 daysLack of sleep and overwork caused my immune system to be wimpy. I got a couple of nights of good sleep (with the help of Theraflu) and feel so much better.details
runforest7 daysjust restdetails
Roger G7 daysdetails
PoJo7 daysdetails
Marius7 daysdetails
jemmerson7 daysdetails
Poogy7 daysdetails
dcady7 daysMostly rested. Advil before bed two nights. No other meds.details
joshblatch7 daysdetails
coady7 daysdetails
runforest7 daysdetails
annawallin7 daysdetails
blairtrewin7 daysdetails
ken7 daysdetails
Poogy7 daysdetails
OL7 daysRest, eating, easing back on exercise intensity. Avoided swimming as well.details
niamh7 daysdetails
MattC7 daysdetails
PoJo7 daysdetails
elgar7 daysdetails
devonbeckman7 daysdetails
swat7 daysdetails
Tim C7 daysdetails
KingTim7 daysdetails
annawallin7 daysdetails
Ari-o7 daysQuick hitter. Sleeping lots (10 hours per night) helped. Apex of the cold was the Birkie. Oh well, still did decently.details
kpoire7 daysdetails
JamieP7 daysdetails
mikeeyer7 daysdetails
annawallin7 daysdetails
Hedis7 daysdetails
jys7 daysdetails
TomiKä7 daysdetails
annawallin7 daysdetails
Miikka7 daysdetails
KingTim7 daysdetails
Brooner7 daysdetails
JamieP7 daysMostly cleared up after an easy week, but lingered and felt run down for at least another week.details
Tullster7 daysdetails
undy7 daysTaking a week off seemed to work, it hasn't quite gone, but never got annoying.details
Tooms7 daysdetails
kpoire7 daysdetails
susan7 daysdetails
TomiKä7 daysdetails
LL7 daysdetails
Hobitas7 daysdetails
Ptr7 daysdetails
Mark37 daysdetails
jemmerson7 daysdetails
Clone7 daysdetails
torbensfunk7 daysdetails
DrKeith7 daysCipro Paracet and restdetails
darryn7 daysdetails
errolpit7 daysdetails
Andrew7 daysdetails
xcman827 daysdetails
dieterkreps7 daysdetails
OJ7 daysdetails
JuraMac7 daysdetails
BigAl7 daysdetails
SarahG7 daysdetails
SShaheen7 daysdetails
Lulu7 daysdetails
DrKeith7 daysdetails
gwilliams7 daysdetails
dcady7 daysLots of naps is good.details
ken7 daysdetails
MichelleVR7 daysdetails
davelevine7 daysMaybe if I had been a little more on my toes I might have avoided this cold. I avoided a warning sign, a slight tickle at the back of my throat. If I had started gargling with salt water then I might have cleared that up and avoided everything that followed. What helped me recover was gargling with salt water, lots of rest (Sat-Mon; I only missed the one day of work), advil (which at the very least helped me to get some sleep, dispelled a couple headaches and, one night, a pain in my jaw; ...details
Carbons Offset7 daysdetails
richf7 daysdetails
Roger G7 daysdetails
K'lea7 daysdetails
K'lea7 daysdetails
Shingo7 daysdetails
Brooner7 daysdetails
Bozzy7 daysdetails
FrankTheTank7 daysdetails
michalmy7 daysRest & Amoxycillin (from days 5-14).details
nmulder7 daysdetails
PNrider7 daysdetails
RHF7 daysdetails
michalmy7 daysRest, Avelox (days 4-13), Breo Ellipta inhaler (days 4-17).details
MCrone7 daysdetails
TomiKä7 daysdetails
wildwood7 daysdetails
Meli7 daysdetails
Abrando7 daysdetails
jemmerson7 daysdetails
schnitzer7 daysdetails
TomiKä7 daysdetails
Josse7 daysdetails
jwolff7 daysdetails
dcady7 daysGot better on its own. Should have taken more symptom relief medicine especially before bed.details
bradc7 daysdetails
salal7 daysdetails
Flakey7 daysdetails
@Paddy7 daysdetails
adventuretom7 daysdetails
jemmerson7 daysdetails
Dooby7 daysdetails
Whitesheep7 daysdetails
MikeRoss047 daysdetails
Stijn7 daysdetails
Boje7 daysdetails
Clone7 daysdetails
Collin_Parker7 daysdetails
coach7 daysOnly in the head and throat.Breathing largely unaffected.details
Flakey7 daysdetails
Eleonore7 daysdetails
undy7 daysEasy week, took nighttime cold and flu tablets for a few days. Being outdoors all week in dry weather helped.details
jys7 daysdetails
HitnHope7 daysRunning hard in the cold on Tues brought it out, and then running again on Weds made it worse. details
Josse7 daysdetails
zach.schroeder7 daysdetails
DWildfogel7 daysThe Monday before I got the cold, I was heavily exposed to Camila's son's cold. Caught a cold after the last time I visited them, too. I'll be reluctant to visit them again prior to an O-meet.details
Thompass7 daysdetails
GRennie7 daysdetails
Raz7 daysdetails
vyc7 daysdetails
sanchez7 daysdetails
pepa.7 daysdetails
troll feet7 daysSufaded. Eased down on the training. Mainly gone. Odd sniffle resurfaced on 11th. Another two Sudafed takendetails
alirobertson7 daysdetails
emmaS7 daysdetails
RJM7 daysdetails
Steve R7 daysdetails
kkling7 daysdetails
Hedis7 daysdetails
axelhalvar7 daysTror det var att jag tränade för hårt och blev lite smått övertränad som orsakade sjukdomen, känn efter mer nästa grundträning!details
susiethebear7 daysumgänge med sjuka och för lite sömn.details
schnitzer7 daysdetails
Steffen7 daysdetails
Boltboi7 daysdetails
vern7 daysdetails
Steve R7 daysdetails
emmaS7 daysdetails
Bruce7 daysdetails
Clone7 daysAnti-biotics and cortizone. mostly okay after 7 days, bit of sinus remainsdetails
Whitesheep7 daysdetails
tbl7 daysdetails
Aippa7 daysdetails
kswarbreck7 daysIt turned bacterial so Needed antibiotics. Should have taken them sooner details
Clone7 daysdetails
Roger G7 daysdetails
salal7 daysdetails
Stijn7 daysdetails
axelhalvar7 daysTagga SM, har typ släppt är frisk iafdetails
BiankaDTC7 daysdetails
emmaS7 daysdetails
duncanarcher7 daysdetails
katiepetersen7 daysdetails
xcman827 daysdetails
pi7 daysdetails
Thoto7 daysdetails
silje7 daysdetails
HannahH7 daysdetails
Jay-T7 daysdetails
Thompass7 daysdetails
Ansgar7 daysdetails
Sandbo7 daysdetails
Ptr7 daysdetails
lowees7 daysdetails
emmaS7 daysflying in planes + not getting enough sleep + sharing a hotel room with sick people is not a good ideadetails
Guisborough17 daysdetails
OL7 daysdetails
Niko7 daysdetails
axelhalvar7 daysGick över, kunde träna på trots sjukdomskänsla var nog en mesförkylning. details
tbl7 daysOrsak: Dåligt med vila Återhämtning: Riktigt vila & mycket ingefäradetails
annawallin7 daysdetails
Whitesheep7 daysdetails
CleverSky7 daysOne day off work, the normal regimen, followed by the usual lingering cough.details
Pieter7 daysdetails
Brooner7 daysdetails
HannesS7 daysdetails
duncanarcher7 daysNot sure what brought this on. Maybe long run in London which was pretty chilly. Or just unlucky. At least recovered ok for holiday over Xmas in Scotland.details
kido7 daysdetails
AronB7 daysdetails
su--7 daysdetails
Quicksilver7 daysdetails
susiethebear7 daysdetails
Niko7 daysdetails
MVB7 daysdetails
CharlieRennie7 daysdetails
jys7 daysdetails
jaxe7 daysdetails
majaporle7 daysdetails
Warti7 daysdetails
GRennie7 daysNeed more consistent sleep probablydetails
fridaarnesson7 daysOrsak: lite sömn och slarv med att ta igen det och återhämtning. Fortfarande lite hostig men räknar med att träna lätt styrka imorgon och DM på onsdag så säger nog ändå att jag är friskdetails
Garrison7 daysdetails
O-ing7 daysYellow muc for a couple of days then turned back into allergic rhinitisdetails
Beacon7 daysdetails
Ptr7 daysInget specielltdetails
Boje7 daysdetails
Thompass7 daysdetails
Kalgman7 daysdetails
xcman827 daysdetails
koalakeeya7 daysdetails
stucrutchfield7 daysdetails
Boje7 daysdetails
Niko7 daysdetails
annawallin7 daysdetails
markg7 daysdetails
pi7 daysdetails
dcady7 daysPretty mild all thing considered. Used NyQuil three nights, occasional decongestant and Advil.details
ChristianeT7 daysdetails
Josse7 daysdetails
Tschaekob7 daysdetails
emmaeliasson7 daysdetails
xcman827 daysdetails
Hellyson7 daysdetails
CasperS7 daysdetails
Shingo7 daysdetails
susiethebear7 daysdetails
ChristianeT7 daysdetails
pi7 daysdetails
jouni557 daysdetails
Stijn7 daysdetails
Dooby7 daysdetails
ken7 daysdetails
Isak Dalin7 daysJag vilade mycket och stod över pulshöjande träning. Min brorsa var sjuk en vecka innan så jag tror han kan ha smittat mig. details
Hugginator7 daysdetails
ShadowCaster7 daysdetails
Raz7 daysdetails
Boje7 daysdetails
mrsb7 daysdetails
pepa.7 daysdetails
Heather O7 daysdetails
Raz7 daysdetails
yougogirl7 daysdetails
yougogirl7 daysdetails
Raz7 daysdetails
saraabom7 daysdetails
oliviabjohnson7 daysdetails
EuanT7 daysdetails
Fabiano7 days3 giorni di malesseredetails
axelhalvar7 daysdetails
Brooner7 daysdetails
susiethebear7 daysdetails
CHorley7 dayssymptoms lingered for a fairly long period of time, but finally gone.details
Dooby7 daysdetails
AntonSi7 daysdetails
susiethebear7 daysdetails
jwolff7 daysdetails
pi7 daysdetails
greta_leonard7 daysdetails
susiethebear7 daysdetails
DrKeith7 daysdetails
O Joy7 daysdetails
rastridge7 dayswas minor enough that i didn’t change anything training-wise; it helped to drink hot tea when i had a sore throat and i tried to get as much sleep as possible (which still wasn’t enough seeing as it’s the lead up to reading week…)details
saraabom7 daysdetails
Raz7 daysdetails
pompemarek7 daysdetails
Chris987 daysNot enough sleep, travel after a mega hard race, and lack of genuine rest/high anxiety. details
Ptr7 daysLättare förkylning som inte riktigt ville släppa.details
Brooner7 daysdetails
michalmy7 daysDays 1-2: Codral Day & Night Days 3-5: Trust Cold & Flu + Cough (Albion Park Rail) Days 3-4: Sambucol Cold & Flu Forte Days 5-18: Pantoprazole Sandozdetails
loefaas7 daysdetails
Josse7 daysdetails
adventuretom7 daysdetails
DominicGreen7 daysdetails
RimvydasA7 daysdetails
rastridge7 daysdetails
pepa.7 daysdetails
Ruben Razzetti7 daysdetails
haydensmith7 daysdetails
antoniomariani7 daysdetails
susiethebear7 daysdetails
loefaas7 daysdetails
PM7 daysdetails
duncanarcher7 daysdetails
PM7 daysdetails
briangardner7 daysdetails
Richi Ross7 daysdetails
loefaas7 daysdetails
dcady7 daysAdam came down with similar at the same time. Took NyQuil for 4 nights. Lots of naps helped. 2 hour nap after 2 hours up was not unusual. Barbara seems to have caught it now.details
Sudden8 daysdetails
wilsmith8 daysCause: not enough sleep, maybe a little too much training. Resolution: fix the above.details
Clara8 daysdetails
ginger8 daysdetails
DragonFly8 daysNot sure what caused this, but perhaps lack of sleep and busy schedule. Took a long time to recover, but needed good rest, sleep and relaxation.details
capt'n smythie8 daysdetails
Rose8 daysdetails
Charlie8 daysdetails
pi8 daysdetails
Fat Rat8 daysdetails
null8 dayszicam, airborn, and all the other homeopathics. still suffering from tight lungsdetails
drwill48 daysdetails
LilFlip8 daysTIME!! Lots of rest (took 4 straight days off from running), Vitamin Cdetails
jjcote8 daysIt did get pretty nasty for a couple of days, but at this point it's essentially over, just some lingering congestion and cough, as usual. Nancy gave me some Mucinex to try, but it's not clear if it helped at all.details
nmulder8 daysEnough rest.details
Clara8 daysdetails
Tane8 daysdetails
tbl8 daysdetails
kurthu8 daysdetails
dbegbie8 daysdetails
CathW8 daysdetails
CathW8 daysdetails
jwolff8 daysdetails
lonerunner8 daysi was run down from JWOC and think i caught something on the plane.details
Dustin8 daysdetails
Swisscheese8 daysdetails
grilla8 daysdetails
pepa.8 daysdetails
acejase8 daysdo i get sick after holidays/time away? i.e. been away to Cairns.details
Zyza8 daysdetails
h18 daysdetails
acejase8 daysneed to keep taking hayfever meds when they are working. think cough caused by hayfever-induced sinus runniness.details
boyle8 daysdetails
ihelgesen8 daysdetails
yeagerjustin8 daysdetails
daedalus8 daysdetails
drwill48 daysPossibly a cold but with a fever thrown in it could have been a mild version of the flu. I got a flu shot but found out that this year's version is only about 40% good.details
rtm8 daysdetails
rocky8 daysSpoke to Dr. N. he suggests its okay to run but not to stress the immune system. Speed work is not recommended.details
Kat8 daysdetails
JennyJ8 daysRest, rest and more rest. Glad I didn't run last weekend (although absolutely gutted obviously!).details
loudmansam8 daysdetails
jamacki8 daysGot it after the 1/2 marathon... needed to take time off to recover from cold otherwise it just drages on.details
mags298 daysdetails
Tullster8 daysdetails
macey8 daysneeded to rest, maybe take days off school. may have helped recoverydetails
ba-ba8 daysdetails
Hilary8 daysdetails
kungen18 daysdetails
AI-aka-nerimka8 daysdetails
vandy66168 daysdetails
Sony8 daysdetails
RobB8 daysdetails
loudmansam8 daysdetails
Spongey8 daysdetails
cortelmcm8 daysdetails
Pooley8 daysdetails
vandy66168 daysdetails
mm-ha8 daysdetails
noalittle8 daysdetails
kungen18 daysdetails
ximenes8 daysdetails
pepa.8 daysdetails
pfc8 daysdetails
marieke8 daysdetails
richard_b8 daysdetails
matt_parton8 daysdetails
Olly Williams =)8 daysdetails
barb8 daysdetails
mwieneke8 daysdetails
mm-ha8 daysdetails
Kas8 daysdetails
bbrooke8 daysdetails
joshblatch8 daysdetails
٩(•̮̮̃•̃)۶8 daysdetails
grilla8 daysdetails
AngrySeagull8 daysFeeling pretty much over it today. Just a bit of remnant cold in the sinuses.details
bryh8 daysDidn't do so much training and just had to wait for it to go away-still sorta have it but it's not as bad as before so its alright :)details
Akhilleus8 daysdetails
JennyJ8 daysdetails
Fly'n8 daysdetails
gg8 daysdetails
forsbergskan8 daysdetails
O-ing8 daysa phantom cold. Aoife has had a bad cold - cough for the last two weeks. I did take a lot of Blis throat guard. details
SteveT8 daysdetails
Ursa8 daysdetails
JonasB8 daysdetails
gg8 daysdetails
Shminty8 daysdetails
MikeMc8 daysdetails
MikeMc8 daysdetails
ConnorF8 daysdetails
Mal8 daysdetails
o-pia8 daysdetails
Philipp8 daysdetails
Tullster8 daysdetails
Tim S8 daysdetails
drewi8 daysdetails
Hedis8 daysdetails
pauline8 daysdetails
runrodrun8 daysdetails
kungen18 daysdetails
Pete8 daysWorking my ass off at track on the tuesday didn't help! Should re-think track sessions if run-down.details
slangjudoka8 days1 week off of running, feeling better. Got it from my coworkers.details
rainyruns8 daysdetails
K'lea8 daysdetails
KingTim8 daysdetails
LuT8 daysdetails
Totem8 daysdetails
Dangerman8 daysdetails
JennyJ8 daysSeemed to recover much quicker than back in the days when I was an elite athlete! Had loads and loads of fruit.details
jed8 daysdetails
mattrooke8 daysStill a bit flemy.details
Keith8 daysdetails
dariusz8 daysNächstes Mal wird flott getrunken.details
Malla8 daysdetails
gg8 daysdetails
skoeld8 daysVilade, inga mirakelkurer eller uppenbara orsaker.details
einarssonen8 daysdetails
hoboGO8 daysJust let it run it's course.details
schnitzer8 daysdetails
HenrikGj8 daysdetails
Jamie Stevenson8 daysFinished full course antibiotics and started back slowly, didn't run at all when properly ill. Ran scottish xc champs a few days after finished and was feeling great, amazing run i think because of the rest.details
tomtom8 daysParacetamol, hot ribenadetails
mcqueen8 daysAldri tre økter på en dag.details
ken8 daysdetails
karen8 daysdetails
CathW8 daysdetails
jonny crickmore8 daysdetails
Lene8 daysdetails
ReindeerCounter8 daysdetails
AndyB8 daysdetails
Oestlin8 daysBörja träna för tidigt....details
JonasB8 daysdetails
lowees8 daysdetails
leper8 daysdetails
JoS8 daysdetails
Akhilleus8 daysdetails
Pellervo8 daysdetails
Justina8 daysdetails
ken8 daysdetails
mollyd8 daysAt 85 %...basically well.details
Oestlin8 daysdetails
bazil8 daysdetails
jelly8 daysdetails
JennyJ8 daysdetails
Whitesheep8 daysdetails
Ajda8 daysdetails
Pajėda8 daysdetails
K'lea8 daysdetails
Lydia8 daysdetails
Clare8 daysYAY I can finally breathe again!details
schnitzer8 daysdetails
gg8 daysPost tiomila - cotton wool timedetails
Ernie_wise8 daysdetails
Garry8 daysdetails
Jacko8 daysdetails
O-ing8 daysAoife had a cold for two weeks, or maybe it was the hospital stay. Lucky I was on the post-op antibioticsdetails
Hilary8 daysdetails
Florence8 daysfruit, sleep, standard.details
gaffelman8 daysFör lite sömn i samband med mycket plugg på slutet och mycket träning samtidigt.details
Heather O8 daysdetails
skoeld8 daysdetails
Shingo8 daysdetails
Hedis8 daysdetails
ami8 daysdetails
Clone8 daysdetails
Will.Tucker8 daysdetails
BanjoLasse8 daysdetails
LuT8 daysdetails
johnd8 daysdetails
Katherine8 daysdetails
evancuster8 daysdetails
Swisscheese8 daysdetails
jemmerson8 daysdetails
awilkinson8 daysdetails
JesseHagberg8 daysDidn't turn into anything major. Lots of water and good hand washing practice.details
bendover8 daysdetails
nmulder8 daysdetails
joshblatch8 daysdetails
JennyJ8 daysdetails
nana8 daysdetails
ol.micke8 daysdetails
fn8 daysLugn träning + tävlingslopp verkar ha gjort att den försvann. För tillfället iaf.details
leper8 daysdetails
Mess Engineer8 daysdetails
Keith8 daysdetails
CrzBoarder8 daysdetails
jemmerson8 daysdetails
K'lea8 daysdetails
Shingo8 daysdetails
Sarah8 daysLots of stress + not enough sleep.details
Ptr8 daysdetails
Santinia8 daysdetails
O-ing8 daysThe Giardia seemed to knock it on its head.details
pepa.8 daysdetails
CrzBoarder8 daysWife brought the bug into the home. Lots of Rest, extra sleep each day helped.details
Backstreet Boy8 daysdetails
Markus8 daysdetails
@nj@8 daysdetails
Hunsie8 daysUsing an anti inflammatory helped get rid of sore throat.details
inTIMidator8 daysdetails
rowdyresa8 daysdetails
Kseniya8 daysdetails
Tullster8 daysdetails
CrzBoarder8 daysClimate changes from CA to WA & back to CA. Just made sure to get extra rest & push through it, but not too hard.details
seanh8 daysdetails
kysulis8 daysdetails
Stijn8 daysdetails
tcut8 daysNil sportdetails
Jonas Detterfelt8 daysdetails
annawallin8 daysdetails
jemmerson8 daysdetails
Karhunpentu 8 daysdetails
Pia W8 daysdetails
jemmerson8 daysdetails
Oestlin8 daysdetails
DrKeith8 daysdetails
Mark38 daysdetails
noRa8 daysdetails
Hirppa8 daysdetails
RosKalle8 daysdetails
Shep8 daysdetails
Shingo8 daysdetails
nana8 daysdetails
FluffyPtarmigan8 daysdetails
Will.Tucker8 daysdetails
inTIMidator8 daysdetails
Roger G8 daysluckily managed to not to progress into anything - especially wen racing VHI'sdetails
Patrik J8 daysdetails
SShaheen8 daysdetails
Torio8 daysdetails
pi8 daysdetails
Hedis8 daysdetails
pi8 daysdetails
lowees8 daysdetails
noRa8 daysdetails
Ptr8 daysdetails
Linear Ice8 daysdetails
Clara8 daysdetails
K8RUNS8 daysdetails
nana8 daysdetails
LuT8 daysdetails
Billenicus8 daysdetails
silje8 daysdetails
MikeRoss048 daysI should've carried on taking my medicine. Otherwise...MAN UPdetails
Lavigaattori8 daysdetails
ol.micke8 daysHemma från jobbet 3 dagar och mycket viladetails
Thoto8 daysdetails
ken8 daysdetails
TimM8 daysdetails
JL8 daysTyp frisk, även om det inte helt gått ur kroppen än. Det sista är svårt att bli av med, men kan träna utan att det blir sämre, dock med vad jag upplever lite sänkt förmåga.details
Gytė8 daysdetails
Jonas Detterfelt8 daysdetails
Hirppa8 daysdetails
schnitzer8 daysdetails
schnitzer8 daysdetails
TomiKä8 daysdetails
skyhigh8 daysdetails
TomiKä8 daysdetails
igor_8 daysdetails
Eerola8 daysdetails
schnitzer8 daysdetails
pepa.8 daysdetails
StephHurry8 daysdetails
tbl8 daysdetails
Ptr8 daysInget speciellt, det vanliga, äta, sova, skita..details
Torio8 daysdetails
verticalwanderer8 daysdetails
OL8 daysLasted longer than I wanted, even though I took it easy in the early part of being sick.details
Giuseppe8 daysdetails
Craney8 daysdetails
V-a-n-d-a8 daysdetails
Gytė8 daysdetails
Up2date8 daysdetails
Valtzu8 daysdetails
JakeChapman138 daysThink I'm finally recovered after a week... Been eating and sleeping lots which I think helped cure it. The run on Wednesday I think just made it worse, next time I'll just rest up until it's completely gone.details
Hedis8 daysdetails
liv8 daysdetails
nmulder8 daysdetails
Rose8 daysdetails
itsmartin8 daysOnce I got some antibiotics I was well on my way to recovery within 48 hours.details
Jay-T8 daysdetails
Niko8 daysdetails
Shingo8 daysdetails
silje8 daysdetails
jennyr8 daysdetails
Hedis8 daysdetails
Jay-T8 daysdetails
schnitzer8 daysdetails
twidmer8 dayshad to take 9 days offdetails
Niko8 daysdetails
DWildfogel8 daysWas well enough on Tues 12/20 to go Xmas shopping and go to work, but had a pounding headache afterwards. Wednesday I could feel the cold leaving me almost by the minute. By the following Sat, back to full strength, but nose still pretty runny at times.details
boyle8 daysdetails
pi8 daysdetails
su--8 daysdetails
Thompass8 daysdetails
Leif_Blake8 daysdetails
skyhigh8 daysdetails
jemmerson8 daysdetails
Clara8 daysdetails
3x38 daysFatalny okres, prawie wszyscy Polaczki się pochorowali - i w kraju i poza nim. Na pewno olbrzymi wpływ na mój stan miały kiepskie warunki mieszkaniowo/regeneracyjne w Marinha Grande...details
emmaS8 daysthyme tea with lemon and honey. and rest and lots of water and juicedetails
troll feet8 daysnone. Jakemans tablets. Still have sniffles and sinus issues but fine when running.details
michalmy8 daysApo-Cephalexin (Keflex) 500mg (day 1-6), Prednisone (day 1-9), Pulmicort & Bricanyl inhalers. 5 days off work including weekend. Started a box of Avelox on day 7-11 (Keflex didn't do the whole job). Lost 1.5kg (64>62.5).details
ginger8 daysdetails
ken8 daysdetails
schnitzer8 daysdetails
Sarah8 daysdetails
Stijn8 daysdetails
emmaS8 daysdetails
Knutern978 daysdetails
sarahxc8 daysdetails
tomtom8 daysdetails
JoeHudd8 daysdetails
jemmerson8 daysdetails
BigAl8 daysdetails
austrianmike8 daysdetails
Knutern978 daysdetails
camd8 daysdetails
Jay-T8 daysdetails
Elvis8 daysdetails
GRennie8 daysdetails
Dooby8 daysdetails
mvuk8 daysdetails
AliS8 daysdetails
bill_l8 daysdetails
kido8 daysdetails
JuraMac8 daysdetails
Hobitas8 daysdetails
axelhalvar8 daysJättetråkigt att jag blev sjuk just nu, dock bättre än vid typ Madridlägret. Hostat sen febern la sig men har börjat bli mindre hostande. details
silje8 daysdetails
michalmy8 daysCold & flu tabs (days 1-3). Apo-Cephalexin (Keflex) 500mg (days 2-15). Possibly caused by going inside-outside from aircon-humid environments at the Gold Coast last week.details
Sandbo8 daysdetails
CrossFitKaz8 daysdetails
riley mcfarlane 8 daysGot some Lemons and cold and flu tablets so it is all gdetails
Clone8 daysdetails
sämi_k8 daysdetails
susiethebear8 daysdetails
Konsti_K8 daysdetails
Filcsi8 daysdetails
Meister Eder8 daysdetails
Katnap8 daysdetails
nmulder8 daysdetails
Kalgman8 daysdetails
Ptr8 daysdetails
ken8 daysdetails
Craney8 daysdetails
ChristianeT8 daysdetails
Flakey8 daysdetails
Feli8 daysdetails
cedrik8 daysdetails
MSch8 daysdetails
ChristianeT8 daysdetails
majaporle8 daysdetails
philm648 daysRest,details
Kalgman8 daysdetails
jwolff8 daysdetails
Ansgar8 daysdetails
Terkelsen8 daysAntibiottikuuri ja tehostettu astmalääkitys. Ylimääräinen henkäys päivällä.details
kpoire8 daysdetails
pbergstedt8 daysdetails
SteveG8 daysJust let it pass - then recovery weekdetails
furlong478 daysdetails
ebuckley8 daysdetails
axelhalvar8 daysdetails
markg8 daysdetails
susiethebear8 daysdetails
Hadron Collider 8 daysdetails
jemmerson8 daysdetails
Kalgman8 daysdetails
noRa8 daysdetails
ken8 daysdetails
KariItkonen8 daysdetails
jennyr8 daysdetails
Raz8 daysdetails
andrew_elwood8 daysdetails
Tim C8 daysdetails
CharlieRennie8 daysdetails
noRa8 daysdetails
RimvydasA8 daysdetails
cmorse8 daysdetails
Raz8 daysdetails
Ptr8 daysVar nog mer än bara trötthet, men även mycket dålig sömn, på slutet var dock sömnbristen kvar, men kroppen piggare.details
Ruben Razzetti8 daysdetails
DrKeith8 daysdetails
kido8 daysdetails
EuanT8 daysdetails
annanisi8 daysdetails
pompemarek8 daysdetails
Josse8 daysdetails
mrsb8 daysdetails
Raz8 daysdetails
Josse8 daysdetails
Faceplant8 daysRestdetails
Brooner8 daysdetails
Ptr8 daysFörkylning där det gick över när vi kom till fjällen.details
piero8 daysdetails
emmaS8 daysdetails
JennyJ8 daysdetails
BenSquire8 daysdetails
Tane8 daysdetails
Strand8 daysdetails
Niko8 daysdetails
tbl8 daysdetails
Strand8 daysdetails
Lulu8 daysdetails
Raz8 daysdetails
Raz8 daysdetails
Danny Riley8 daysdetails
Tane8 daysdetails
Raz8 daysdetails
Heather O8 daysdetails
igor_8 daysdetails
HebeD8 daysLots of restdetails
Raz8 daysdetails
susan8 daysHeadcold disappeared very quickly. Surprising but I'll take it.details
mrsb8 daysdetails
eliskasie8 daysovertraining + finally taking days off made the body decompose into a tired slug. prob cought something from hakis later on. its important to eat even when youre sick and its important to wait it out until youre 100%.details
sare9 daysI realised a week into it that the cat was actually making it worse so now instead of being sick i'm waking up at 3am to scratches at the door and whining from the cat.details
Ezy9 daysdetails
jmnipen9 daysdetails
Clara9 daysEchinacea, orange juice and fruit...details
RJM9 daysdetails
RMac9 daysdetails
krickle9 daysdetails
ihelgesen9 daysdetails
urthbuoy9 daysdetails
urthbuoy9 daysdetails
jwolff9 daysDo not cross the Atlantic in economy class?details
uday9 daysTook tylenol and rested indoors away from the chilly weather.details
xcsnowskier149 dayswasnt much but i think i have to check up on my cat allergies maybe.details
Mick9 daysdetails
mat-d9 dayslemsip and apple juice is the key. probably caused by burning the candle at both ends a little... whoops!details
Wildsky9 daysdetails
Anvil9 daysdetails
Boltboi9 daysDrugsdetails
Snow Lizard9 daysdetails
OJ9 daysThis one lingered. Never seemed too bad but was slow to feel back to normal as well. details
Becks9 daysNice week of rest and enjoying the relaxation and occasional sunshine.details
3m9 daysMaybe will try an immune booster thing before winter next year to avoid getting numerous colds. details
Dustin9 daysdetails
Jagge9 daysdetails
Nick9 dayswhen is cold get dressed !!, just running quicker will not solve 100% the problemdetails
barb9 daysdetails
AliC9 daysEventually just went away, kept training at a low level.details
Swisscheese9 daysI started training too quickly. After the moment I thought I was healthy it took me a whole 8 days to be able to train normally again. My problem was that the cold was stuck in the lungs and I would cough lots during the night and not recover... only because I was sleep deprived!details
Tullster9 daysdetails
HGaston9 daysdetails
torbensfunk9 daysdetails
ChrisG9 daysdetails
Terkelsen9 daysdetails
m.jada9 daysGot over the sore throat now just got a really husky coughdetails
Marc B9 daysdetails
Boltboi9 daysdetails
leehawk9 daysBad sore throat but I just took it easy and its pretty much better.details
Ralph9 daysRedoxin!details
the kempster9 daysdetails
jwolff9 daysdetails
Bruce9 daysNothing specialdetails
RimvydasA9 daysdetails
Ptr9 daysdetails
OJ9 daysLots of sleep and bed rest, not much choice really, couldn't even consider doing anything else. Nasty cough towards the end, helped by sudafed and meltus. details
Andrew Feucht9 daysdetails
RosieWatson9 daysdetails
boyle9 daysdetails
mm-ha9 daysdetails
drwill49 daysTime.details
kido9 daysdetails
Pia W9 daysdetails
Mahuan!9 daysdetails
jwolff9 daysdetails
kido9 daysdetails
cmpbllj9 daysVery wierd lingering sinus infection.details
ZoeB9 daysdetails
Becks9 daysdetails
SteveT9 daysdetails
furlong479 daysdetails
Tooms9 daysdetails
tomederer9 daysdetails
Justina9 daysdetails
liliput9 daysdetails
ReindeerCounter9 daysdetails
Pooleta9 daysdetails
mm-ha9 daysdetails
cbd9 daysTook a long time to recover from. I'm not sure I could've really laid off more to help. details
Swisscheese9 daysdetails
pi9 daysdetails
mattrooke9 daysJust dragged on a bit. Still a bit bunged up.details
Mr O-memes9 dayssleep early and change clothes after competitiondetails
tomtom9 training.details
OJ9 daysI risked training right through this cold as I never felt too bad - just very stuffed sinuses and a slight cough. It gradually cleared up although the cough lingered longer than I would have liked. details
K'lea9 daysdetails
Georgia9 daysdetails
gg9 daysdetails
errolpit9 daysdetails
eoinmcc9 daysdetails
marisolkate9 daysdetails
IFKekan9 days-details
forsbergskan9 daysdetails
Miikka9 daysRest, but this was a serious onedetails
nh9 daysFriken cold again. Reckon its form not eating enough fruit and veg so started having my 5 + a day and bingo its gone. details
Hobitas9 daysdetails
Rich9 daysJust about gone now.details
Culbin9 daysI think im over the worst, still not feeling great though.details
kwilliams9 daysdetails
SDanciu9 daysdetails
kpoire9 daysdetails
xcsnowskier149 daysSlight cough still...but not enough to hamper any type of training.details
Marky Bitch9 daysdetails
iansmith9 daysRest, fluids, pseudoephedrine. details
Whitesheep9 daysdetails
ncsdb9 daysdetails
MiloRunner9 daysdetails
salal9 daysUnfortunate this bad cold/flu landed over the sprint camp.details
BanjoLasse9 daysdetails
Aksu9 daysdetails
Reini9 daysdetails
gg9 daysdetails
Marky Bitch9 daysMain cause - Stag Do!details
AC9 daysdetails
Channa9 daysdetails
seelenfliege9 daysRuhe, Ruhe, Ruhe. Einen Tag Urlaub, hätten zwei sein sollen. Tee und alle verfügbaren Hausmitteldetails
Zini9 daysdetails
Boltboi9 daysdetails
MollyMo9 daysdetails
MikeMc9 daysdetails
3m9 daysImmune Boost tablets details
undy9 daysdetails
mrsb9 daysdetails
Lara9 daysAntibiotics (Doxi)details
FernWerm9 daysdetails
Nick Mead9 daysdetails
Channa9 daysdetails
nana9 daysdetails
ba-ba9 daysdetails
Tane9 daysdetails
K'lea9 daysdetails
jemmerson9 daysdetails
Katherine9 daysshould've rested longer after tonsilitis as my immune system was still downdetails
mrsb9 daysdetails
JonD9 daysI still have some nasal congestion after 9 days, but I think I am done. I was able to work out through the entire illness. details
Lara9 daysdetails
stig of the dump9 daysdetails
Rudie9 daysdetails
ba-ba9 daysdetails
Månsen9 daysdetails
kurthu9 daysdetails
rtm9 daysdetails
bl9 daysdetails
Trailrat9 daysLots of time.details
Juliamt9 daysdetails
Tullster9 daysdetails
Tooms9 daysdetails
Jimmy Larsson9 daysdetails
Siggi9 daysdetails
Steffen9 daysdetails
Clone9 daysdetails
KingTim9 daysdetails
K'lea9 daysdetails
mace9 daysdetails
White Kenyan9 daysdetails
jemmerson9 daysdetails
Katherine9 daysanother cold god this is so ridiculousdetails
KingTim9 daysdetails
immy9 daysOne of the worst ones I've had. Really dragged on. Annoying.details
pepa.9 dayskein bock mehr.details
Ptr9 daysdetails
salal9 daysdetails
PoJo9 daysdetails
ReindeerCounter9 daysdetails
nana9 daysdetails
mikeeyer9 daysdetails
Shingo9 daysdetails
White Kenyan9 daysdetails
troll feet9 daysFirst cold since February. Didn't take anything, just let it run its course. details
kpoire9 daysdetails
Whitesheep9 daysdetails
pepa.9 daysdetails
xcsnowskier149 daysdetails
Toblerone9 daystime, rest, lots of sudafed, sleeping pills to ensure full night restdetails
Fabi9 daysSirop, vitamines, compléments alimentaires et repos...details
lady00shalott9 daysdetails
PM9 daysdetails
Steffen9 daysdetails
daniel_92ro9 daysdetails
Maluks9 daysdetails
kwilliams9 daysdetails
Spartacus9 daysdetails
mjd9 daysdetails
michalmy9 daysImmunity may still be down from stem cell transplant (Apr 2012). 2 courses of Moxifloxacin.details
JL9 daysdetails
o-iain9 daysdetails
Craney9 daysdetails
Pajėda9 daysdetails
helehan9 daysdetails
mcqueen9 daysdetails
devonbeckman9 daysdetails
bigE9 daysdetails
Thoto9 daysdetails
K'lea9 daysdetails
ken9 daysdetails
CathW9 daysdetails
Toblerone9 daysrest, decongestant (12-hour sudafed) details
Thoto9 daysdetails
Hunsie9 daysdetails
fritzof9 daysdetails
Schweigerjonas9 daysdetails
MollyMo9 daysdetails
Ptr9 daysdetails
EJ Teb9 daysdetails
Tullster9 daysdetails
Mona9 daystea, tuica, honey, wine, vitamins and more tuica. details
JL9 daysKanske inte skulle åkt Stafettvasan. Var dock aldrig riktigt "nere", utan endast hostig och snorig. Mer försiktighetsåtgärder än oförmåga att träna.details
leper9 daysdetails
Zimmers9 daysdetails
Gytė9 daysdetails
Milia9 daysFrös mycket under jukola-helgen, började nytt arbete strax efterdetails
lowees9 daysdetails
furlong479 daysdetails
lowees9 daysdetails
silje9 daysdetails
kysulis9 daysreikia grūdintisdetails
JL9 daysOmotiverat. Hade väl otur.details
0079 daysdetails
Spongey9 daysdetails
ChristianeT9 daysdetails
Poogy9 daysdetails
OL9 daysdetails
mvuk9 daysdetails
jys9 daysdetails
Porti9 daysdetails
dcady9 daysRan its course. Take drugs. Take naps. Whisky, lemon, honey, and hot water highly recommended.details
Keith9 daysdetails
Jamie Stevenson9 daysdetails
Craney9 daysdetails
boyle9 daysdetails
Roger G9 daysdetails
Nick9 daysdetails
jeram.osebno9 daysdetails
niamh9 daysdetails
Shingo9 daysdetails
Tullster9 daysdetails
Craig9 daysdetails
Jules9 daysRested Friday from running and chest aches went away after having them all week through some trainings. details
tcut9 daysdetails
Ant W9 daysdetails
ChristianeT9 daysdetails
Clara9 daysdetails
K8RUNS9 daysdetails
Bender9 daysdetails
PinkPanther9 daysdetails
Tooms9 daysdetails
yakin9 daysdetails
itsmartin9 daysdetails
kurthu9 daysdetails
Lulu9 daysdetails
Santinia9 daysdetails
Steffen9 daysdetails
PoJo9 daysdetails
Whitesheep9 daysdetails
Jay-T9 daysdetails
Tschaekob9 daysdetails
Hämis9 daysdetails
Akilah9 daysWurde erst besser, dann nochmal richtig schlimm. Aber jetzt scheint es überstanden. :)details
nmulder9 daysdetails
Knutern979 daysdetails
Lara Croft9 dayscold largely gone now, a little excess mucus left (no signs of infection left) and other than a bit of tummy cramp from anti-biotics all on the mend. details
undy9 daysAt the end it seemed to drag on, but running (OK, jogging) made me feel better. Could have skipped QB3 to get better faster I think, but the sand-dunes (and the cloth badge) justified the risk.details
Tooms9 daysdetails
O Steve!9 daysdid 5 days of prednizone after seeing dr...also trying singulare to see if it helps....details
Knutern979 daysdetails
bubo9 daysdetails
Ptr9 daysdetails
Stijn9 daysdetails
norvan9 daysdetails
Craney9 daysdetails
@nj@9 daysdetails
O-ing9 daysAllergy?details
Raz9 daysdetails
bealaw9 dayshotspring in Japandetails
AliS9 daysdetails
GRennie9 daysdetails
JuraMac9 daysdetails
AdamWoods9 daysdetails
Ptr9 daysInget speciellt.details
tcut9 daysdetails
Tane9 daysdetails
Ptr9 daysSova och vila, två dagar hemma från jobbet. Typ bra sen, men kom tillbaks och gick lite upp och ner några dagar.details
Renntier9 dayswenn Kinder krank besser nicht zuviel trainieren...details
susan9 daysStopped running completely, and never got a coughdetails
pepa.9 daysabwarten + Tee trinken. Gut wohl gut. Lieber ein paar Tage länger warten bei dem Flug..details
Thoto9 daysdetails
conör9 daysdetails
noRa9 daysdetails
liltapp9 daysdetails
Danny Riley9 daysReally backing off on running and not pushing myself cut it's lifespan in half. There's no point in overexersion if it's going to end up doing more harm than good.details
Niko9 daysdetails
nmulder9 daysdetails
Katnap9 daysdetails
Renntier9 daysdetails
ken9 daysdetails
Päkä9 daysdetails
Doris9 daysI'm done with this cold!details
oscar.stenbacka9 daysdetails
Kalgman9 daysdetails
axelhalvar9 daysNu är jag nog friskdetails
DrKeith9 daysdetails
ChristianeT9 daysdetails
susiethebear9 daysdetails
FJohnson9 daysdetails
Spongey9 daysdetails
Saz9 daysdetails
cedrik9 daysdetails
Ansgar9 daysdetails
majaporle9 daysdetails
pepa.9 daysdetails
lowees9 daysdetails
dcady9 daysRest helped. Took NyQuil and some DayQuil.details
Whitesheep9 daysdetails
loefaas9 daysdetails
Niko9 daysdetails
annanisi9 daysdetails
DWildfogel9 daysTook about 9 days from the first sharp sore throat to being healthy enough to do normal activities without impact.details
PM9 daysdetails
majaporle9 daysdetails
MSch9 daysdetails
Niko9 daysdetails
Sandbo9 daysdetails
PVA9 daysdetails
10T9 daysdetails
Katnap9 daysdetails
CasperS9 daysKan ha orsakats av att jag gjorde en behandling hos Linda som kan ha satt igång något och då när jag tävlat två dagar på raken så va kroppen rätt mottaglig.details
Hanuta9 daysdetails
schnitzer9 daysdetails
Clara9 daysCold developed into sinus infection, turned into bad hayfeverdetails
GRennie9 daysdetails
jwolff9 daysdetails
AllyBeaven9 daysdetails
Hobitas9 daysdetails
mikee9 daysdetails
andrew_elwood9 daysdetails
susan9 daysWent into hibernation, with my vit C & echinacea, and it cleared. Happy days.details
andrew_elwood9 daysdetails
SteveG9 daystime, EASY recovery walks and s'fed May 19th update: Hey Steve, you did not follow the EASY recovery plan, and you've been struggling ever since SO follow the plan!!and learn from this :) details
Raz9 daysdetails
kPa9 daysdetails
loefaas9 daysdetails
susiethebear9 daysdetails
Boje9 daysdetails
JennyJ9 daysdetails
aronhellgren9 daysdetails
Gustav9 daysdetails
Ruben Razzetti9 daysdetails
cmorse9 daysdetails
susan9 daysRest rest restdetails
PM9 daysdetails
kurthu9 daysdetails
Stijn9 daysdetails
saraabom9 daysdetails
annanisi9 daysNever race a World Cup or similar race with illness symtoms!details
JamieG9 daysdetails
mrsb9 daysdetails
Backstreet Boy9 daysDon't feel any symptoms Monday, November 28th in the evening so hopefully we are done with this one.details
annanisi9 daysdetails
yougogirl9 daysefter sammandrabbningen och en natt i tältdetails
bishop229 daysdetails
simmo9 daysdetails
EuanT9 daysdetails
TrailRunnerVT9 daysdetails
Imogenpieters9 daysdetails
jemmerson9 daysdetails
cmorse9 daysA week or so of chest congestion - able to exercise through it though - eventually cleared up with no particular effort.details
ShadowCaster9 daystime - it was a long time and took time off work.details
j-man10 daysdetails
Russell10 daysdetails
cmorse10 daysdetails
Clara10 daysdetails
Tundra/Desert10 daysCimetidine + Vitamin C help against viral colds.details
ken10 daysdetails
Olly10 daysdetails
Ezy10 daysdetails
jfredrickson10 daysFinally seems to have gone away after tons of sleeping and no training. Left me with headaches though. I don't know if that is connected or not...details
Alban10 daysnot doing to much stupid thing like this one.details
Vagnis10 daysdetails
bedders10 daysJust didn't train for a bit. Feel very unfit now though. Will have to do some actual running at some point :(details
mrs.nosnhoj10 daysdetails
pi10 daysdetails
jfromme10 dayscaused by sinus problems, which are terrible in the Mississippi Valley area. Time and rest, with a bit of Nyquil to get over it.details
Nadim10 daysTime and rest. Running seems to dry me out too.details
cmorse10 days1/29 - Still have some congestion, but most of its has passed.details
the jbird10 daysdetails
lonerunner10 daysgot more sleep details
Jagge10 daysRest...details
matt_parton10 daysdetails
ginger10 daysdetails
Fly'n10 daysLemon and honeydetails
Justina10 daysManau per greit po antibiotiku pradejau begiot, o kai jau pajutau kad sergu nereikejo begti geguzes 1. details
Terry10 daysdetails
annan10 daysx10 via ord: För mycket hångel och alkohol. Ingen fest nästa år innan 25manna... Ärligt så vet jag inte varför men ngn på jobbet kanske smittade mig.details
Shep10 daysdetails
sami10 daysdetails
Ursa10 daysdetails
LittleBit10 daysThank you de-humidifier!details
slauenstein10 daysdetails
YouRNotHere10 daysThis was longest running head cold I've had in many years. Nothing was helping, not Zicam, lots of water or rest. I guess it just had to run its course. I still have a little congestion, but feeling about 95% better.details
Rosco10 daysdetails
coach10 daysdetails
Tullster10 daysdetails
ken10 daysdetails
Hobitas10 daysdetails
HungryTriathlete10 daysI think cause was a few nights of little sleep, stress, and being exposed to others with it. Rest = recovery, though it is going to linger in my lungs for a while.details
gg10 daysSleep and food is gooddetails
Shep10 daysdetails
Morten10 daysdetails
Bert Bennett10 daysYep. It was a colddetails
A.Child10 daysdetails
Craig10 daysdetails
joshblatch10 daysdetails
CathW10 daysdetails
Kristen10 daysdetails
bigbluemarble10 daysdetails
SF10 daysdetails
MJH10 daysdetails
SF10 daysdetails
Sebba10 daysdetails
Orunner10 daysdetails
Trailrat10 daysJust took time to kick this. Still a little snotty but not a real factor anymore.details
CathW10 daysdetails
Zan10 daysdetails
ActiveGEJ10 daysPossible cause - current strain going around Recovery aids - herbal teas, oil of oregano, rest, apple cider vinegar, and vitaminsdetails
iansmith10 daysRest, fluids.details
MikeMc10 daysdetails
RosieWatson10 daysdetails
mm-ha10 daysdetails
Rich10 daysdetails
CathW10 daysdetails
Bommy T10 daysdetails
lars10 daysZ-Pack and pain!details
Dehydrated10 daysdetails
Nit-A-Nee10 daysdetails
Fly'n10 daysdetails
m.jada10 daysdetails
Myyrä10 daysdetails
Katrin H10 daysdetails
Hirppa10 daysdetails
ami10 daysHave been coughfing for a week now. I feel better so we'll se. Need to take it easy a few more days.details
eelgrassman10 daysbeerdetails
Mal10 daysdetails
Fat Rat10 daysdetails
vyc10 daysdetails
Rosco10 daysdetails
O-ing10 daysThis one was characterised by midnight itchy throat/coughing, luckily only for 3 nights.details
ap10 daysdetails
Skid18510 daysAntibioticsdetails
Aoife10 daysdetails
Hedis10 daysdetails
Swisscheese10 daysdetails
vijurks10 daysdetails
Ruhis10 daysdetails
Amber10 daysdetails
Karhunpentu 10 daysdetails
nana10 daysdetails
Akhilleus10 daysdetails
O-ing10 daysCold #6 of 2010. Very mild to start off with, but gunk increased in intensity/volume. Affected the 3k time trial (boo). details
Frostbite10 daysit is great that I can have a cold and it does not cause me severe chest and shoulder pain. Nothing at all this time. And only a couple of days lost due to AF. As illnesses go, this was a big improvement.details
lorrieq10 daysdetails
Daneo10 daysLots of tablets and Fluidsdetails
feike10 daysA 5-day O-event with cold showers in CC is not optimal to let it improve :-)details
Tooms10 daysAR training weekend didn't make me any worse, but still no better. Just tireder.details
Swisscheese10 daysdetails
kysulis10 daysdetails
Linear Ice10 daysI took it easy on my workouts, didn't push toooo hard at Ripley, took lots of C. Kept warm. I have had long colds in the past, and didn't want to start the winter with one. My self-care was well worth it.details
nana10 daysdetails
nana10 daysdetails
A.Child10 daysdetails
Andrew10 daysNot sure if there is an obvious "end-date" for this one... was it when I stopped feeling exhausted and spending most of my time in bed? Then it was Sunday 23rd. If it is when my motivation increased again somewhat then it was yesterday. If it is when the congestion ceases to be colourful, then I have a few days of recovery yet...details
setback10 daysdetails
hagi10 daysdetails
zoolander10 daysI still think it was the creatine, but 1 week no training was a pain in the butt. Rest and don't push the recovery too hard.details
fletch10 daysDon't go body surfing??details
Ptr10 daysdetails
1L10 daysHot sauna isn't really a good idea. Steam is way better.details
mm-ha10 daysdetails
Ursa10 daysdetails
Sarah10 daysdetails
ShadowCaster10 daysdetails
Juliamt10 daysdetails
K'lea10 daysdetails
3m10 daysdetails
K'lea10 daysdetails
TheInvisibleLog10 daysUsual rhino virus,. Ran on the Saturday event and paid for it that evening with half the night coughing. Continued rest after that.details
skoeld10 daysdetails
ami10 daysTook it as easy as I could while working 14 hour days.details
ami10 daysNothing to learn this time....details
Bender10 daysdetails
Meli10 daysErkältung von Arge Alpdetails
tomtom10 daysdetails
errolpit10 daysdetails
Nick Mead10 daysdetails
A.Child10 daysdetails
ChristianeT10 daysdetails
forsbergskan10 daysdetails
lostinaforest10 daysdetails
shanel10 daysdetails
ChristianeT10 daysdetails
ken10 daysdetails
tommi10 daysdetails
HWW10 daysdetails
noken10 daysdetails
mm-ha10 daysNearly gone by now, only very slight problems during the competion. details
tjansson10 daysdetails
nh10 daysNo energy at all, took about a week to fully recoverdetails
peksi10 daysBe careful when you start training after flu..details
mcqueen10 daysdetails
Skid18510 daysdetails
Hedis10 daysdetails
Nick Mead10 daysdetails
Miller Time10 daysdetails
Rosco10 daysdetails
Stijn10 daysdetails
Saz10 daysdetails
Orig4mi10 daysdetails
ReindeerCounter10 daysdetails
cfosp110 daysLike all colds, it faded and finally stopped, including the odd pain in the neck. I had a racing-in-cold-air induced runny nose for a couple of days, maybe that's what helped flush out the remaining germs.details
jemmerson10 daysdetails
Charli10 daysdetails
MikeMc10 daysdetails
mm-ha10 daysdetails
Garry10 daysdetails
A damp otter10 daysdetails
lostrunner10 daysdetails
bl10 daysfirst in a very long timedetails
drewi10 daysdetails
Poogy10 daysdetails
Thoto10 daysdetails
Cervin10 daysdetails
awilkinson10 daysdetails
iansmith10 daysdetails
noken10 daysdetails
awilkinson10 daysdetails
PoJo10 daysdetails
jys10 daysMån 9/12 börjar jag känna att hostan nog släppt nu och det är bara lite tjock snuva kvar men har nog fått barnens"kronisk snuva" som kommer gå över till sommaren. Har dock fått lock för öronen så får hoppas att det inte blir något mer med det. Friskförklarar mig nu!details
Bashman10 daysdetails
Arlaharen10 daysdetails
Sarah10 daysdetails
angleman10 daysdetails
Bridge10 daysNot sure if I'm recovered or not, but I feel sort of okay, so...details
Mona10 daysechinacea extract, P90X vits, emergenCdetails
darryn10 daysdetails
Stijn10 daysdetails
K'lea10 daysdetails
Thibaut10 daysdetails
Kseniya10 daysdetails
undy10 daysdetails
elgar10 daysdetails
Brooner10 daysdetails
xcman8210 daysdetails
Pellervo10 daysdetails
Clara10 daysdetails
Linear Ice10 daysdetails
Claudi10 daysdetails
jemmerson10 daysdetails
Slowe10 daysdetails
O-ing10 daysExtremely mild; may have been allergic. Very runny nose for a couple of days, then less so for a while. Sore throat for a couple of days later. details
katiepetersen10 daysdetails
Andrew10 daysdetails
Scrappy Doo10 daysdetails
elgar10 daysdetails
steph_lawrie10 daysdetails
Ansgar10 daysdetails
Kimple10 daysdetails
Andersen10 daysdetails
inTIMidator10 daysdetails
Karhunpentu 10 daysdetails
Pajėda10 daysdetails
Lulu10 daysdetails
Slowe10 daysdetails
Tullster10 daysdetails
yakin10 daysdetails
Dooby10 daysdetails
PM10 daysdetails
Heather O10 daysdetails
ReindeerCounter10 daysdetails
trailchampion10 daysseemed to be brought on by redlining it the night before on top of sleep deficit and mileage volume in recent weeksdetails
runforest10 daysdetails
fn10 daysSegt, vila!details
miketfowen10 daysdetails
AidanR10 daysdetails
Ursa10 daysdetails
jmnipen10 daysdetails
Nick10 daysdetails
ondrejpavlu10 daysdetails
NM10 daysdetails
noRa10 daysdetails
Flight10 daysdetails
P.Stromme10 daysdetails
Thoto10 daysdetails
JuraMac10 daysdetails
Hanuta10 daysdetails
mjd10 daysdetails
PoJo10 daysdetails
Ptr10 daysdetails
jemmerson10 daysdetails
Rose10 daysdetails
CrunchieMunchie10 daysTime.details
JohnDingelstad10 daysdetails
pi10 daysdetails
Warti10 daysdetails
lchavasse10 daysdetails
HannahH10 daysdetails
Sandbo10 daysdetails
bchubb10 daysdetails
ChristianeT10 daysdetails
Career Move10 daysdetails
JuraMac10 daysdetails
kido10 daysdetails
Jonas Detterfelt10 daysdetails
michalmy10 daysAmoxycillin+clavulinate (days 2-12), Prednisone (days 2-13), Bricanyl inhaler.details
nikan10 daysdetails
pepa.10 daysdetails
jemmerson10 daysdetails
Heidistolberger10 daysdetails
schnitzer10 daysdetails
bradc10 daysdetails
su--10 daysdetails
CHARLIE-B10 daysdetails
mikeeyer10 daysdetails
liv10 daysdetails
andrew_elwood10 daysdetails
jys10 daysdetails
Niko10 daysdetails
GRennie10 daysdetails
lowees10 daysdetails
Bruce10 daysdetails
su--10 daysdetails
Stijn10 daysdetails
ajriley10 daysdetails
Mark310 daysWaited.details
coach10 daysRossdetails
mikeeyer10 daysdetails
Ptr10 daysVila, vila, vila..details
Tom Wood10 daysdetails
Thoto10 daysdetails
susan10 daysdetails
boyle10 daysdetails
Heather O10 daysdetails
axelhalvar10 daysdetails
majaporle10 daysdetails
ajriley10 daysdetails
Raz10 daysdetails
Honza10 daysdetails
Hanuta10 daysdetails
Raz10 daysdetails
bchubb10 daysdetails
kaplis10 daysdetails
Raz10 daysdetails
sberg10 daysdetails
Heather O10 daysdetails
Boje10 daysdetails
Brooner10 daysdetails
Feli10 daysdetails
BGozza10 daysdetails
Hobitas10 daysdetails
Erik 10 daysdetails
emmaS10 daysdetails
pi10 daysdetails
mayer2210 daysdetails
Shingo10 daysdetails
Niko10 daysdetails
Erik 10 daysdetails
pepa.10 daysdetails
Faceplant10 daysTime. details
greta_leonard10 daysdetails
Charlie10 daysI’m going to call this over, although there is some lingering coughing and congestion. details
iansmith10 daysRest, fluids, pseudoephedrine. details
mrsb10 daysdetails
nmulder10 daysdetails
RosieWatson10 daysdetails
cmorse10 daysdetails
Mark310 daysdetails
Faceplant10 daysdetails
andrew_elwood10 daysdetails
Niko10 daysdetails
Heather O10 daysdetails
DML10 daysdetails
Faceplant10 daysdetails
Salinda10 daysdetails
HitnHope10 daysUsually try and get a rest day in there, but travelling too hard.details
Ptr10 daysSova och vila.details
Djaropeter10 daysdetails
blegg11 daysdetails
TimGood11 daysdetails
mindsweeper11 daysTaking a few days off definitely helped defeating the virus, although I had planned to do a bit of running + strength on Friday the 14th.details
urthbuoy11 daysdetails
robw11 daysShouldnt have run the sprint race when i was sick but actually easy jogging seemed to help it a bit.details
Phoebe11 daysfruit juice in the mornings, natural one with my new juicer!details
Some111 daysdetails
NSW Stinger11 daysdetails
Ollie11 daysJust a cold to get over.details
div11 daysdetails
dabond11 daysAvoid competition during recovery.details
pi11 daysdetails
salal11 daysdetails
JLA11 daysdetails
CathW11 daysdetails
NSW Stinger11 daysdetails
Terkelsen11 daysdetails
Terry11 daysdetails
hkleaf11 daysLots of Vitamin-C, water, and several doses of NyQuil. details
mjd11 daysdetails
Arlaharen11 daysdetails
revy11 daysdetails
bradc11 daysdetails
Boltboi11 daysdetails
bcvlj11 daysStill have the runny nose. Probably just Allergic Rhinitis.details
3m11 daysGet more sleepdetails
dabond11 daysdetails
advjunky11 daysdetails
abii.11 daysdetails
Hedis11 daysdetails
cortelmcm11 daysdetails
AngrySeagull11 daysdetails
jonny crickmore11 daysdetails
SuperJ11 daysjust had to wait for it to go away. May have left quicker if I had let off the training a bit, but that's boring!!!details
bedders11 daysHung around a bit, which is annoying because I wanted to get back running earlier, but now it is fully gone and I feel healthy, but not fit. This is going to take some hard work.details
Sian11 daysTime....details
jackblack11 daysdetails
Nadim11 daysThough still a little drippy, more sleep, rest and less stress from having finished a lot of jobs at work helped with recovery. details
Sian11 daysTime :(details
Justina11 daystaip ir buna, kai nustoji treniruotis... details
vito11 daysdetails
Sanni11 daysdetails
grilla11 daysdetails
Reini11 daysdetails
K'lea11 daysAntibiotics for a sinus infectiondetails
JoS11 daysdetails
00711 daysdetails
kido11 daysdetails
Hirppa11 daysdetails
AngrySeagull11 daysdetails
Joel11 daysdetails
vosvos11 daysdetails
Meli11 daysdetails
bishop2211 daysjust ride it out, with cold/allergy medicine to limit the dripping.details
mat-d11 daysdetails
salal11 daysdetails
dersu11 days? It came back after I thought it was gone and I did the 6 miles in the rain with feet soaking wet.details
bishop2211 daysdetails
Binnsey11 daysdetails
joshboc11 daysdetails
Honkie11 daysdetails
Fabi11 daysMédication et reposdetails
nmulder11 daysdetails
darryn11 daysdetails
spilka11 daysdetails
Whitesheep11 daysdetails
marieidnes11 daysdetails
Charlie11 daysI'll declare this over, although there is still a residue of coughing and a bit of upper chest stuff. All on its way out. Antibiotics seemed to be the key, and liberal application of acetaminophen during the fever and headache stage of this.details
mood11 daysdetails
K'lea11 daysdetails
Try Athlete11 daysdetails
twosome11 daysdetails
jmnipen11 daysdetails
seelenfliege11 daysdetails
Totem11 daysdetails
Rowl11 daysdetails
tcut11 daysdetails
BIGpete11 daysdetails
RobB11 daysdetails
AngrySeagull11 daysdetails
zimmi11 daysdetails
wombat11 daysdetails
OJ11 daysNever rested properly and had a lingering fatigue until a fell race smashed me back into life. details
gogirlgo11 daysdetails
HenrikGj11 daysdetails
Juliamt11 daysdetails
loefaas11 daysdetails
xcsnowskier1411 daysChest cold with a lot of congestion in the mornings.details
LuT11 daysdetails
tcut11 daysLay off the exercise until recovered !details
MrRogaine11 daysdetails
jonm11 daysdetails
A damp otter11 daysantibiotics and 3 days off school , still managed to maintain fitness for the November classic :) details
tautvix11 daysBeveik pasveikau. Paskutines dienas tik sloga kamuoja. O dabar tik kartais...details
kpoire11 daysdetails
Rinni11 daysdetails
CHARLIE-B11 daysdetails
Heather O11 daysdetails
TomiKä11 daysdetails
fritzof11 daysdetails
LtConspicuous11 daysdetails
wildwood11 daysdetails
Ptr11 daysdetails
skoeld11 daysdetails
Nick Mead11 daysdetails
bobjenkins7911 daysdetails
jgreen11 dayslots of vitiman Cdetails
ChristianeT11 daysdetails
JL11 daysGud vet säkert, men det är svårt att fråga honom.details
CleverSky11 daysNever really got very bad, fortunately. Was it a cold? Was it just allergies?details
A damp otter11 daysdetails
shanel11 daysdetails
northernfeller11 daysdetails
Phanton11 daysdetails
noRa11 daysdetails
Miikka11 daysdetails
Timato11 daysdetails
revy11 daysdetails
trailchampion11 daysdetails
Georgia11 daysdetails
Markus11 daysdetails
jemmerson11 daysdetails
fn11 daysKänns om den är borta nu men fortfarande lite känningar. Kan nog dra lärdomen att undvika högintesivt träning för nära efter Jukola.details
JoS11 daysdetails
O-ing11 daysdetails
JL11 daysNolle-P.details
nana11 daysdetails
K'lea11 daysdetails
Calmy11 daysdetails
michalmy11 daysPrescribed Avelox (moxifloxacin).details
PoJo11 daysdetails
mjd11 daysdetails
TomiKä11 daysdetails
AliS11 daysdetails
Miikka11 daysdetails
jennyjones11 daysdetails
elavallee11 daysdetails
sjreeve11 daysdetails
jemmerson11 daysdetails
mvuk11 daysdetails
bbrooke11 daysdetails
mgb11 daysdetails
LL11 daysdetails
Marius11 daysdetails
White Kenyan11 daysdetails
JanetT11 daysWisdom: stay away from sick 3 year olds. :-) Preemptively assuming all symptoms will be gone by the 11th as they're almost gone on the 9th.details
Marschel11 daysdetails
Siggi11 daysdetails
Jono_O11 daysdetails
helehan11 daysdetails
awilkinson11 daysdetails
KingTim11 daysdetails
pepa.11 daysdetails
Clara11 daysdetails
Florence11 daysRest and proper food for a long time. Had to get better for Spain holiday so knowing that in my head made a difference??details
fn11 daysVila + lätt träning.details
OJ11 daysdetails
Jonas Detterfelt11 daysdetails
Miller Time11 daysdetails
sjreeve11 daysdetails
tcut11 daysdetails
Brooner11 daysdetails
confused11 daysdetails
DWildfogel11 daysStill some lingering effects, but their not getting in the way of exercise.details
Stijn11 daysdetails
Pajėda11 daysdetails
KingTim11 daysdetails
flanbg11 daysdetails
rachelallen11 daysdetails
luciaire11 daysdetails
Steffen11 daysdetails
KingTim11 daysdetails
Craney11 daysdetails
ol.micke11 daysdetails
Andrew11 daysdetails
jmnipen11 daysdetails
michalmy11 daysAmoxycillin (days 7-11), Codral Cold & Flu + Cough, Strepsils, Otrivin nasal spray.details
arg11 daysStill have some residual coughing.....took it easy today on my 'Cross bike. details
Ptr11 daysdetails
jennapaj11 daysdetails
Craney11 daysdetails
@Paddy11 daysdetails
dcady11 daysNaps helped. Occasional advil and decongestant helped. details
susan11 daysdetails
troll feet11 daysdetails
nana11 daysdetails
Whitesheep11 daysdetails
schnitzer11 daysdetails
Craney11 daysdetails
pepa.11 dayswarten, schlafen, beten.details
Stryder11 daysEnded up with a sinus infection and had to take a round of antibiotics, hopefully will begin a slow return to lifting todaydetails
emily201211 daysdetails
Thoto11 daysdetails
Tooms11 daysdetails
Flakey11 daysdetails
phil11 daysWait and see.details
Brooner11 daysdetails
davelevine11 daysLots of restdetails
Boje11 daysdetails
Pete11 daysdetails
Saz11 daysdetails
michalmy11 daysPossibly caught cold from Adam after his trip to Uni Games at Newcastle. Codral Day & Night capsules.details
Saz11 daysdetails
Whitesheep11 daysdetails
mary11 daysdetails
L Bakker11 daysdetails
HannahH11 daysdetails
mps11 daysdetails
Raz11 daysdetails
RosieWatson11 daysdetails
philm6411 daysdetails
Gytė11 daysdetails
ChristianeT11 daysdetails
ShadowCaster11 daystook day off and slept at peak of cold. Mega-dose of vitamin-C Seems to linger in the lungs a bit. details
Stijn11 daysdetails
Garry11 daysdetails
lau11 daysdetails
Whitesheep11 daysdetails
darryn11 daysdetails
Shingo11 daysdetails
kido11 daysdetails
BanjoLasse11 daysdetails
marie11 daysdetails
Craney11 daysdetails
HannesS11 daysdetails
boyle11 daysDon't share a lollipop with a kindergarten grandchild.details
susiethebear11 daysdetails
Whitesheep11 daysdetails
JuraMac11 daysdetails
Beacon11 daysdetails
mnomi111 daysdetails
nmulder11 daysdetails
Saz11 daysdetails
Flakey11 daysdetails
Kalgman11 daysdetails
jennyr11 daysdetails
Raz11 daysdetails
Roger G11 daysdetails
FJohnson11 daysdetails
Raz11 daysdetails
Flakey11 daysdetails
ernst11 daysdetails
lowees11 daysdetails
majaporle11 daysdetails
silje11 daysdetails
PM11 daysTook a while and the booster jab added another 2-3 days onto it, but feeling much more like normal nowdetails
susan11 daysRealistically it was recovered before then. But honestly taking a day out of life / in bed when a cold comes on seems to do the trick these daysdetails
Mark311 daysLasted ages but seems pretty much gone now. Mainly mucus. details
Imogenpieters11 daysdetails
Raz11 daysdetails
jemmerson11 daysdetails
Forgotten11 daysdetails
Charlie11 daysRhonda thinks it was a COVID-related relapse (although not a new infection). A little Mucinex for a few days-and gradually just got better. details
fn11 daysdetails
FJohnson11 daysdetails
Bee_G11 daysdetails
Raz11 daysdetails
boyle11 daysdetails
Taco11 daysstill coughingdetails
Niko11 daysdetails
yougogirl11 dayshade fortfarande kvar tjovk i hals, näsa. mycke tsnor i typ en månad efterdetails
kwilliams11 daysdetails
CleverSky11 daysCough lingered for a long time as usual. I probably picked this up at work, so the lesson is, don't go to work. Nancy seems to have maybe the same thing starting 4/1, unclear if she got it from me or from Groton Hill last week. She tested negative for covid today (I didn't test, but my coworkers who were ill also tested negative).details
biddy12 daysdetails
barb12 daysdetails
Reubster12 daysIrregular eating and sleeping in England. Alcohol, dry air on the plane, and sleeping in the airport. Rest at home helped, racing in Venice didn't.details
Ezy12 daysdetails
ihelgesen12 daysdetails
mat-d12 daysyeydetails
pepa.12 daysdetails
Kseniya12 daysAntibiotics + some traditional alternative russian medicinedetails
ken12 daysdetails
torbensfunk12 daysdetails
Clara12 daysdetails
jlf12 daysshould have started taking medicines much earlier instead of being a bit stubborn. Will start taking suppliments now to try and build up immune system.details
olle7112 daysdetails
Ghost12 daysdetails
cousteau12 daysdetails
rockman12 daysnothing much seemed to help - been sick in May for the last 3 years (but first 2 were in China) - this was by far the mildest.details
slow-twitch12 daysDON'T COMPETE WITH A BAD COLD!!!!!details
Becks12 daysdetails
K'lea12 daysAntibiotics helped, seemed to be reinfecting nose to chest etc. Still sniffly and have a 2 keep blowing my nose.... I give up trying to be well!details
LauraB12 daysdetails
rebeccn12 daysdetails
Becks12 daysdetails
boyle12 daysdetails
WileyKyO-T12 daysdetails
gg12 daysSleep and rest more - just stay in bed, don't talk to people etc.. kill it quickdetails
Marius12 daysdetails
ginger12 daysdetails
O-ing12 daysA fairly mild one.details
Mona12 daysAirborne, juice, nasal saline solution, humidifier, tea....oh, and yeah, a fun trip to nice and humid FL :)details
Nick12 dayslots of rest wanted or notdetails
YouRNotHere12 daysFinally recovered from this cold.details
jima12 daysdetails
mags2912 daysMore sleep, rest and good food.details
Olly Williams =)12 daysdetails
TyrTom12 daysdetails
Whitesheep12 daysLasted ages longer than it needed to as I was busy with interviews/work/moving, didn't sleep well or eat well. Not rocket science.details
errolpit12 daysdetails
Nadim12 daysJust as this was winding down, I did get some perscription help but I didn't use it. I think getting enough sleep really helped the most. details
Hobitas12 daysdetails
SusC12 daysOver in 2 weeks which is awesome considering how yuck it was. Not running was smart; last year was about as sick and kept running and then had it for 4 weeks.details
Julia (old log)12 daysdetails
NeilMcEoigheann12 daysdetails
Loopy Lou12 daysdetails
mm-ha12 daysdetails
Myyrä12 daysdetails
j-man12 daysdetails
drewi12 daysStrep. Bleh.details
Stryder12 daysI am still a little sick, but I hope to resume regular trainingdetails
Sarah12 daysdetails
jeffsgrant12 daysdetails
Sarah12 daysShould have gone to the doctor sooner. 10 days of antibiotics details
tomtom12 daysdetails
bcvlj12 daysZpak cured me pretty quickly.details
pauline12 daysdetails
JonasB12 daysdetails
2 Dots12 daysdetails
hickman197012 daysdetails
Anvil12 daysdetails
Honkie12 daysdetails
bubo12 daysdetails
JonD12 daystheraflu for rest; tea and no coffee for one day; avoiding the pool during the worst of itdetails
Pia W12 daysdetails
mood12 daysLängesedan jag var så här sjuk. Gjorde mitt test i simning trots sjukdom vilket troligen gjorde det hela javligt mycket värre. details
JonasB12 daysdetails
mm-ha12 daysdetails
thegingerninja12 daysProbably should have rested more. Still got a bit of a sore throat but feel much better.details
W12 daysdetails
Rhesus12 daysdetails
Sony12 daysdetails
barb12 daysdetails
Tullster12 daysdetails
schnitzer12 daysdetails
boyle12 daysdetails
MikeMc12 daysdetails
skijorTT12 daysIt's been about two weeks and I'm feeling much better. A bit of phlem in the sinuses and limited coughing but I am pretty much all there health wise. details
kurthu12 daysdetails
jonny crickmore12 daysdetails
Katrin H12 daysdetails
Reini12 daysdetails
tjansson12 daysdetails
Ursa12 daysdetails
O-ing12 daysdetails
W12 daysdetails
karen12 daysdetails
kPa12 daysdetails
mm-ha12 daysdetails
ShotRat12 daysdetails
tautvix12 daysAtrodo pasveikau. Gan ilgai tęsėsi. Geriau vaistus.details
CarlEdmo12 daysdetails
Sarah12 daysdetails
jmnipen12 daysdetails
Thoto12 daysdetails
nana12 daysdetails
james.a12 daysdetails
fritzof12 daysdetails
mm-ha12 daysRest, rest, restdetails
Keith12 daysdetails
Miller Time12 daysLots of fluidsdetails
Stijn12 daysdetails
Rosco12 daysdetails
nana12 daysdetails
GM12 daysRunny nose kept on for about a week. Only felt really crap for about two days. Should of stayed home but needed to get stuff done at work.details
marcusm12 daysdetails
Fabian12 dayswarm bzw. nach Training trockene Kleider anziehendetails
Davidm081112 daysdetails
Ollie12 daysdetails
pasha12 daysdetails
LMschwirz12 daysdetails
kwilliams12 daysdetails
Becks12 daysdetails
jmnipen12 daysdetails
skyhigh12 daysdetails
Tooms12 daysdetails
furlong4712 daysdetails
Whitesheep12 daysdetails
iansmith12 daysTea.details
Kurt12 daysdetails
ChristianeT12 daysdetails
Olem12 daysdetails
silje12 daysdetails
Desmond12 daysdetails
salal12 daysdetails
annawallin12 daysMåste fått någon riktig elaking till bacill! Först en hel vecka med riktigt sjuk och sen en vecka med vanlig förkylning typ. Usch och fy vilken början på året, men nu kan det bara gå bättre! ;)details
ol.micke12 daysdetails
Heather O12 daysdetails
duncanarcher12 daysI maybe could have seen this coming, felt slightly under the weather when I went running with Peter. Perhaps shouldn't have gone out, although we did some hill reps and I felt as good as I've felt on reps for a while. But then crashed the next day.details
Erik 12 daysdetails
Torio12 daysdetails
boyle12 daysdetails
Phat12 daysdetails
simon8712 daysdetails
Rose12 daysdetails
Georgia12 daysdetails
LuT12 daysdetails
nana12 daysdetails
TomiKä12 daysdetails
Trav12 daysdetails
pepa.12 daysruhe, ingwer, tee, vitamine, zu wenig schlaf.details
pauline12 daysdetails
Garry12 daysdetails
Heather O12 daysdetails
mckeyes12 daysdetails
PatrickGarcia12 daysdetails
Thompass12 daysdetails
Rich12 daysdetails
skdewitt12 daysdetails
JamieP12 daysLingered for a while but stopped really affecting running.details
kungen112 daysdetails
T.Fong12 daysNot taking my daily vitamin pills is how I got sick.details
Sarah12 daysdetails
bradc12 daysdetails
Tim C12 daysdetails
Clara12 daysdetails
jessica.johnson12 daysdetails
Katnap12 daysdetails
Roger G12 daysdetails
Knutern9712 daysdetails
Päkä12 daysdetails
lchavasse12 daysdetails
itsmartin12 daysdetails
JuraMac12 daysdetails
stig of the dump12 daysdetails
Ansgar12 daysdetails
Tullster12 daysdetails
Elvis12 daysdetails
Whitesheep12 daysdetails
DWildfogel12 daysGet lots of rest when you first start feeling it! And try benadryl instead of being miserable, but be prepared to sleep. (Maybe only one tab at a time.)details
spinner12 daysdetails
Ptr12 daysdetails
Ursa12 daysdetails
Sarah12 daysdetails
Kalgman12 daysdetails
ken12 daysdetails
Katnap12 daysdetails
ChristianeT12 daysdetails
susiethebear12 daysdetails
Steve R12 daysdetails
Charlie12 daysNot completely better, but I guess good enough. OTC meds, prescription cough suppressant helped quite a bit. details
noRa12 daysdetails
Clara12 daysdetails
axelhalvar12 daysFesten tog hårt på mig, resa sliter också. UPDATE aldrig starta med träningen för tidigtdetails
Beacon12 daysdetails
darryn12 daysdetails
dcady12 daysNyquil helped sleeping a couple of nights.details
Kalgman12 daysdetails
Clara12 daysdetails
cedrik12 daysdetails
axelhalvar12 daysDrick inte ur andras flaskor på SM-festen nästa gång så blir det nog bättre, mupp. details
abiperk12 daysdetails
Ptr12 daysOnt i halsen ovanligt länge, men så brukar jag inte sova såhär lite när jag är sjuk heller. En ny erfarenhet att bara sova 5-6 timmar när jag är sjuk.details
Kurt12 daysdetails
L Bakker12 daysdetails
EuanT12 daysdetails
DrKeith12 daysdetails
kido12 daysdetails
GRennie12 daysdetails
Roger G12 daysExtended the time by racing The Britishdetails
cedrik12 daysdetails
Warti12 daysdetails
Mark312 daysFairly low level for 8 of the 12, and never got past the nose. Slight cough occasionally, maybe. Not Covid (did a test)details
Feli12 daysdetails
eevi12 daysdetails
BenSquire12 daysdetails
Imogenpieters12 daysdetails
Mark312 daysLasted a really long time, mainly just extra mucus for the last 10 days tho. details
Bruce12 daysdetails
Ptr12 daysVila och vila, dåligt med sömn gjorde nog att det tog lite för lång tid.details
errolpit12 daysdetails
Dooby12 daysdetails
HitnHope12 daysDoing gentle runs seemed to leave me feeling a bit better. First run (25th Oct) after recovery was strong. Don't feel I've lost all that much fitness. details
O-ing12 daysdetails
nmulder12 daysSore throat and fatigue. Very snotty, especially at night for a long time afterwards.details
johannes roto12 daysdetails
annanisi12 daysdetails
jennyr12 daysdetails
FJohnson12 daysdetails
Faceplant12 daysdetails
Imogenpieters12 daysdetails
Freeheelpete12 daysdetails
susan12 daysWoke up Monday morning with a scratchy throat, and looks like my tonsils are pretty angry. Basically cancelling life this week (no teaching, not much talking) to try & give myself a chancedetails
michalmy12 daysCodral Day & Night: Day 1-12 Pantoprazole: Day 2-16 Amoxicillin: Day 4-10 Avelox: Day 5-9details
Mark312 daysdetails
Trailrat12 daysTimedetails
Geiler OLer12 daysdetails
Hoddy13 daysColds are quite a problem here in GB, the naturally cold and humid conditions making it really hard to lose. Its something you don't think about it you live with a drier climate. For instance having lived between March and September 2005 just on the eastern side of the Cascades of Southern Oregon where the air is extremely dry I caught no colds, however on my arrival in the UK I caught multiple cold during the fall which I suspect was due to increased susceptibility having not had any over th...details
rtm13 daysdetails
hkleaf13 daysdetails
glenn13 daysrode it outdetails
Jagge13 daysdetails
Mona13 daysget outthere and do something fun, like skiing!details
Fraser Ross13 daysdetails
The Rooster13 daysProbably due to over training and rushing around country before going to India plus I seem to remember i wasnt drinking enough.details
Bender13 daysdetails
Runodk13 daysdetails
mags2913 daysToo much running around and not enough sleep. More sleep in the future.details
YouRNotHere13 daysJust needed to wait out this cold. One day I would feel better then next day it was back. Very stubborn virus this time.details
Ledas13 daysdetails
DHemer13 daysdetails
mood13 daysI'm weak. I still cough some but It's seem to be ok to train.details
Georgia13 daysdetails
Shep13 daysdetails
K'lea13 daysStill snively but managed the P6 so hopefully won't have a reapse...details
JennyJ13 daysdidn't do any training once I was poorly, it still developed into a chesty cough though...details
forbesbc13 daysdetails
NSW Stinger13 daysdetails
ActiveGEJ13 daysOK... here it is... although I still have a bit of congestion, I am definitely doing better. During the cold, I took it easy and went by how I felt. I have tried the following remedies: - Cold FX - Apple Cider Vinegar with OJ - OJ with Vega smoothie infusion - hot tea - ginger, mint This cold appears to be seasonal. A lot of people around me have experienced cold symptoms within the last couple weeks. details
Zan13 daysdetails
drewi13 daysdetails
loudmansam13 daysSleep more than 8.5 hrs a nightdetails
SteveT13 daysdetails
fluceluce13 daysdetails
HighVelocity13 daysdetails
revy13 daysdetails
acejase13 daystook a while to recover. have to eat and drink well to recover.details
Orunner13 daysdetails
drewi13 daysdetails
Julia (old log)13 daysdetails
grroes13 daysdetails
HighVelocity13 daysdetails
gg13 daysdetails
simon13 daysdetails
RosieWatson13 daysdetails
ken13 daysStarted antibiotics after 11 days, which helped. details
tomtom13 daysLemsips..details
Honkie13 daysdetails
najones13 daysdetails
daveabrams13 daysdetails
Nadim13 daysRest and more sleep helped a lot. details
angela13 daysdetails
pi13 daysdetails
Spongey13 daysdetails
iansmith13 daysRest, fluids, etc.details
Keith13 daysdetails
joch5513 daysdetails
MikeMc13 daysdetails
kurthu13 daysdetails
pauline13 daysdetails
nh13 daysAnother cold dammit - one of those colds you get after a big event (Nationals Orienteering). I think I blasted it out of my system with NISS.details
JesseHagberg13 daysWent away on its own. Didn't notice until almost 2 weeks later.details
Mike B13 daysdetails
LL13 daysdetails
bcvlj13 daystime healed this one. didn't get too bad, thankfully.details
K'lea13 daysdetails
Brodie Nank13 daysdetails
Katrin H13 daysdetails
Rich13 daysSinus massages, steam and eucalyptus.details
MikeMc13 daysdetails
trailchampion13 daysturned out to be one of the most persistent sinus infections I've ever had...could I have exasperated it going hard at last Thurs workout? ....quite possiblydetails
skoeld13 daysdetails
tcut13 daysdetails
o-pia13 daysFrisk nok til å trene i allefall...details
David Smyth13 daysdetails
Tooms13 daysDoing a 90min windtrainer when I thought I was better may not have helped.details
Zippy13 daysGuys at work saw I was sick and said it was going around. Mix of too many late nights and lots of work stress combined for this cold to hang on longer than I thought I would. Stopping training probably kept the severity down. Migraine at the tail end; why??details
Sian13 daysdetails
Tooms13 daysdetails
MCrone13 daysdetails
Binnsey13 daysdetails
dimario13 daysdetails
bazil13 daysdetails
Pia W13 daysdetails
furlong4713 daysdetails
Alexander13 daysdetails
Meli13 daysdetails
ginger13 daysdetails
karen13 daysdetails
K'lea13 daysdetails
Lara13 daysSome combination of time, rest, antibiotics or the placebo effect. Not sure if what I had was bacterial or viral but it seemed to go away pretty quickly after starting amoxicillin, so perhaps it was bacterial after all.details
GM13 daysdetails
bcvlj13 daystook Z pak in first day.details
Ptr13 daysdetails
juliadahl13 daysdetails
Paul Jensen13 daysdetails
vyc13 daysdetails
EJ Teb13 daysdetails
skoeld13 daysdetails
Marius13 daysdetails
stig of the dump13 daysdetails
Pia W13 daysdetails
Ursa13 daysdetails
ken13 daysdetails
Siggi13 daysdetails
pasha13 dayssauna and/or steam room most of the days.details
alirobertson13 daysdetails
tomtom13 daysdetails
jys13 daysdetails
mjd13 daysdetails
Sony13 daysdetails
Rich13 daysdetails
Mr Wonderful13 daysNot enough there to count.details
Tooms13 daysdetails
Zippy13 daysdetails
MatthewParton13 daysdetails
Rose13 daysdetails
JennyJ13 daysdetails
Mess Engineer13 daysMy immune system hopeless.details
itsmartin13 daysAs usual, I think losing sleep brings this stuff on.details
Mcatt13 daysdetails
Dooby13 daysdetails
Florence13 daysDon't travel for 16 house back from skiing and then go to Christmas weekend and do 2 hours 11 for captains challengedetails
AngusL13 daysRest, water, paracetamol.details
Garrison13 daysSleep, rest, fair amount of whining...details
inTIMidator13 daysOil of oregano, tastes horrible but seemed to help.details
radulan00713 daysdetails
jys13 daysdetails
BeckyRob13 daysdetails
Backstreet Boy13 daysdetails
Tooms13 daysNeed to sleep and not organise concurrent AR and O events and trips overseas and running two businesses and lecturing and working and and and details
Matt Hartland13 daysR & Rdetails
JuraMac13 daysdetails
OL13 daysdetails
Stijn13 daysdetails
jwolff13 daysdetails
jemmerson13 daysdetails
Milia13 daysDu ska varken festa elä träna när du e sjuk! Fast dehär gångerna va de ju nog värt de! ;)details
Linear Ice13 daysNothing to learn other than don't be around other people with colds. Everyone who had this one seemed to have it bad.details
abiperk13 daysdetails
paul.dd13 daysdetails
Tim C13 daysdetails
Ptr13 daysInget speciellt.details
mindsweeper13 daysdetails
coady13 daysdetails
Georgia13 daysdetails
paul.dd13 daysdetails
Ansgar13 daysSchlafen!details
skyhigh13 daysdetails
Clara13 daysdetails
Bender13 daysdetails
annawallin13 daysMånga som var sjuka under 25-manna, dessutom Agnes som jag bor med hehe så blev smittad av nån då eller under 25-mannafesten. även fall jag knappt drack nått och lade mig hyfsat tidigt.details
Psuba13 daysdetails
Clara13 daysGenerally run down. A few days very sinusy and took a while to get fully better.details
Slar13 daysdetails
emmaS13 daysWow this took forever to recover! Rest I suppose, which I certainly didn't have the first week, and also eating many more vegetables because they are available back at home the second week probably helped. details
Shingo13 daysdetails
Mark313 daysAs usual, ignored it. Lemsip helped.details
Stijn13 daysdetails
NSW Stinger13 daysdetails
kurthu13 daysdetails
Brooner13 daysdetails
Rosco13 daysOMM lowered immune system...details
fn13 daysVila...details
gas_turbine13 daysUUUUUGGGGHHHH forever. Druuuuggggsdetails
silje13 daysdetails
cedrik13 daysdetails
susan13 daysCompletely rested through it, and apart from a small amount of wheeziness & coughing I think it successfully stayed out of my chest.details
kurthu13 daysdetails
bugci13 daysdetails
Kalgman13 daysdetails
Knutern9713 daysdetails
ondrejpavlu13 daysdetails
JuraMac13 daysdetails
Niamhunter13 daysdetails
RosieWatson13 daysdetails
Ptr13 daysdetails
majaporle13 daysdetails
riinaF13 daysdetails
Quicksilver13 daysdetails
undy13 daysTake it very easy. When you feel the itch to get out for a run then probably better.details
evie13 daysdetails
JennyJ13 daysdetails
susan13 daysNever really got into much of a runny nose, just occasional sore throat and ganky in the mornings. Thankfully didn't progress. Very anxious not to lose my voice again. Mildest cold ever.details
00713 daysdetails
AllyBeaven13 daysdetails
annanisi13 daysdetails
Quicksilver13 daysCaused by breathing in icy air through a damp bandanna while skiing... idk what would help with thatdetails
Taco13 daysdetails
peteT13 daysdetails
pepa.13 daysdetails
Tane13 daysdetails
DrKeith13 daysTime and antibios as minor chest infection details
susiethebear13 daysdetails
bradc13 daysdetails
Chris9813 daysLong season with many big races and then 2 races over 3 days with the last one being in cold rain. details
boyle13 daysdetails
ba-ba13 daysdetails
Ptr13 daysdetails
susiethebear13 daysdetails
silje13 daysdetails
Raz13 daysdetails
jima13 daysdetails
Mark313 daysdetails
CHorley13 daysSlowly disappeared. details
michalmy13 daysDay 1-4: Codral Day + Night Day 4-9: Apo-Amoxy/Clav Day 4-23: Symbicort inhaler Day 13: Chest x-ray Day 13-17: Avelox Day 23-52: Pantoprazole Sandoz Day 31-35: Avelox (again)details
EuanT13 daysdetails
fn13 daysdetails
Tane13 daysdetails
Stijn13 daysdetails
axelhalvar13 daysdetails
boyle13 daysdetails
Troy14 daysdetails
LilFlip14 daysShould have had more Vitamin-C and more sleep!!details
jmnipen14 daysdetails
Bomb14 daysdetails
trout14 daysdetails
Flea14 daysdetails
PhilW14 daysstaying active and using the rhino horn seemed to allow me to dodge the bulletdetails
simon8714 daysdetails
BanjoLasse14 daysdetails
greg14 daysdetails
JennyJ14 daysWeird cough that went on for ever - don't know if it was related to the cold I had a couple of weeks before. Shouldn't have run the SHI relay in the middle... details
turbodog14 daysSleep, fluids, decreased activity all seemed to help.details
Georgia14 daysdetails
Lori14 daysdetails
Hoddy14 daysdetails
vandy661614 daysI think I'm finally over this cold. details
boyle14 daysdetails
loudmansam14 daysdetails
drwill414 daysThe cold wasn't too bad but it migrated down into my chest for a while. details
TimGood14 daysdetails
bbrooke14 daysdetails
Ursa14 daysdetails
bcvlj14 dayssteroids helped the breathing. still have the cough mostly at night. allergy season starting to kick in so will close this.details
MikeMc14 daysdetails
jonny crickmore14 daysdetails
mjd14 daysdetails
O-ing14 daysNot sure I have recovered, but nose is less blocked, less gunk coming from chestdetails
3m14 daystwo weeks and I was back to normal.. immune booster vitamins have made a difference this winter I think along with taking more care at work. details
PhilW14 daysdetails
Ptr14 daysdetails
dcady14 daysNaps help. Nothing else makes much difference. Hated the coughing at night.details
Rokm14 daysfinaly over, still some problems with my nose, but nothing dramaticdetails
RosieWatson14 daysdetails
SusC14 daysRemember the salt water, even after it's set in.details
O-ing14 daysMild, fair bit of gunk in the latter part. details
ken14 daysdetails
Dangerman14 daysdetails
Mess Engineer14 daysdetails
ami14 daysI've tried to take it easy, since I haven't felt a 100%. Hopefully this'll pay off when I start training for real again. details
pi14 daysdetails
Alibongo14 daysdetails
BIGpete14 daysriding in the rain would cause you to get a colddetails
m.jada14 daysdetails
SteveT14 daysdetails
MikeMc14 daysdetails
clarky14 daysdetails
HenrikGj14 daysdetails
Dooby14 daysdetails
Tane14 daysdetails
A.Child14 daysdetails
RockHEART14 daysdetails
JustinM14 daysdetails
ironmom14 daysdetails
Morten14 daysdetails
Pete14 daysdetails
rcro14 daysdetails
Shminty14 daysdetails
Ironfrog14 daysPrimary a virus. Secondary bacterial infection. Probably avoided a lower airway bacterial infection and long lasting sinusitis by taking antibiotics ( phenoxymethylpenicillin, 2 mill IE x 3, 10 days). This would normally not be necessary. Saline nose spray is very useful to clean the nose in a gentle way, and probably speeds up recovery by preventing mucus retention.details
jonny crickmore14 daysdetails
pepa.14 daysdetails
drewi14 daysdetails
Tapsa14 daysdetails
motbakken14 daysdetails
salal14 daysdetails
bill_l14 daysdetails
Pia W14 daysdetails
hodgepodge14 daysdetails
jima14 daysdetails
Zed14 daysTime (too much!) and antibiotics, increased preventer medication..details
noRa14 daysdetails
jaanaolvet14 daysdetails
skoeld14 daysdetails
JonasB14 daysdetails
Sudden14 daysdetails
blairtrewin14 daysdetails
LOST_Richard14 daysdetails
cmorse14 daysLots of rest, Vitamin I. Not much else to do... Glad it appears to be over withdetails
Stijn14 daysdetails
fn14 daysdetails
AngusL14 daysREST!details
ba-ba14 daysdetails
Keith14 daysRest, don't rundetails
ljbean14 daysJust got a bug, I don't think anything I did made it better or worsedetails
Stijn14 daysdetails
mm-ha14 daysdetails
Jono_O14 daysdetails
Saz14 daysdetails
troll feet14 daysnonedetails
ChristianeT14 daysdetails
autark14 daysdetails
Miller Time14 daysdetails
KingTim14 daysdetails
sajmoen14 daysdetails
LL14 daysdetails
xcman8214 daysdetails
elgar14 daysdetails
SteveDana14 daysdetails
Saz14 daysGot sick at site, not helped by having to keep going as only person in charge, fell in heap when I got back, should've taken an extra day off to recover when I got backdetails
Clare14 daysdetails
Ansgar14 daysdetails
Poogy14 daysdetails
Bender14 daysdetails
saulo1114 daysdetails
Clone14 daysdetails
Boje14 daysViele harte Wettkämpfe, nasse klamotten und Alkohol sind keine gute Kombination.details
Trailrat14 daysJust lots of time. This was a nasty cold.details
MikeMc14 daysdetails
ba-ba14 daysdetails
Austin F14 daysdetails
AnastasiaD14 daysdetails
Clara14 daysWas run down after 4 Peaks. Turned into a cough at the end, not helped by a conference week in Sydney.details
Tullster14 daysdetails
Kseniya14 daysdetails
Melonknee 14 daysdetails
Spartacus14 daysdetails
chelsealuttrall14 daysMusinex, steroid nasal spray, Claritin, delsym was magical cocktail from doc that got me by. details
Trailrat14 daysTook a lot of days off.details
sleepyxc14 daysdetails
Trailrat14 daysTook time to kill this one. Stayed just in my sinus and did not affect anything else like the last one did.details
TomiKä14 daysdetails
Kurt14 daysdetails
Sarah14 daysdetails
BigAl14 daysdetails
Freeheelpete14 daysdetails
mary14 daysdetails
michalmy14 daysKeflex (days 1-7). Avelox (days 7-16).details
Sudden14 daysdetails
Zippy14 daysdetails
Brentman14 daysdetails
jys14 daysdetails
Psuba14 daysdetails
duncanarcher14 daysNot sure what brought it out. Had a good winter's training, resting well, without getting ill. Maybe a week or so out isn't the end of the world. Ended up missing JK individual days which was annoying.details
emily201214 daysdetails
Trailrat14 daysTime, lots and lots of timedetails
Mess Engineer14 daysdetails
olle_lb14 daysdetails
Shminty14 daysGot worried when i came back after a week and took more days off. In hindsight probably could have carried on running after first comeback.details
Ptr14 daysdetails
abiperk14 daysdetails
sjreeve14 daysdetails
liv14 daysdetails
darryn14 daysdetails
Tooms14 daysdetails
Mal14 daysdetails
KariItkonen14 daysdetails
Heather O14 daysdetails
Whitesheep14 daysdetails
ajriley14 daysdetails
Heather O14 daysdetails
silje14 daysdetails
schnitzer14 daysdetails
Boje14 daysNach 3-4 Tagen wieder ganz gut gefuehle aber noch sehr lange am Husten gewesen und eine verstopfte Nase gehabt.details
Freeheelpete14 daysdetails
Ansgar14 daysdetails
pbergstedt14 daysdetails
HitnHope14 daysJust rest. details
Bridge14 daysDoubled down on nutrition and rest, resulting in good recoverydetails
RosieWatson14 daysdetails
Ansgar14 daysdetails
Whitesheep14 daysdetails
Gustav14 daysdetails
Ptr14 daysdetails
lowees14 daysdetails
RyanE14 daysdetails
RyanE14 daysdetails
pi14 daysdetails
andriusj1114 daysdetails
Heather O14 daysNo running for two weeks.details
tinytoes14 daysdetails
fn14 daysdetails
yougogirl14 daysdetails
Richi Ross14 daysdetails
coach14 daysMostly just stuffy head and junk coming out....still some of that now..details
Strand14 daysdetails
Clara14 daysdetails
ba-ba14 daysdetails
Imogenpieters14 daysdetails
CleverSky14 daysWell, it could have been Covid, but by the time I tested I was negative. Only one day fully out of commission, but I had the familiar lingering congestion and cough that went on for a couple of weeks.details
fn14 daysdetails
cmorse14 daysdetails
Boje14 daysdetails
Mickos15 daysbug from Otis (playcentre). Must wear an oxygen mask at home when getting coughed and vomited on...details
ironmom15 daysdetails
3m15 daysNormal cold bad first week and took a second week to go completely... was also combined with hayfever :) details
hkleaf15 daysStill a little bit of a lingered cough, but generally the cold is gone.details
annan15 daysdetails
jwolff15 daysdetails
mags2915 daysMore rest and more hand washing around the school.details
Boltboi15 daysdetails
K'lea15 daysjust the common clod thats been going around at the time.details
Akhilleus15 daysdetails
Fabi15 daysRepos, sirop et lysomucil... et en final, antibiotiques car cela pouvait devenir chronique. details
mags2915 daysGet more rest and don't push so hard when I'm sick.details
RyanC15 daysdetails
Rainbow Unicorn15 daysdetails
Honkie15 daysdetails
AL7615 daysWhat a shit cold just hung around and ended up with a middle ear infection which I am just getting over now.details
MikeMc15 daysdetails
1L15 daysLong lingering head and chest cold - about 3 weeks in total. I think it's from a long mtn bike ride (74k) followed by a 10k foot race which lowered my immunity. People in the office are sick so I would have been fighting it prior to racing. The long recovery is also from continuing to race and keeping my body in a state of constant recovery. Raced through the congestion. Took some meds and kept the pace slow for running. Still coughing a lot after exertion but I'm not having as much trou...details
Rokm15 daysdetails
simmo15 daysdetails
W15 daysdetails
o-pia15 daysblitt gradvis bedre...details
O-ing15 daysdetails
JennyJ15 daysStarted as a mild sore throat/cold but developed into a horrible cough. Rest (lots of sleep), healthy food, anything to try to stop coughing. Then after 10 days some running shifted it.details
K'lea15 daysdetails
Skid18515 daysantibioticsdetails
K'lea15 daysdetails
Totem15 daysdetails
o-pia15 daysHoste fortsatt litt, men må vel være frisk nu...details
bcvlj15 daysallergy induced bronchitis. used inhaler and meds frequently for improvement.details
trailchampion15 daysstubborn, dropped into my chest, needed anti biotic to help clear itdetails
mjulius15 daysdetails
Veijo15 daysdetails
ami15 daysThis was a long one!! Some days I felt better and tried working out, but ended up regretting it a few days later. The worst part was the coughing.details
iansmith15 daysRest, fluids, pseudoephedrine, nyquil, coughdrops.details
BanjoLasse15 daysdetails
Ralph15 daysdetails
jonny crickmore15 daysdetails
RosieWatson15 daysdetails
undy15 daysdetails
Pete15 daysdetails
Boltboi15 daysdetails
Miss S15 daysdetails
samwell15 daysRest and wait about all I could do.details
joshblatch15 daysdetails
mikeywid15 daysshould have gone to the doctor soonerdetails
JL15 daysFan vet vad.details
OL15 dayslong time to have a cold. Didn't fully rest, and still did workouts while sick.details
cousteau15 daysdetails
MikeMc15 daysdetails
OJ15 daysAntibiotics. Need to get my ears syringed. details
Timothy15 daysLots of rest and no exercise.details
skoeld15 daysdetails
Ptr15 daysIngen direkt, men jävligt seg var den.details
jwolff15 daysdetails
alirobertson15 daysdetails
Rise up15 daysdetails
jys15 daysdetails
MikeMc15 daysdetails
Colin B15 daysdetails
duncanarcher15 daysdetails
O-ing15 daysStarted as sore throat. Then hibernated for a couple of days and came back as a blocked nose with bloody gunk in the morning. details
kpoire15 daysdetails
paul.dd15 daysdetails
Warti15 daysdetails
PM15 daysdetails
JuraMac15 daysdetails
Flakey15 daysdetails
Craney15 daysVery long tickly cough that wouldn't go.details
boyle15 daysdetails
Psuba15 daysdetails
Nick15 daysdetails
Boltboi15 daysdetails
purplepower15 daysdetails
noRa15 daysdetails
Kurt15 daysdetails
schnitzer15 daysdetails
Sandbo15 daysdetails
Mark315 daysTook a long time to shift. Lemsip at the start, then just waited.details
michalmy15 days Avelox (days 6-15).details
ChristianeT15 daysdetails
cbruski15 daysCold virus, followed by stomach flu virus :(details
duncanarcher15 daysStarted feeling ill just before the October Odyssey. Not been orienteering for ages and no other races coming up so decided to run anyway. Didn’t feel too bad but almost certainly made it worse and then no exercise for a week and a half.details
majaporle15 daysdetails
FJohnson15 daysdetails
Mark315 daysdetails
annawallin15 daysdetails
markg15 daysdetails
fn15 daysdetails
kido15 daysdetails
Ansgar15 daysdetails
JennyJ15 daysdetails
Quicksilver15 daysdetails
saraabom15 daysdetails
Dooby15 daysdetails
silje15 daysdetails
Raz15 daysdetails
EuanT15 daysdetails
Mark315 daysdetails
mikee15 daysdetails
Clara15 daysdetails
jwolff15 daysFlu vaccine anyone?details
DominicGreen15 daysdetails
michalmy15 daysDays 3-12: Pantoprazole 20mg Days 5-12: Amoxycillin 500mg Days 5-14: Rikodeine Days 12-15: Bisolvon details
gypsygirl16 daysDarn cold held on forever with so much flying I was doing and lodged in lungs pretty well. Thank goodness it is mostly gone and I have energy backdetails
the kempster16 daysdetails
T - runner16 daysdetails
Kat16 daysdetails
3m16 daysStarted to get tired and not getting enougth sleep... have to be more careful since I am working around people and kids all week. Oranges, zinc, green tea - dont stop you form getting a cold!!! But pretty sure they prevented it from being a bad cold to just a bareable head cold.details
simon8716 daysdetails
Heffer16 daysdetails
O-ing16 daysdetails
drewi16 daysdetails
SteveT16 daysdetails
Morg-TO16 daysdetails
justus16 daysCold like cough and runny nose just went its course - PL kicked my butt with dehydration and with this cold that I caught there. details
sfleming16 daysLots of sleep over vacation, finally feel better. Guess thats what lack of sleep over finals and work will do :-(details
O-ing16 daysWeird cold stayed at bottom of nose/top of throat junction, didn't go to chest and only 1 day of sore throat. Severe gunk slowly stopped accumulating - pretty clear today. details
bradc16 daysdetails
ironmom16 daysdetails
jonny crickmore16 daysdetails
Akhilleus16 daysdetails
bradc16 daysdetails
GM16 daysdetails
Shep16 daysdetails
bcvlj16 daystime. still a slight cough.details
hughmac416 daysdetails
Bender16 daysTime and taking it easy.details
Wally8016 dayssamn thing hung around for a faitr while, I didn't rest up enough with Anaconda on the horizondetails
Hobitas16 daysdetails
Sarge16 daysdetails
fluceluce16 daysdetails
Olly Williams =)16 daysdetails
bishop2216 daysProbably needed an earlier and/or better decongestant.details
Akhilleus16 daysdetails
Jenja16 daysdetails
bcvlj16 dayshealed with time.details
Trailrat16 daysTimedetails
xcsnowskier1416 daysStrep throat. was pretty tough on the body for a few days.details
Florence16 daysexams, well end of exams. journey up to skye..???details
sal.16 daysdetails
mbo16 daysantibiotics definitely helped. According to Sheena's book, it was caused by me not wanting to do the Chilkoot... Never take any codeine type drug again!details
Mitch7816 daysdetails
Sian16 daysdetails
ken16 daysdetails
cfosp116 daysOfficially declaring this cold over. Ear has mostly cleared and besides some phlegm and a stale taste which I attribute to the antibiotics I am almost back to normal. Time to get that fitness back. In hindsight, I should have gone to MD earlier when I noticed the blocked ear. details
Santinia16 daysdetails
pi16 daysdetails
White Kenyan16 daysdetails
Fatty_Goffe16 daysdetails
simmo16 daysdetails
darryn16 daysdetails
jdunn10016 daysNo hacking spell during MPLS Bike Tour.....must have finally shook the colddetails
Schweigerjonas16 daysdetails
johannesh16 daysFår väl se den som över nu även om den inte riktigt är det än. Började med halsont i samband med att det blev kallt i skåne. Köpte mig en halsduk och det blev faktist bättre, om än placebo. Sedan har förkylningen lagt sig på en konstant, låg nivå där jag känner av den framförallt på morgonen med massa slem i halsen. Sedan är jag lite snorig så fort jag går ut. På sistone så tycker jag inte jag påverkats av förkylningen på träningen (inte ens intervallpass/skidtävling, dock svårt att säga säke...details
Ansgar16 daysdetails
TortoiseTam16 daysdetails
BigAl16 daysdetails
Hobitas16 daysdetails
Marsela16 daysdetails
Oleg16 daysdetails
jmnipen16 daysdetails
blairtrewin16 daysdetails
Mark316 daysdetails
fn16 daysSegdragen förkylning men känns som den passerat nu. Gick väl över gränsen med två utlandsveckor.details
Tane16 daysdetails
Hirppa16 daysdetails
JamieP16 daysdetails
Piers Pirow16 dayseventually just got slowly betterdetails
Carbons Offset16 daysWow, that lasted quite a while. Still blowing my nose but I think I can say that this isn't draining my energy anymore.details
Jonas Detterfelt16 daysdetails
Anvil16 daysdetails
conör16 daysdetails
mdryak16 daysdetails
Hedis16 daysdetails
Thoto16 daysdetails
Trailrat16 daysTime, time, and more timedetails
ginger16 daysdetails
FJohnson16 daysdetails
Clone16 daysdetails
DrKeith16 daysClarithromycindetails
Nadim16 daysrest and respite from the hot humid weather. details
rcro16 daysdetails
TomN16 daysNot clear if totally recovered. My lungs are finally clear, and I lowered the steroid dose. Running is comfortable.details
JuraMac16 daysdetails
00716 daysdetails
boyle16 daysdetails
marie16 daysdetails
axelhalvar16 daysPlanera livet och följ planen, och var oundvikligt, borde inte ha sprungit men det var SM så hade inget val direkt. details
Bruce16 daysdetails
susiethebear16 daysdetails
Thompass16 daysdetails
FJohnson16 daysdetails
tinytoes16 daysdetails
Bridge16 daysdetails
Dooby16 daysThink i'll tick the recovered box on the Jan 13th ahead of attempting a run tomorrow.details
annawallin16 daysdetails
susiethebear16 daysdetails
Dooby16 daysdetails
Eric Johansson16 daysGlömde ta bort den ur här men den satt nog okcpå kvardetails
Tane16 daysdetails
JamieG16 daysdetails
Boje16 daysdetails
DrKeith16 daysdetails
bubo17 daysdetails
Hoddy17 dayswell it seems to have about gone, it just seems like you have to sit them out as there seems no way to be proactive.details
Shep17 daysdetails
ginger17 daysdetails
rdlesko17 daysstill have to get the snot out of my head, but I have more energy and am excited for a good bike ride tomorrowdetails
drewi17 daysdetails
Grandpa Bagger17 daysdetails
Tullster17 daysdetails
K'lea17 daysdetails
Alibongo17 daysdetails
00717 daysdetails
mm-ha17 daysdetails
nmulder17 daysCoughing lasted for 2 weeks. Should have gone to GP early on and got some anti-biotics.details
Runodk17 daysdetails
O-ing17 daysdetails
Alibongo17 daysRest.details
the kempster17 daysdetails
Cory Smith17 daysdetails
AC17 daysdetails
Olly Williams =)17 daysdetails
hazdog17 daysdetails
Ezy17 daysdetails
J Anderson17 daysdetails
Mona17 daysrest, Robitussin, Pine Syrup, Chicken Soup, Zicam, Airborne details
ken17 daysdetails
Luke W17 dayssleep.details
Linear Ice17 daysdetails
Julia (old log)17 daysdetails
andersbo17 daysdetails
vandy661617 daysdetails
Seanmcc17 daysPretty much better now. Took it easy for a couple weeks.details
Mal17 daysdetails
loudmansam17 daysSleep, hydrate, dont completely stop riding or you will get brutally slow!!details
kurthu17 daysdetails
K'lea17 daysdetails
Phanton17 daysdetails
O-ing17 daysHorrible sinus that got to the chest after 3 days. Threatened to come back after 2 weeks, but didn't. details
Bond00717 daysdetails
spilka17 daysdetails
Craig17 daysdetails
karen17 daysdetails
jemmerson17 daysdetails
Strand17 daysdetails
andreas17 daysdetails
workouttexas17 daysNeed quality restdetails
AliC17 daysdetails
WandAR17 daysdetails
Swisstoph17 daysHead Cold! Urgh...details
sjreeve17 daysdetails
DrKeith17 daysdetails
Craig17 daysdetails
MikeMc17 daysMan-updetails
OJ17 daysdetails
hagi17 daysdetails
richf17 daysdetails
Whitesheep17 daysdetails
tcut17 daysdetails
Oxoman17 daysdetails
BanjoLasse17 daysdetails
Nadim17 daysTime, rest, and being in an environment that my body is more used to, seemed to finally get me better. The heat and humidity plus cold hotel rooms in Guangzhou kept a lot of fluid in my lungs for a long time too. details
Tim C17 daysdetails
Craig17 daysdetails
O-ing17 daysProductive with green gunk. Tried to keep warm and use the nighttime remedies. No antibiotics. details
Garry17 daysdetails
Chris17 daysdetails
JennyJ17 daysdetails
Ursa17 daysdetails
pi17 daysdetails
RosieWatson17 daysdetails
Rich17 daysdetails
JuraMac17 daysdetails
annanisi17 daysdetails
adventuretom17 daysdetails
Doris17 daysdetails
MikeRoss0417 daysdetails
susan17 daysWhat helped recovery? Waiting. And sleeping.details
Boje17 daysdetails
kurthu17 daysdetails
Mark317 daysAcquired on flight back from skiing, or flight to skiing, or something. Probably. details
andrew_elwood17 daysdetails
Thoto17 daysdetails
kissy17 daysdetails
EuanT17 daysdetails
julianaslund17 daysEn bihåleinflammation som suttit kvar sedan hösten, ovetandes. Nasonex (nässpray), saltlösningsskölj och ipren hjälpte. details
Brooner17 daysdetails
fn17 daysdetails
andrew_elwood17 daysdetails
sjreeve17 daysdetails
bill_l17 daysdetails
peteT17 daysdetails
Ptr17 daysRast och vila.details
MoeD18 daysdetails
ziggyr18 daystimedetails
PhilW18 daysdetails
Nadim18 daysThis virus seems to have gotten a lot of people. I seemed to get it earlier than most, probably due to stress from the US Champs. Sleeping helped it get better but time and working out through it may have mattered too. details
Charlie18 daysStill more than usually tired, and still a bit scratchy throated, but I would say it's over now.details
the kempster18 daysdetails
Kas18 daysdetails
vosvos18 daysdetails
casser18 daysAnti-Biotics and time solved it - is still a bit weak but it is getting better all the time now - except my legs that are getting more and more soredetails
DHemer18 daysdetails
Hoddy18 daysdetails
gogirlgo18 daysweek prior to cold, several 5 hr sleep nights plus slacking on the whole healthy eating thing/celebrating post DV 50 k. details
ink_2118 daysdetails
-18 daysdetails
Boltboi18 daysdetails
Shminty18 daysdetails
daveabrams18 daysdetails
PhilW18 daysTime rest and plenty of fluidsdetails
Ralph18 daysdetails
SteveT18 daysdetails
O-ing18 daysCold stayed in lower throat/chest.details
Hirppa18 daysdetails
JoS18 daysdetails
spilka18 daysdetails
MikeMc18 daysdetails
marieke18 daysLingering cough.details
o-pia18 daysdetails
spilka18 daysdetails
W18 daysdetails
bradc18 daysdetails
AngusL18 daysProbably need more rest.details
PhilW18 daysdetails
jemmerson18 daysdetails
Olly Williams =)18 daysdetails
O-ing18 daysdetails
fritzof18 daysÄnnu en kär förkylning. Förstår varför jag kände attt något var fel tis innan jag blev förkyld. details
ToddO18 daysdetails
o'man18 days...details
MatiasKOK18 daysPå grunn av natta etter 10-mila..details
jmnipen18 daysdetails
Keith18 daysdetails
Pete18 daysdetails
steph_lawrie18 daysdetails
jys18 daysFick tillslut bukt på det med Flutikason.details
noRa18 daysdetails
awilkinson18 daysdetails
kurthu18 daysdetails
cousteau18 daysdetails
K'lea18 daysdetails
noRa18 daysdetails
fn18 daysOtroligt segt att bli av med.details
nana18 daysdetails
Bruce18 daysdetails
Lori18 daysdetails
jemmerson18 daysdetails
gret_j18 daysStill coughingdetails
GZs18 daysdetails
Mess Engineer18 daysdetails
ChristianeT18 daysdetails
fletch18 daysdetails
Ansgar18 daysdetails
Clone18 daysdetails
Ursa18 daysdetails
TomN18 daysdetails
ChristianeT18 daysdetails
Niamhunter18 daysdetails
Frostbite18 daysdetails
undy18 daysdetails
Trailrat18 daysTime... lots of timedetails
Saz18 daysdetails
michalmy18 daysTime off work - days 6-8. Codral Cold+Flu - day 1-5. Cephalexin (Keflex) 500mg - day 5-12. Breo Ellipta inhaler 225μg - day 5-18. Clarithromycin (Klacid) 500mg - day 12-18.details
Nadim18 daysTime and some better rest. details
Bridge18 daysdetails
ginger18 daysdetails
SteveG18 daystime... This cold lingered on... perhaps aggravated by allergiesdetails
Quicksilver18 daysDuring the SK trip; not fun...details
GRennie18 daysdetails
dcady18 daysAfter 10 days doc prescribed antibiotics and cough meds for really tired eyes later in day and cough (somewhat productive). Still have 3 days to go on the antibiotics. May have been Covid-19.details
ChristianeT18 daysdetails
coach18 daysDefinately Covid 19, omicron variant.details
jwolff18 daysdetails
Backstreet Boy18 daysdetails
susan18 daysdetails
Old_Fox19 daysdetails
Steeplechase19 daysdetails
ink_2119 dayscold fx really helpeddetails
matt_parton19 daysdetails
Ezy19 daysdetails
the jbird19 daysdetails
O-ing19 daysRunning Easter. 20% restricted Sat, 15% Sun, 10% Mon.details
alanlane19 daysdetails
C219 daysdetails
abii.19 daysdetails
Swisstoph19 daysdetails
Justina19 daysdetails
jonny crickmore19 daysdetails
O-ing19 daysdetails
٩(•̮̮̃•̃)۶19 daysdetails
boyle19 daysdetails
drewi19 daysdetails
RosieWatson19 daysdetails
O-ing19 daysHorrific resident aggressive evil cold. Just sat at the top of the chest and restricted breathing for the duration of the Aus Champs carnival. Threw everything at it, nothing worked. details
MikeMc19 daysdetails
marieke19 daysPersistent cough lasted over 2 weeks. Pain in ribs. details
bcvlj19 daysTime Healed this one.details
BanjoLasse19 daysdetails
jemmerson19 daysdetails
Linear Ice19 daysdetails
K'lea19 daysdetails
boyle19 daysdetails
fritzof19 daysdetails
JohnW19 daysDamn travel!details
Rose19 daysdetails
Arlaharen19 daysdetails
helehan19 daysdetails
vosvos19 daysdetails
mary19 daysdetails
tcut19 daysdetails
RosieWatson19 daysAgain, DON'T OVERTRAINdetails
Chris19 daysdetails
Saz19 daysEnded up getting abx when it turned into an ear infection. details
michalmy19 daysReliever inhaler. Sick leave (days 17-20); Amoxycillin Sandoz 1000mg (days 17-23). Lost 1kg (65>64).details
Clone19 daysNeed to get cortisone sooner!details
OL19 daysdetails
majaporle19 daysdetails
nikan19 daysdetails
fn19 daysdetails
Stijn19 daysdetails
andrew_elwood19 daysdetails
Whitesheep19 daysdetails
AntonSi19 daysdetails
susan19 daysRest, sleep, keep moving, don't talk much, vitamin C and echinacea = the way to do it.details
EuanT19 daysSeems to have just gone on forever but I felt fine.details
simmo19 daysdetails
Fondeur19 daysdetails
Trailrat19 daysLOTS of timedetails
Ptr19 daysVar en konstig förkylning som typ var borta två gången men kom tillbaks. Tog några extra dagars vila men hade ändå lite lätt huvudvärk men kunde springa lugna pass ändå.details
Elvis19 daysdetails
Imogenpieters19 daysdetails
helehan20 daysdetails
ironmom20 daysdetails
simon8720 daysdetails
SimonB20 daysjust took ages cos i didnt rest properly sitll get lugi's but its all gooddetails
K'lea20 daysdetails
slow-twitch20 daysdetails
bill_l20 daysdetails
Terkelsen20 daysAntibioottikuuri, limanirroituslääke ja limakalvoja "rauhoittava" ja röörejä avaava lääkitys.details
Mahuan!20 daysLingering: feeling crappy, depleted, muscle achey. Finally let up after 10 days.details
m.jada20 daysdetails
EricNorris20 daysdetails
RosieWatson20 daysdetails
Cakewoman20 daysdetails
JennyJ20 daysdetails
Mal20 daysdetails
Rich20 daysJust about ran its course nowdetails
mood20 daysdetails
Tane20 daysdetails
bcvlj20 daysZpak and time. Zpak at day 3 made it go away quicker and only allergy Symptoms remained.details
LA_runner20 daysdetails
MikeMc20 daysdetails
Steffen20 daysAfter long rest time antibiotics was the only thing that helped.details
K'lea20 daysdetails
ChristianeT20 daysdetails
noRa20 daysdetails
PatrickGarcia20 daysdetails
Ralph20 daysdetails
ShadowCaster20 daysdetails
Meli20 daysdetails
bdunn20 daysdetails
Ptr20 daysLite extra vila den här gången för att faktiskt bli helt frisk.details
Bridge20 daysdress warmly when biking to school, being sick sucks something awfuldetails
Bomb20 daysdetails
Chris20 daysdetails
Becks20 daysdetails
Nikolay20 daysdetails
J Anderson20 daysdetails
NM20 daysdetails
Tooms20 daysdetails
simmo20 daysdetails
mdryak20 daysPretty much recovered now...though a wee bit of a cough is still hanging on details
DrKeith20 daysdetails
sjreeve20 daysdetails
AliC20 daysdetails
Ursa20 daysdetails
katiepetersen20 daysdetails
atsip20 daysdetails
FJohnson20 daysdetails
bishop2220 daysdetails
Eerola20 dayskuumevirus. ei ollut streptokokkia enää veressä. kuume nousi 38.8aan ja poistu sittendetails
michalmy20 daysTime off work - days 5-9. Cephalexin (Keflex) 500mg - day 1-2. Clarithromycin (Klacid) 250mg - day 5-18. Breo Ellipta inhaler 225ug - day 11-24. Rikodeine Linctus 10mL - day 11-17.details
FJohnson20 daysdetails
darryn20 daysdetails
Sony20 daysdetails
rcro20 daysdetails
Elvis20 daysdetails
00720 daysdetails
AdrianV20 daysdetails
Tane20 daysdetails
SteveG20 daysTime...details
susan20 daysScratchy throat, now very snottery, took a long time to settle (seemed like it became a sinusitis really, but no antibiotics called for). details
susan20 daysHead cold, which remained as such, settling into some sort of sinusitis after a while. paulp's descent into repeated illness has reminded me that I finally stopped blowing my nose yesterdaydetails
orianateering20 daysdon't run the day you think you're getting sick details
lazydave21 daysdetails
Ineka21 daysNext time... have 2 days off and get a nice early sleep instead of wasting 3 weeks in bed!!details
simon8721 daysdetails
Grandpa Bagger21 daysdetails
mjd21 daysdetails
Ezy21 daysdetails
bcvlj21 daysAugmentin and time make it better.details
jeffw21 daysTiny, tiny cough left. Just gave it enough time.details
cortelmcm21 daysdetails
ironmom21 daysdetails
bcvlj21 daystime healed this one.details
LuT21 daysdetails
me!21 daysdetails
CathW21 daysdetails
Tanja21 daysdetails
cortelmcm21 daysdetails
bradc21 daysdetails
O-ing21 daysdetails
YouRNotHere21 daysFinally recovered from this cold and able to sleep thru the night. details
fluceluce21 daysdetails
Tullster21 daysdetails
ShotRat21 daysdetails
LOST_Richard21 daysdetails
bcvlj21 daystimedetails
Miller Time21 daysdetails
Stevek21 daysJust about recovered though still odd bad coughdetails
marmelad21 daysFår väl ses som frisk även om jag fortfarande är lite småtäppt fortfarandedetails
angleman21 daysdetails
darryn21 daysdetails
Santinia21 daysdetails
Fabi21 daysAntibiotiques et repos.details
hodgepodge21 daysdetails
Shep21 daysdetails
LisaC21 daysdetails
atsip21 daysdetails
MCh21 daysdetails
Nadim21 daysRest and sleep and time helped the recovery. It lingered long but hadn't bothered me too much the last week. details
schnitzer21 daysdetails
Saz21 daysdetails
O-ing21 daysHorrible running sinus, sore throat, blocked chest. Very productive for the first week and then gradually eased off over the next two. details
noRa21 daysdetails
Whitesheep21 daysJust one of the q harsh bugs going rounddetails
mary21 daysdetails
Homey21 daysdetails
axelhalvar21 daysVet ej vad som hände, men var inte helt frisk vid första "starten" så drogs ut en del. Jobbigt och återigen mentalt prov, nu blir det att sätta sig ner och kolla vad fan jag kan göra bättredetails
BanjoLasse21 daysdetails
jennyr21 daysdetails
boyle21 daysdetails
Ptr21 daysTiden fick gå, satte mig som recovered när jag inte tyckte det var så mycket kvar.details
Eric Johansson21 daysdetails
O-ing22 daysTook a while to go away. Continuing training (and racing) probably didn't helpdetails
cmorse22 daysdetails
Tane22 daysdetails
O-ing22 daysLong tail off, probably a case of cross-reservoir infectiondetails
mags2922 daysGet more rest.details
Bryn22 daysdetails
bishop2222 daysThis was too long to deal with breathing difficulty.details
darryn22 daysdetails
fluceluce22 daysdetails
Tane22 daysdetails
hkleaf22 daysdetails
jmnipen22 daysdetails
O Steve!22 daysdetails
Tane22 daysdetails
O Steve!22 daysboy, that was a tough it from Syd... details
jmnipen22 daysdetails
O9Man22 daysI guess I'm recovered... just in time to get sick again!details
Jayhar22 daysdetails
darryn22 daysdetails
Olly Williams =)22 daysdetails
bradc22 daysdetails
helehan22 daysdetails
Heather O22 daysCough pretty much gone now. Training and climbing holiday may have prolonged it but at least it didn't turn into anything worse...fingers crossed.details
justus22 daystime and sleep details
Miller Time22 daysdetails
Heather O22 daysdetails
bl22 daysdetails
Kestrel-O22 daysjust had to wait it outdetails
Rob128022 daysCortisone solved the problem immediately, but had adverse effects on my sugar control...details
K'lea22 daysdetails
Ansgar22 daysdetails
Stijn22 daysdetails
Tobben22 daysdetails
DWildfogel22 daysThis lingered for quite a while, not helped by continued travel, running in swamps on rainy days, etc.details
Nadim22 daysTook a long time to shake this. Going in and out of hot humid weather didn't help. The last few weeks it would come and go, sometimes depending on how hard I trained. details
troll feet22 daysJakemans menthol sweetsdetails
HitnHope22 daysJust went on and on. Gradually subsided over the last week. Never particularly nasty, just made me cough. details
troll feet22 dayswaiting - this time i ran with lower heart rate keeping 140 max on long runsdetails
nmulder22 daysdetails
mnomi122 daysfeeling close enough to consider this plague over. what a run! worst November virus in history!details
pi22 daysdetails
noRa22 daysdetails
Stijn22 daysdetails
ajriley22 daysdetails
boyle22 daysdetails
ba-ba22 daysdetails
Ezy23 daysdetails
xcsnowskier1423 daysIt started out really bad, then seemed like it went away for like 3 or days...then came back and stayed there for a while, i think that i probably could have recovered alot quicker if i hadnt been training so hard the past few weeks, but the cold wasnt really affecting me all that much and i needed to traindetails
bcvlj23 daysFinally feel like the cough and runny nose is gone.details
Runodk23 daysdetails
Alibongo23 daysdetails
Seamus23 daysdetails
lcut23 daysdetails
Mal23 daysdetails
Letarte23 daysdetails
K'lea23 daysdetails
jroach23 daysdetails
Howl_at_the_Moon23 daysCut out Anti inflams and now feeling much better. Shoulder is sore but preferable to alternative of asthma attacks and wheezyness. Weight starting to dropdetails
AliC23 daysdetails
Fatty_Goffe23 daysdetails
ol.micke23 daysTog till slut den riktiga vilan som jag behövde.. Att det drog ut så tror jag beror på att jag aldrig riktigt vilade som man bör..details
Dawnie23 daysdetails
Tane23 daysdetails
gaffelman23 daysMycket stillsamt liv hemma.details
Fabi23 daysRien de spécifique... hormis le sommeil et les vitamines...details
HitnHope23 daysIt dragged on for weeks. Persistent sore throat. Just needed to rest it out.details
Karhunpentu 23 daysdetails
K'lea23 daysdetails
GS23 daysummmmm.... sleep more? details
Piers Pirow23 daysNot sure its really finished but so tired of it now, as still cough and post nasal drip continues (allergies?). Have no final answer as tried everything... details
Lori23 daysdetails
lowees23 daysdetails
MikeRoss0423 daysI took so long to get better! I think I need to be much more aware about how much fruit I eatdetails
Roger G23 daysdetails
troll feet23 daysWaiting. Not 100% details
kurthu23 daysdetails
Ansgar23 daysdetails
Tom Wood23 daysNot Covonia - see pharmacist for advice straight away.details
briangardner23 daysdetails
DrKeith23 daysdetails
Russell23 daysdetails
Roger G23 daysdetails
biddy24 daysdetails
ziggyr24 daysdetails
Anvil24 daysdetails
the_latvian24 daysdetails
Nadim24 daysI just waited this one out and it has been going away very slowly. I probaby caught it from Max but he claims that I've been giving it back. details
Alibongo24 daysdetails
Anvil24 daysdetails
fluceluce24 daysdetails
kmor24 daysdetails
Tane24 daysdetails
O-ing24 daysStarted as conjunctivitis and runny nose. The itchy eyes were the worst aspect. Overall mild, moved to chest after a week. Then got a lot worse. Very productive and long lasting.details
MVB24 daysdetails
RachL24 daysdetails
fluceluce24 daysdetails
Strand24 daysdetails
coady24 daysdetails
ToddO24 daysdetails
ken24 daysdetails
Markus24 daysdetails
Chris24 daysdetails
annawallin24 daysdetails
Carl00624 daysdetails
BruceMeier24 daysdetails
Quicksilver24 daysFelt like two waves of a slow to leave cold... Maybe going running in pouring rain @ Deer Creek Hills wasn't the best idea... Actually scratch that it was awesome.details
emmaS24 daysrecovery: fluids, actually sleeping, being done exams/less stresseddetails
rcro24 daysdetails
michalmy24 daysCodral Day & Night - days 2-14 Bisolvon Chesty - days 3-14 Bisolvon Chesty Forte 8mg tabs - days 15-25 Flixotide inhaler 250μg - days 15-25 Moxifloxacin (Avelox) 400mg - days 18-22details
coach24 daysdetails
mood25 daysIt sucks to be sick! I don't really think that made any mistakes, I was just unlucky....details
grilla25 daysdetails
loudmansam25 daysdetails
simon8725 daysdetails
jwolff25 daysdetails
justus25 daysStill a little runny nose, but I will chalk it up to winter and cold weather. On vacation where it was warm I had no issue. details
JonasB25 daysdetails
MVB25 daysdetails
Julia (old log)25 daysdetails
O9Man25 daysdetails
Mal25 daysdetails
ToddO25 daysdetails
Backstreet Boy25 daysdetails
Georgia25 daysdetails
MikeMc25 daysdetails
nana25 daysdetails
Matt Hartland25 daysdetails
Mal25 daysdetails
Hirppa25 daysdetails
Knutern9725 daysAntibiotikadetails
Ansgar25 daysViel Tee, Ingwerdetails
Ansgar25 daysdetails
troll feet25 dayswaiting - just about over it. the odd tickledetails
mary25 daysdetails
Ansgar25 daysdetails
pepa.25 daysdetails
orienteeringTim26 days(seems recovered...) actually not yet recovered... = ="details
K'lea26 daysStill a bit blocked in the mornings and clear my nose when training. The word is it lasts around 12 weeks so will just put up with it I guess.details
vosvos26 daysdetails
O-ing26 daysThis was just a relapse after the very hard MTBOdetails
Sebba26 daysdetails
MMaxwell26 daysdetails
Clara26 daysdetails
NMFC26 daysdetails
loefaas26 daysdetails
Shep26 daysdetails
OJ26 daysThis one ran and ran. Kept on going away and then coming back after hard training. Never developed any bad symptoms, but felt over tired and run down for ages. details
Axe26 daysdetails
RachL26 dayschildren are germ factories and a job involving being in the same room as multiple sets of germy unhygienic children for about 7hours a day does not help with getting ill. to recover better - switch jobs!details
jonny crickmore26 daysdetails
ToddO26 daysdetails
karen26 daysdetails
dcady26 daysDoc thought it was a combo virus and bacterial. Just waited it out finally. Cough continues but only a little.details
pepa.26 daysSchleim im Hals war zäh und hielt sich lang. Nach dem Laufen gings. Jetzt ists einfach gesund. Punkt. details
Belurd26 daysDecided to begin trainings.details
troll feet26 daysdetails
Jono_O26 daysdetails
MatthewParton26 daysThis took waaaaaaaay to long to get over and in actual fact I think I picked up a second virus as I was recovering from the first. Lessons? Don't party and travel while trying to recover? Probsdetails
axelhalvar26 daysFick astmamedicin och det har i princip släppt helt. Tror det kan ha hängt ihop. Skön att det är slut iaf, testade verkligen min mentalitet nu under december månad.details
silje26 daysdetails
kurthu26 daysdetails
Mal26 daysdetails
susan26 daysLasted for aaaaages just producing lots of gank but feeling systemically fine. Rested it out.details
DrKeith26 daysdetails
DrKeith26 daysdetails
troll feet26 daysWaiting. No medicinesdetails
troll feet26 daysWaitingz probably got easier and easier mid may nth and no longer hacking cough. Sleeping at night has become easier details
Thompass26 daysdetails
cedrik26 daysEs hat sich irgendwie gezogen, da ich andauernd Trainingswochenenden hatte und damit immer wieder hohe Umfänge und/oder Intensitäten zusammen gekommen sind. details
Tane26 daysdetails
Becks27 daysCaused by standing in the cold rain for three days solid at a music festival, with albeit pretty minimal amounts of cider and less good food than usual. Resolved itself eventually, but coughing a little for ages after and runny nose. Finally seems to have gone completely.details
Alibongo27 daysdetails
Lori27 daysdetails
bcvlj27 daysCold MD ALMOST kept this one from getting out of control. Had 2-3 days of feeling better then BOOM it hit me bad. Had to do 5 days of Prednisone at 40mg per day to help wtih teh breathing. Rob/Cod at night to help with cough and sleep.details
bm27 daysdetails
boyle27 daysdetails
troll feet27 daysSeven days anti-biotics - 8th to 15th April Just about better 22nd April so now resume training.details
pi27 daysdetails
Domination27 daysdetails
Ptr27 daysdetails
elgar27 daysdetails
Georgia27 daysdetails
Freeheelpete27 daysdetails
GRennie27 daysTime...details
silje27 daysdetails
RyanE27 daysdetails
Shingo27 daysdetails
silje27 daysdetails
RJM27 daysdetails
salal28 daysdetails
O-ing28 daysdetails
Katrin H28 daysdetails
Bryn28 daysdetails
Rich28 daysdetails
justus28 daysdetails
mm-ha28 daysVitamins and Zinc helped doing the trick in the end...details
pauline28 daysI've still got a bit of a blocked nose & a sore throat at times, but I'm not sure whether it's the same cold or a succession of them. Still, I can exercise again, so I think I'll say it's over, even if it doesn't always feel like that (especially when I haven't had enough sleep).details
Akhilleus28 daysdetails
Craig28 daysdetails
Tullster28 daysdetails
Fly'n28 daysdetails
Shep28 daysdetails
noRa28 daysdetails
mjd28 daysdetails
00728 daysdetails
Ansgar28 daysdetails
LL28 daysdetails
darryn28 daysdetails
O-ing28 daysStarted as sneezing, got to the chest after 3 days and stayed there grumbly for the next 3 weeks. Not COVID - took a test. details
Tane29 daysdetails
A.Child29 daysUhmm... I just kinda took it in stride, but hydrate lots, get lots of sleep, wear a hat!details
Mona29 daysantibiotics, claritin + pseudoephedrine, afrin for a week (more than 3 days recomended), trip to FL details
K'lea29 daysdetails
Georgia29 daysdetails
ken29 daysdetails
justus29 daysdetails
ken29 daysmaybe this was two different things?details
spowell29 daysThink I'm more or less done with this. Too bad I got fat(ter) and slow(er) just in time for the weekend!details
Aoife29 daysHorrible hacking cough for hours, lasting for weeks. details
jmnipen29 daysdetails
iansmith29 daysdetails
noRa29 daysdetails
ChristianeT29 daysdetails
Kurt29 daysdetails
HitnHope29 daysHad to wait until I felt like running again. details
kwilliams29 daysdetails
riley mcfarlane 29 daysI knew it would take ages for it to get over, but it was extremely weak since asthma and my insanely strong immune system like to battle with each other when I get a viral infection.details
RimvydasA29 daysdetails
Hellyson29 daysdetails
duncanarcher29 daysPippa had been ill straight before this (when we were doing ML training) so probably from thatdetails
michalmy29 daysCodral Day & Night - days 1-4 Clarithromycin 500mg - days 5-11, 13-19 Amoxicillin 1500mg - days 13-19 Ventolin 200-400μg every 4 hours - day 13+ Rikodeine Linctus 30ml - day 13-17 2nd COVID test on day 24 Prednisone 25mg>6mg - day 25-33 Moxifloxacin 400mg - day 28-32details
Benham30 daysdetails
PhilW30 daysdetails
grroes30 days30 day illness! probably some form of pnuemonia.details
Riki30 daysdetails
PhilW30 daysTime restdetails
nana30 daysdetails
kwilliams30 daysdetails
Lotta30 daysdetails
fritzof30 daysdetails
K'lea30 daysTime and rest, antibiotics had little effect on the sinus issue. details
justus30 daysdetails
Rhesus30 daysdetails
ToddO30 daysHot-tub party caused this: hot-tubitis!details
eoinmcc30 daysdetails
silje30 daysdetails
Zed30 daysdetails
BGozza30 daysdetails
wilsmith31 daysWaaayyyy too much training all at once - and the usual prolonged recovery since I have sworn off asthma meds for the moment, for better or for worse....details
mindsweeper31 daysMay have been a more complicated affliction - cold / allergies / ozone pollution.details
abii.31 daysdetails
Fraser P31 daysdetails
Fraser P31 daysdetails
hag31 daysdetails
Mona31 daysNo idea.details
Brooner31 daysdetails
shanel31 daysdetails
johannesh31 daysdetails
Rainbow Unicorn31 daysdetails
skyhigh31 daysdetails
Heather O31 daysdetails
00731 daysHung around in sinuses for ages, on and off, perhaps didn't let it recover and got a bad cough and injured rib.. gradually better, pretty much gone (before a new cold starting). details
noRa31 daysdetails
iansmith31 daysRest, fluids, pseudoephedrine; the usual suspects. details
Freeheelpete31 daysdetails
majaporle31 daysdetails
ba-ba31 daysdetails
ShadowCaster31 dayslots of vitamin Cdetails
ironmom32 daysdetails
noken32 daysdetails
Lori32 daysdetails
Craig32 daysdetails
O-ing32 daysProbably 2 colds back to back. The second one hit with a lot of phlegm on June 10. details
Mal32 daysdetails
tcut32 daysRestdetails
justus32 daysdetails
michalmy32 daysAmoxycillin (days 4-7): immediate relief but cough got worse. Pulmicort inhaler (days 11+). Tilade inhaler (days 11-27). Codeine Linctus (day 11-31). Day 16: 3rd GP visit. Tells me I've had pneumonia. Klacid (days 16-22) Prednisolone 25mg (days 16-19, 27-35) Avelox (days 27-36), Bricanyl inhaler (days 27+)details
FJohnson32 daysdetails
DrKeith32 daysdetails
Henerzz32 daysdetails
HebeD32 daysSome kind of virus combined with stress - knocked me out in a way thats never happened before. Just continuous rest and drinking eventually helped it go awaydetails
Reef33 daysdetails
Bomb33 daysdetails
Fly'n33 daysdetails
Pooleta33 daysdetails
firbanator33 daysdetails
Zed33 daysPrednisolone- need it earlier next time. Antibiotics.details
DrKeith33 daysdetails
tcut33 daysdetails
Hobitas33 daysdetails
Dooby33 daysdetails
JanetT33 daysFinally went to doctor who put me on a nebulizer in the office, then a two-week weaning dose of prednisone. Albuterol inhaler to open up passages helped me through three days of the Georgia Navigator cup, once I learned how to use it. details
simmo33 daysdetails
Bruce34 daysTook longer than expected to recover. A week of no training and keeping out of the cold seemed to shake most of it.details
Rosenstiel34 daysdetails
Pyroxpert34 daysdetails
jeliasson34 daysdetails
Jenja34 daysdetails
pauline34 daysdetails
Rhesus34 daysdetails
Shep34 daysdetails
ToddO34 daysdetails
O Steve!34 daysdioxicillin was the last think given....was that what worked? that was after the z pack.... also allergies may have played a role (to mold) with ashtmadetails
Anvil34 daysdetails
noRa34 daysdetails
Clone34 daysNothing helped here...details
Pete34 daysdetails
Shep35 daysmaybe not a cold - doctor suggested it is hayfever which can have symptoms similar to a "permanent cold". more of an annoyance, although i do feel fatigued and pretty fucken irritable!details
MMaxwell35 daysdetails
٩(•̮̮̃•̃)۶35 daysdetails
Katrin H35 daysdetails
Alibongo35 daysdetails
Lori35 daysdetails
conör35 daysdetails
Steffen35 daysdetails
JennyJ35 daysdetails
kwilliams35 daysdetails
hodgepodge35 dayslet myself get dehydrated. couldn't sleep at the outset, but not much to be done about that.details
troll feet35 daysWaiting. Have been running thru the illness tho it has caused me to miss Langdale and do shorter courses than otherwisedetails
taylamarche35 daysdetails
O-ing35 daysVirus. Useless antibiotics on doctors advice for first week.details
darryn35 daysdetails
Bomb35 daysdetails
Santinia35 daysdetails
Freeheelpete35 daysdetails
BanjoLasse36 daysdetails
Craig36 daysTook a long time for nose to clear completely, may have been several illnesses running together.details
fritzof36 daysdetails
cortelmcm36 daysdetails
inTIMidator36 daysMedsdetails
pauline36 daysdetails
Anvil36 daysdetails
noRa36 daysdetails
Kalgman36 daysdetails
duncanarcher36 daysTook ages to shake it off. Probably not helped by trip to India and London and lots of air conditioned airports, hotels and offices.details
Jubby37 daysFinally think that cold is over....whew, what a monster!!details
jet37 daysdetails
PhilW37 daysStill a bit of stuffiness in the ear...but not too bad except when the allergies are bad.details
Tullster37 daysdetails
bcvlj37 daysdetails
K'lea37 daysdetails
BigAl37 daysdetails
O-ing37 daysthree weeks of serious gunk from chestdetails
RosieWatson37 daysdetails
Linear Ice37 daysdetails
00737 daysdetails
BenSquire37 daysdetails
Dooby37 daysdetails
jeffd38 daysneverending... over a month of head cold. wtf?details
White Kenyan38 daysdetails
bcvlj38 daysthe steroid really helpeddetails
nana38 daysdetails
boyle38 daysdetails
JamieP38 dayswarm weather in berkeleydetails
Knutern9738 daysdetails
rcro38 daysdetails
Isak Dalin38 daysdetails
hbeatrixx38 daysApparently I have reactive airways and it's not normal to need 4-6 weeks' recovery time after a cold before my lungs start to regain strength again. Doctor prescribed a new inhaler, breo ellipta, and it's been magic. Started helping instantly. details
silje38 daysdetails
kelliew39 daysdetails
NMFC39 daysdetails
Ezy39 daysdetails
Tooms39 daysAny aerobic exercise made it feel better but then sore afterwards. Yoghurt and ice-cream were good for it and I found one mouthful of milk would stop it hurting enough to be able to fall asleep - presumably the fat in the milk? Damn frustrating to lose my sense of taste, hope that returns soon...details
igor_39 daysdetails
hodgepodge39 daysvery gradually recovered. left feeling like I have mononucleosis, needing lots of sleep, very often tired.details
ShotRat39 daysdetails
troll feet39 daysCough mainly gone. Head cold now in its place which for running purposes I can cope with. Back to the training with SL upon us details
Tane39 daysdetails
bradc39 daysdetails
PhilW40 daysMore or less recovered. Probably more allergies than cold since it has really only been bad a few days, but really bad when it was bad. details
Möhkis40 daysdetails
Mal40 daysGig then pubdetails
fluceluce40 daysdetails
00740 daysdetails
Oxoman41 daysdetails
Freeheelpete41 daysdetails
jwolff41 daysdetails
Imogenpieters41 daysdetails
A.Child42 daysdetails
kate42 daysdetails
Bridge42 daysDon't fucking run with chest congestion, ya morondetails
FJohnson42 daysdetails
MikeMc43 daysdetails
drewi43 daysI need more sleep. =(details
Runodk43 daysdetails
salal43 daysdetails
gg43 daysdetails
O-ing43 daysCortisone, 3 courses of antibiotics and 43 days. What a nightmare resident evil colddetails
Markus43 daysdetails
FJohnson43 daysdetails
Henerzz43 daysdetails
Utoirra44 daysdetails
helehan45 daysdetails
Ghost45 daysI will mark this as recovered although I am still hacking a little, mostly at night. I would definatly highly recommend getting a Pertussis booster to anyone. This has been one hell of a sickness. details
nickm45 daysdetails
Badger45 daysdetails
atsip45 daysdetails
justus46 daysdetails
MikeMc46 daysdetails
O-ing46 daysStrange one - part allergy. details
Jared47 daysSeems to have faded away. That was a long one.details
Slowe47 daysdetails
silje47 daysdetails
mrsb47 daysBetter quality sleep needed.details
slow-twitch48 daysdetails
grilla48 daysdetails
Tane48 daysdetails
K'lea48 daysdetails
axelhalvar48 daysInte helt bra men pollensäsongen har dragit igång på riktigt nu tror inte det är förkylning.details
nana49 daysdetails
bcvlj49 daystime made it better.details
prez ret50 daysdetails
Ralph50 daysdetails
calum51 daysantibiotics seem to have done the job.details
Georgia51 daysdetails
salal51 daysDragged out, and was still getting swollen lymph nodes for ages... not really sure if it was something more than a cold?details
LuT51 daysdetails
DominicGreen51 daysdetails
orienteeringTim52 daysshould be cureddetails
CHARLIE-B52 daysTime.details
simon8752 daysdetails
E-li-sha53 daysdetails
noRa53 daysdetails
Rainbow Unicorn54 daysR & R in Florida was great. Daycare germs will be tough for the next few months.details
justus55 daysdetails
Faceplant57 daysIdk what I had so idk. details
3m58 daysPretty sure it was the virus i had for two to three months last year at the same time... constant cough and then it just hangs around for ages! Cough medicine and staying out of the cold weather helps. details
rskyles58 daysdetails
fn58 daysKänner mig nu ändå fysiskt på bättringsvägen. Kan varit lite allergi också.details
Grafaz59 daysTikiuosi kad pasveikaudetails
silje59 daysdetails
3m60 daysApparently this didnt go in a week, pretty sure it was several sicknesses one after the other.. be more careful about washing hands and eating at work, early nights and probably need some immune boosting vitamins, seeing as I am always catching cold things! details
RosieWatson61 daysdetails
benjw61 daysdetails
Hapardi61 daysdetails
justus62 daysdetails
Shep62 daysdetails
JoeHudd62 daysdetails
Tane64 daysdetails
Loopy Lou64 daysdetails
CharlieRennie64 daysdetails
krickle65 daysdetails
JuraMac65 daysdetails
Grafaz65 daysdetails
RosieWatson66 daysMore chill timedetails
Charli67 daysdetails
philm6467 daystime, etc, was shit, who knows why. Coronavirus? details
fn68 daysdetails
Tullster69 daysdetails
00769 daysdetails
Ansgar69 daysdetails
wrightdirection69 daysdetails
mindsweeper70 daysI don't remember exactly when I recovered, only that it was after more than two months.details
Craig70 daysdetails
White Kenyan70 daysdetails
CHARLIE-B71 daysI'm at a loss. details
lucyfleming72 daysdetails
JL73 daysJobbade hårt med SL när jag egentligen borde vilat. Hade dock inte så mycket val. Slog hårt, tyvärr. Sjukdomen över iom slut på antibiotikakuren.details
ToddO73 daysdetails
Shep74 daysdetails
Bender74 daysdetails
Lori77 daysdetails
kysulis77 daysKol kas atrodo, kad isgyjau. Geriau Ginkoprim, ir riaugejau mentoliudetails
Rosstopher79 daysCalling Jan 1st amnesty day for injuries details
Ralph82 daysdetails
firbanator82 daysdetails
PhilW83 daysMore or lessdetails
JonasB84 daysDon't get sick. Period.details
Lotta85 daysdetails
silje85 daysdetails
noRa86 daysdetails
Rich88 daysdetails
silje89 daysdetails
Bridge91 daysdetails
mindsweeper92 daysdetails
Rich93 daysdetails
bigbluemarble96 daysdetails
susan97 daysdetails
OJ98 daysdetails
jcolleran98 daysdetails
Ron99 daysdetails
noRa100 daysdetails
mmcleod101 daysdetails
Ptr102 daysVänta vänta vänta.. gjorde lungröntgen, datortomografi på lungorna och fick testa slemlösande hostmedicin som inte gjorde vare sig till eller från. Till slut var det bara tiden som gjorde det.details
Lori107 daysdetails
vosvos107 daysdetails
pauline109 daysdetails
ba-ba111 daysdetails
Rich112 daysdetails
silje112 daysdetails
fritzof114 days3 gånger gillt. details
FlavieD114 daysdetails
mary115 daysdetails
Spongey118 daysdetails
mindsweeper118 daysdetails
Anvil120 daysdetails
Tylereight124 daysdetails
2bbless137 daysdetails
Jerritt141 daysdetails
Hanzie153 daysdetails
AC166 daysdetails
Acadien169 daysdetails
Mal182 daysdetails
Mike B184 daysdetails
fenry187 daysdetails
Brodie Nank198 daysKeep warmdetails
biddy241 daysdetails
HelenB257 daysdetails
fredder270 daysstaledetails
Brodie Nank328 daysdetails
conör331 daysdetails
Roger G366 daysdetails
BIGpete368 days18 hour sleep on monday back to work on tuesdaydetails
bhmb370 daysdetails
dirtyshoes370 daysdetails
kysulis380 daysdetails
jmnipen381 daysdetails
Renntier382 daysSchlechte Erholung und zu wenig Schlaf nach Berglaufcup. Doppelerkältung 2x angesteckt...details
janck_ol383 daysdetails
Ralph392 daysdetails
Manney1428 daysdetails
jonnyq488 daysdetails
Hanzie488 daysdetails
Gilou553 daysdetails
pauline558 daysdetails
Frozen Fries615 daysdetails
Katashunis690 daysdetails
JakeChapman13765 daysdetails
tstreet1020 daysdetails
Rhesus1596 daysdetails
theshadow1680 daysdetails
Career Move2109 daysdetails
White Kenyan2352 daysdetails
DaveR2+ daysdetails
annanisi14+ daysdetails
DominicGreen17+ daysdetails
Ansgar20+ daysdetails
GregMay29+ daysdetails
mrsb41+ daysdetails
Career Move65+ daysdetails
finn duguid67+ daysdetails
Rafael Miguel108+ daysdetails
sberg143+ daysdetails
ElBales188+ daysdetails
salal213+ daysdetails
saraabom296+ daysdetails
carolineheloise337+ daysdetails
ColmM371+ daysdetails
Töbörvadász411+ daysdetails
AlexB474+ daysdetails
Janou486+ daysdetails
annawallin692+ daysdetails
guerfondler731+ daysdetails
lena.baath 752+ daysdetails
lena.baath 752+ daysdetails
bhancock758+ daysdetails
bhancock758+ daysdetails
bhancock758+ daysdetails
conradreuber819+ daysdetails
jackatear841+ daysdetails
ViJi957+ daysdetails
JCallender1170+ daysdetails
EmiliaS1313+ daysdetails
carolineheloise1339+ daysdetails
Hanuta1344+ daysdetails
Rich1525+ daysdetails
emmaeliasson1572+ daysdetails
emmaeliasson1573+ daysdetails
emmaeliasson1574+ daysdetails
Damian Sands1625+ daysdetails
carolineheloise1625+ daysdetails
Ellipropelli1637+ daysdetails
vaulter8021683+ daysdetails
Herbz1701+ daysdetails
HåkonRB1796+ daysdetails
Cbruce221811+ daysdetails
fra_n951823+ daysdetails
DunDuns1855+ daysdetails
GhostGirl1917+ daysdetails
zac h1972+ daysdetails
carolineheloise1991+ daysdetails
carolineheloise2029+ daysdetails
zac h2071+ daysdetails
carolineheloise2155+ daysdetails
Arnold2163+ daysdetails
sarahgrenberg2264+ daysdetails
Ktirone2278+ daysdetails
derflixx2302+ daysdetails
Olivia2336+ daysdetails
camd2344+ daysdetails
oldslowme2406+ daysdetails
jessensoll2421+ daysdetails
elgar2431+ daysdetails
@nj@2595+ daysdetails
elgar2651+ daysdetails
freddiec2654+ daysdetails
PlB2686+ daysdetails
Micke2699+ daysdetails
NM2759+ daysdetails
elgar2784+ daysdetails
Bernard2790+ daysdetails
bettypur2888+ daysdetails
gregorysorensen2914+ daysdetails
Brentman2932+ daysdetails
carolineheloise2998+ daysdetails
arianna3003+ daysdetails
J S3017+ daysdetails
J S3018+ daysdetails
jessicashaw103037+ daysdetails
jkunz113042+ daysdetails
Lexc3061+ daysdetails
Zan3083+ daysdetails
elgar3105+ daysdetails
emmawilson3133+ daysdetails
Kgroop3147+ daysdetails
theshadow3170+ daysdetails
Redmike3179+ daysdetails
Gigi G.3188+ daysdetails
Josefov3258+ daysdetails
Josefov3258+ daysdetails
carolineheloise3272+ daysdetails
cyoungberg3325+ daysdetails
cyoungberg3330+ daysdetails
Treadlie3353+ daysdetails
be rad3356+ daysdetails
GGrindley3360+ daysdetails
teresawinn3366+ daysdetails
SophieP3380+ daysdetails
Grzesiu3386+ daysdetails
rileydejong3390+ daysdetails
Clueless 3403+ daysdetails
Sofiaa3420+ daysdetails
Ellie:)3448+ daysdetails
mikeyA3449+ daysdetails
Schweigerjonas3454+ daysdetails
gwjxcski3509+ daysdetails
nfrank933535+ daysdetails
devonbeckman3582+ daysdetails
Rinni3611+ daysdetails
B&B3655+ daysdetails
Pepe3707+ daysdetails
Josy3708+ daysdetails
lambo3747+ daysdetails
Alaimo 3758+ daysdetails
StasiaKr.3762+ daysdetails
StasiaKr.3763+ daysdetails
FluffyPtarmigan3776+ daysdetails
bara.ma3800+ daysdetails
bara.ma3800+ daysdetails
bara.ma3800+ daysdetails
bara.ma3800+ daysdetails
bara.ma3800+ daysdetails
bara.ma3800+ daysdetails
mattVsw3819+ daysdetails
lostrunner3824+ daysdetails
Kayak Coach Jim3840+ daysdetails
Giac3881+ daysdetails
WillRigg3902+ daysdetails
FinnLydon3927+ daysdetails
MatiasKOK3982+ daysdetails
Carrin3988+ daysdetails
A.Child4056+ daysdetails
martin(uk)4071+ daysdetails
Runodk4097+ daysdetails
xcsnowskier144115+ daysdetails
Jamie Stevenson4129+ daysdetails
hobbyjogger4181+ daysdetails
MegZ4280+ daysdetails
leadweight4288+ daysdetails
leanncrosby4345+ daysdetails
SecArch4358+ daysdetails
RunDivaKB4451+ daysdetails
Lotte4492+ daysdetails
gogogo4497+ daysdetails
cdenisclimb4509+ daysdetails
rachael4548+ daysdetails
o-pia4568+ daysdetails
xcskierdad4590+ daysdetails
xcskierdad4591+ daysdetails
twosome4623+ daysdetails
Stroud4637+ daysdetails
badams24715+ daysdetails
Seymour Butts4755+ daysdetails
greg sorensen4792+ daysdetails
AdamColvin4802+ daysdetails
katerade174807+ daysdetails
katerade174808+ daysdetails
Blood&Sweat4819+ daysdetails
broncobilly4828+ daysdetails
mp004873+ daysdetails
kmusic3814882+ daysdetails
Anne Fluke4888+ daysdetails
Francois4891+ daysdetails
jelly4898+ daysdetails
Ruhis4928+ daysdetails
fran_flevine5119+ daysdetails
Joel5137+ daysdetails
nolimit5166+ daysdetails
julzy5175+ daysdetails
Laughingwater5182+ daysdetails
Laughingwater5183+ daysdetails
kja5191+ daysdetails
Jack B5205+ daysdetails
lazybones5215+ daysdetails
steph.gaudreau5224+ daysdetails
Stefan5290+ daysdetails
emme5325+ daysdetails
emme5325+ daysdetails
emme5325+ daysdetails
Locke Locksen5330+ daysdetails
Indėnas5363+ daysdetails
AndrewSalmon5445+ daysdetails
StampedeDave5566+ daysdetails
will5610+ daysdetails
will5646+ daysdetails
PipSqueak5680+ daysdetails
Andy Hyslop5706+ daysdetails
Florence Haines5720+ daysdetails
Heffer5755+ daysdetails
Gubbs5875+ daysdetails
Gubbs5875+ daysdetails
Gubbs5875+ daysdetails
RVeliz5945+ daysdetails
chrizz5994+ daysdetails
norrisc5997+ daysdetails
Ironguille6051+ daysdetails
Lk6286+ daysdetails
Chase6289+ daysdetails
LpDeLaRosa6335+ daysdetails
Ogden6349+ daysdetails
µ6426+ daysdetails
µ6430+ daysdetails
GOUGER6431+ daysdetails
µ6431+ daysdetails
Peter6447+ daysdetails